2. Howard William Fisher, son of Harry Fisher and Sylvia Hathaway Hoyt, was born on 10 May 1924 in Detroit, Wayne Co, MI, USA,1 died on 2 Jul 2005 in Plymouth, Wayne Co, Michigan, USA at age 81, and was buried on 5 Jul 2005 in Cedar Cemetery, Cedarville, Mackinac Co., MI, USA.
General Notes: Howard graduated from high school in June of 1943 and was drafted in July 1943. He served in World War II in New Guinea and the Philippine Islands. He went to Detroit Business College when he got out of the service.
Howard married Marjorie Joyce Mathews.
Children from this marriage were:
1 i. Anne Hathaway Fisher
ii. Peggy Louise Fisher
iii. John Howard Fisher
3. Marjorie Joyce Mathews
Marjorie married Howard William Fisher. Howard was born on 10 May 1924 in Detroit, Wayne Co, MI, USA,1 died on 2 Jul 2005 in Plymouth, Wayne Co, Michigan, USA at age 81, and was buried on 5 Jul 2005 in Cedar Cemetery, Cedarville, Mackinac Co., MI, USA.
4. Harry Fisher, son of Alexander and Ann Jane Hand, was born on 9 Sep 1891 in Sault Ste. Marie, Chippewa Co, MI, USA,2 died on 7 Sep 1977 in Detroit, Wayne Co, MI, USA3 at age 85, and was buried in Parkview Cemetery, Livonia, Wayne Co, MI, USA.3 Another name for Harry was Harry Hand.4
General Notes: The 1900 Chippewa Co, MI, USA Census lists Harry Hand age 8 living with his grandparents, Win and Catherine Hand. This census report states that Harry was born in month 9 and year 91. The years of birth for his grandparents are 10 years off. The 1910 Chippewa Co Census lists Harry Fisher age 17 living with his grandparents, Win and Catherine Hand. This census was taken on 28 April 1910. This would make Harry's year of birth 1893. His Mother was never married to his father. She later married Mr Henry Fisher and I was told by Harry that he was the only one of his mother's 7 husbands to treat him nicely so he took the name of Fisher. Harry served in France during WW I. He was a foreman and purchasing agent for the Wonder Bread Company which was owned by Continental Baking Company.
Harry stated his birth was in 1897, but also stated that he had lied in a lot of records and was confused about his correct birth year.
The 1900 and 1910 census records state that Harry's father is "unknown". Harry's marriage license to Sylvia states that his father is "unknown". In his application for a social security number, Harry lists his father as Harry Fisher.
Harry married Sylvia Hathaway Hoyt 5 on 20 Aug 1921 in Battle Creek, Calhoun Co, MI, USA.5 Sylvia was born on 26 Jan 1900 in Downs, Kingfisher Co, OK, USA,6 died on 20 Oct 1976 in Detroit, Wayne Co, MI, USA3 at age 76, and was buried in Parkview Cemetery, Livonia, Wayne Co, MI, USA.3
Children from this marriage were:
i. Harry Anson Fisher (born on 10 Sep 1922 in Detroit, Wayne Co, MI, USA - died on 9 Oct 1991 in Commerce Twp, Oakland Co, MI, USA)
2 ii. Howard William Fisher (born on 10 May 1924 in Detroit, Wayne Co, MI, USA - died on 2 Jul 2005 in Plymouth, Wayne Co, Michigan, USA)
5. Sylvia Hathaway Hoyt,5 daughter of William Henry Hoyt and Frances Lamira Hathaway, was born on 26 Jan 1900 in Downs, Kingfisher Co, OK, USA,6 died on 20 Oct 1976 in Detroit, Wayne Co, MI, USA3 at age 76, and was buried in Parkview Cemetery, Livonia, Wayne Co, MI, USA.3
General Notes: Downs, Oklahoma no longer exists. It is now Cashion, Oklahoma. Sylvia was born in Oklahoma when it was still a territory. Her father, William Hoyt, was born in Michigan. His family left Michigan and moved to Wisconsin, Kansas and then settled in Oklahoma in 1890. William Hoyt returned to Michigan and married Frances Hathaway. Tthey had a farm and a harness shop in Cashion, Oklahoma. William developed pernicious anemia and gradually grew weaker. They decided to return to Michigan to seek medical treatment for William. They moved back to Michigan in 1906. Sylvia was raised in Porter Twp, Van Buren Co., MI, USA.
Sylvia married Harry Fisher on 20 Aug 1921 in Battle Creek, Calhoun Co, MI, USA.5 Harry was born on 9 Sep 1891 in Sault Ste. Marie, Chippewa Co, MI, USA,2 died on 7 Sep 1977 in Detroit, Wayne Co, MI, USA3 at age 85, and was buried in Parkview Cemetery, Livonia, Wayne Co, MI, USA.3 Another name for Harry was Harry Hand.4
6. Andrew Joseph Mathews, son of Andrej Jozef Maçus and Mary Victoria Estock, was born on 14 Jun 1901 in Sugar Notch, Luzerne Co., PA, USA, died on 4 Jun 1954 in Detroit, Wayne Co, MI, USA at age 52, and was buried in Cedar Cemetery, Cedarville, Mackinac Co., MI, USA.
General Notes: Andrew worked nights at the coal mines and went to Wilkes-Barre Business College. After he graduated in 1920 he moved to Detroit, Michigan. He was an appliance salesman and later became a Detroit police officer.
Andrew married Ellen Augusta Nye on 2 Aug 1924 in Detroit, Wayne Co, MI, USA. Ellen was born on 1 Jan 1906 in Hessel, Mackinac Co., MI, USA,7 died on 19 Mar 1998 in St Ignace, Mackinac Co., MI, USA8 at age 92, and was buried in Cedar Cemetery, Cedarville, Mackinac Co., MI, USA. Other names for Ellen were Ellen Augusta Mathews, Ellen Augusta Nojd, Ellen Augusta Noyd,9 Ellen Augusta Lamoreaux, and Ellen Mathews Lamoreaux.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Shirley Deane Mathews
3 ii. Marjorie Joyce Mathews
iii. Andrew Joseph Mathews III
iv. Nancy Lee Mathews
v. Connie Marie Mathews
7. Ellen Augusta Nye, daughter of Karl August Karlsson and Dorthea Mortensen, was born on 1 Jan 1906 in Hessel, Mackinac Co., MI, USA,7 died on 19 Mar 1998 in St Ignace, Mackinac Co., MI, USA8 at age 92, and was buried in Cedar Cemetery, Cedarville, Mackinac Co., MI, USA. Other names for Ellen were Ellen Augusta Mathews, Ellen Augusta Nojd, Ellen Augusta Noyd,9 Ellen Augusta Lamoreaux, and Ellen Mathews Lamoreaux.
General Notes: Ellen was 12 years old when her father died. One year later her mother married William Johnson who was a widower. When Ellen was age 14 and had completed the 8th grade he told her she was old enough to leave home and support herself. This was normal for that time. He had a daughter named, Ellen, who was about the same age as Ellen. He told the same thing to his daughter. The two Ellens were very good friends. Ellen moved to St. Ignace and worked as waitresses in a restaurant. Ellen said this was her favorite time as she was on her own and did not have any adults telling her what to do. When she was 17 years old she moved to Detroit and worked as a telephone operator.
Ellen married Andrew Joseph Mathews on 2 Aug 1924 in Detroit, Wayne Co, MI, USA. Andrew was born on 14 Jun 1901 in Sugar Notch, Luzerne Co., PA, USA, died on 4 Jun 1954 in Detroit, Wayne Co, MI, USA at age 52, and was buried in Cedar Cemetery, Cedarville, Mackinac Co., MI, USA.
8. Alexander
Alexander never married Ann Jane Hand.10 11 Ann was born on 22 Sep 1871 in Orangeville, Wellington Co, Ontario, Canada,12 was christened on 5 Nov 1871 in Orangeville, Wellington Co, Ontario, Canada,12 died on 3 Feb 1956 in Westland, Wayne Co, MI, USA3 at age 84, and was buried in Parkview Cemetery, Livonia, Wayne Co, MI, USA.3 Other names for Ann were Jennie Reynolds,13 Jennie Fisher,13 Mrs Henry Fisher,13 Jennie Garigan,14 Jennie Bush,13 Mrs. T. K. Bush,13 Mrs. Jennie Adams,13 Mrs. Joseph Hart,13 Mrs. Jennie Hart, Jennie Pruner,3 Mrs. Harold Pruner, and15 Jennie Hand.16
The child from this marriage was:
4 i. Harry Fisher (born on 9 Sep 1891 in Sault Ste. Marie, Chippewa Co, MI, USA - died on 7 Sep 1977 in Detroit, Wayne Co, MI, USA)
9. Ann Jane Hand,10 11 daughter of Winn Hand and Catherine Bradley, was born on 22 Sep 1871 in Orangeville, Wellington Co, Ontario, Canada,12 was christened on 5 Nov 1871 in Orangeville, Wellington Co, Ontario, Canada,12 died on 3 Feb 1956 in Westland, Wayne Co, MI, USA3 at age 84, and was buried in Parkview Cemetery, Livonia, Wayne Co, MI, USA.3 Other names for Ann were Jennie Reynolds,13 Jennie Fisher,13 Mrs Henry Fisher,13 Jennie Garigan,14 Jennie Bush,13 Mrs. T. K. Bush,13 Mrs. Jennie Adams,13 Mrs. Joseph Hart,13 Mrs. Jennie Hart, Jennie Pruner,3 Mrs. Harold Pruner, and15 Jennie Hand.16
General Notes: Ann Jane always used the name "Jennie". She was buried under the name of Jennie Pruner. She was married 7 times but never married to Harry's father. 17
Research Notes: 1908 Soo City Directory
Harry Fisher, lab, boards 1006 Tweed
King Bush, lab resides 1006 Tweed
1909 Soo City Directory
Harry Fisher, lab resides 103 Newton Ave
King Bush, Private Co G 26th Inf USA Fort Brady
Winn Hand, City Pound Master 103 Newton Ave 18
Ann never married Alexander.
Ann married Andrew Reynolds on 20 Mar 1890 in Sault Ste. Marie, Algoma Co, Ontario, Canada.,19 son of Joseph Reynolds and Margaret. Andrew was born about 1867 in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. They had no children.
Ann next married Henry Fisher in 1901 in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Bernalillo Co, USA.20 Henry was born about 1861 in WI, USA and died on 17 Jul 1902 in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Bernalillo Co, USA about age 41.
The child from this marriage was:
i. Farrell C Fisher (born on 2 Jul 1902 in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Bernalillo Co, USA - died on 7 May 1903 in Sault Ste. Marie, Chippewa Co, MI, USA)
Ann next married James Garigan. They had no children.
Ann next married T. King Bush. They had no children.
Ann next married Unknown Adams. They had no children.
Ann next married Joseph Hart. They had no children.
Ann next married Harold Pruner. They had no children.
10. William Henry Hoyt, son of Hiram C Hoyt and Sylvia M Watkins, was born on 4 Sep 1849 in Prairie Ronde, Kalamazoo Co, MI, USA and died on 2 Oct 1906 in Ann Arbor, Washtenaw Co, MI, USA at age 57.
General Notes: William married first Ellen Bigford who died 11 Jun 1879.
William and his parents and siblings moved to Oklahoma in 1889 at the time of the "Land Run". He had a harness shop in Downs and lived in Cashion. He took a patent to NW 29-12N-4W and his wife, Francis bought the W SW 6-T15N-R5W near Reeding.
William married Frances Lamira Hathaway on 3 Feb 1897 in Porter Twp, Van Buren Co, MI, USA. Frances was born on 26 Jun 1858 in Porter Twp, Van Buren Co, MI, USA and died on 14 Jan 1933 in Detroit, Wayne Co, MI, USA at age 74.
Children from this marriage were:
5 i. Sylvia Hathaway Hoyt (born on 26 Jan 1900 in Downs, Kingfisher Co, OK, USA - died on 20 Oct 1976 in Detroit, Wayne Co, MI, USA)
ii. Lynn Anson Hoyt (born on 15 Feb 1903 in Cashion, Kingfisher Co, OK, USA - died on 20 Aug 1962 in Laramie, WY, USA)
11. Frances Lamira Hathaway, daughter of Anson Hemans Hathaway and Experience Reynnells, was born on 26 Jun 1858 in Porter Twp, Van Buren Co, MI, USA and died on 14 Jan 1933 in Detroit, Wayne Co, MI, USA at age 74.
General Notes: Frances was age 38 when she married. She was age 41 when she had her first child and 43 when she had her second child. I have several letters that were written by Frances' family. They were quite shocked that she would marry and move out to the "wilds" of Oklahoma. They were especially surprised that she had child at her age out in the middle of nowhere.
Frances married William Henry Hoyt on 3 Feb 1897 in Porter Twp, Van Buren Co, MI, USA. William was born on 4 Sep 1849 in Prairie Ronde, Kalamazoo Co, MI, USA and died on 2 Oct 1906 in Ann Arbor, Washtenaw Co, MI, USA at age 57.
12. Andrej Jozef Maçus, son of Jozef Ján Maçus and Maria Anna Havrilla, was born on 6 Jan 1876 in Šiba, Saris Co., Slovakia, died on 18 Aug 1944 in Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne Co., PA, USA21 at age 68, and was buried in Holy Family Cemetery, Sugar Notch, PA. Another name for Andrej was Andrew Joseph Matthews.
General Notes: He came to the USA at the age of 12. In Pennsylvania he worked in the mines at no. 9 Colliery where he became a mine foreman. He was an excellent carpenter and built houses. He was married at Sacred Heart Church in Wilkes-Barre by Reverand Joseph Murgas ( he was a famous radio priest ). He also worked at no. 20 mine in Ashley. He died of a stroke.
Andrej married Mary Victoria Estock on 10 Jul 1899 in Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne Co., PA, USA. Mary was born on 23 Dec 1882 in White Haven, Luzerne Co, PA, USA, died on 21 Jun 1931 in Sugar Notch, Luzerne Co., PA, USA at age 48, and was buried in Holy Family Cemetery, Sugar Notch, PA.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Joseph Matthews (born in 1900 in Sugar Notch, Luzerne Co., PA, USA - died about 1900 in Sugar Notch, Luzerne Co., PA, USA)
6 ii. Andrew Joseph Mathews (born on 14 Jun 1901 in Sugar Notch, Luzerne Co., PA, USA - died on 4 Jun 1954 in Detroit, Wayne Co, MI, USA)
iii. George Aloysius Matthews (born on 12 Jan 1904 in Sugar Notch, Luzerne Co., PA, USA - died in 1991 in Vandergrift, Westmoreland Co, PA, USA)
iv. Margaret Marcella Matthews (born on 11 Feb 1906 in Sugar Notch, Luzerne Co., PA, USA - died on 15 Mar 1989, buried in St. Mary's Cemetery, Hanover Twp, Luzerne Co, PA, USA)
v. Edmund John Matthews (born on 30 May 1908 in Sugar Notch, Luzerne Co., PA, USA - died on 9 Mar 1936 in Sugar Notch, Luzerne Co., PA, USA)
vi. Joseph Francis Matthews (born on 14 Oct 1910 in Sugar Notch, Luzerne Co., PA, USA - died on 23 May 1991 in Danville, PA, USA)
vii. Mary Cecelia Mathews
viii. Thomas Leo Mathews I (born on 25 Oct 1917 in Sugar Notch, Luzerne Co., PA, USA - died on 19 May 2002 in Plymouth, Wayne Co., MI, USA)
13. Mary Victoria Estock, daughter of Ján Istok and Anna Paulina Husivargá, was born on 23 Dec 1882 in White Haven, Luzerne Co, PA, USA, died on 21 Jun 1931 in Sugar Notch, Luzerne Co., PA, USA at age 48, and was buried in Holy Family Cemetery, Sugar Notch, PA.
General Notes: The name Estock means tip of the sword or dagger. In Hungarian it is "Istok", Czech it is "Estock" and in Polish or German it is "Estok".
Mary married Andrej Jozef Maçus on 10 Jul 1899 in Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne Co., PA, USA. Andrej was born on 6 Jan 1876 in Šiba, Saris Co., Slovakia, died on 18 Aug 1944 in Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne Co., PA, USA21 at age 68, and was buried in Holy Family Cemetery, Sugar Notch, PA. Another name for Andrej was Andrew Joseph Matthews.
14. Karl August Karlsson,22 23 son of Karl Johan Larsson and Gustava Olsdotter, was born on 17 Oct 1864 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden,24 died on 1 Oct 1918 in Hessel, Mackinac Co., MI, USA22 at age 53, and was buried in Cedar Cemetery, Cedarville, Mackinac Co., MI, USA.22 Other names for Karl were Charles August Nye, and25 Karl August Nojd.26
General Notes: Karl emigrated 15 May 1888. He used the name Karl August Karlsson Nöjd on his police clearance in Göteborg, Sweden. He used the name Charles Nojd in the census records. His name was recorded on his homestead papers as Charles A Naeid. His name is recorded as Charles A Nye on his marriage certificate and his children's birth certificates. He was born Karl August Karlsson. He was a soldier and was assigned the soldier name of Nöjd. Some men returned to using their patronymic name when they no longer were soldiers and some kept their soldier names. Karl chose to keep using his soldier name.
Nöjd means satisfied in Swedish. Sweden did not really have last names. The children were born and given Christian names and then they were identified as being their father's daughter or son. This is referred to as the patronymic naming system. When men became soldier's it was necessary to correctly identify them. Due to the patronymic names, there were numerous persons with the same name and the "last" name changed with every generation. Sweden developed the soldier name system at the end of the 1600's. Each district had to have a certain number of soldiers. Each soldier was assigned a short, usually one syllable name, and there was only one soldier in each district by that name. Karl was the only soldier with the name of Nöjd in his district, but there may have been a soldier named Nöjd in several other districts. It was not until 1901 that Sweden passed a law mandating that everyone have a last name. It became popular in the 1880's to have a surname and many people began to choose surnames. It first became fashionable to drop the dotter and just use the son ending for both sons and daughters. Women did not take their husband's name. It began to be popular to take your husband's name around the turn of the 20th century.
We have numerous bills and receipts showing Karl's name recorded sometimes as Nye and sometimes as Nojd. It depended on the person who was recording the name. It is apparent that he wanted to use the name of Nojd, but it appears that it was too difficult for most people to understand his name. Ellen, his daughter, told me
that he had a very strong accent. I showed her a copy of her parent's wedding certificate where it is recorded that his mother's name was Gustava Woolsen. Her name was Gustava Olsdotter or Olsson. Ellen stated to me that Woolsen was the way her father said Olson. Charles is the English version of Karl and almost all Swedes with the name of Karl changed their names to Charles when they emigrated to the US.
Karl emigrated alone, without any other family members. He had two brothers and two sisters who emigrated and they all emigrated alone.
On 30 Sept 1918 Charles A Naeid signed over the warranty deed for the farm to his wife, Mrs Tena Nye. This was recorded and filed in Mackinac County on 2 Oct 1918 in Liber 54 page 486.
His homestead application was # 5168 and the final certificate was # 2546. It was filed and recorded at the land office at Marquette Vol 6 page 45. His claim was approved on 3 May 1895.
There was no religious freedom in Sweden. Everyone was automatically a member of the Swedish Lutheran Church at the time of their birth. The Swedish Priests were considered equivalent to government officials. His police clearance states that he has not been confirmed in the Swedish Church, he has not had the proper certificate for the class in Lutheran doctrine and he cannot take the sacrament. Sweden passed a law in 1951 officially allowing freedom of religion. It was not until the year 2000 that Sweden passed a law severing the relationship between the government and the Lutheran Church. As of 2000, Swedes are not automatically born a member of the Lutheran Church. The Break between the Church and State actually began about 1900. Many Swedes emigrated in the 1840's seeking religious freedom. It became more and more popular to leave the Church and become a Baptist or a Methodist. This religious movement occurred during a time of rapid social changes as society moved from the rural farms to the industrial cities. Sweden initially tried to outlaw other religions, but gradually came to accept them. The serious discussions about the divorce of the Church from the State began in the 1950's. The divorce has been a very long process, but has ended amicably. Up until January 2000 all Swedes were automatically a member of the Lutheran Church at birth. If they wished to withdraw from the Church they had to complete a lot of paperwork and it was not really socially acceptable. As of January 2000, parents must complete a form if they want their child to be a member of the Lutheran Church. The Lutheran Church used to handle all the family records, but now the county council takes care of the vital statistics.
Karl's parents were Baptist and this is why they did not have their children baptized in the Lutheran Church. It is important to Baptist that everyone make their own decisions about baptism. At the time that Karl emigrated it was still a very serious thing to separate from the Lutheran Church and it was a major cause of emigration. His daughter, Ellen, told me that her father talked about being forced to learn Lutheran Doctrine and to serve in the military and that these were part of the reason why he chose to emigrate.
Karl married Dorthea Mortensen on 5 Feb 1894 in St Ignace, Mackinac Co., MI, USA.27 Dorthea was born on 1 Dec 1873 in Glud Mark, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark,7 was christened on 26 Dec 1873 in Glud Mark, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark,28 died on 14 Nov 1942 in Detroit, Wayne Co, MI, USA29 at age 68, and was buried in Cedar Cemetery, Cedarville, Mackinac Co., MI, USA. Another name for Dorthea was Tena Mortensen.
Marriage Notes: Witnesses to the marriage were Chris Sorensen and Sena Mortensen. Sena was Tena's sister and she married Chris Sorensen.
Children from this marriage were:
i. William Nye (born on 14 May 1894 in Hessel, Mackinac Co., MI, USA - died in Nov 1966)
ii. Anna Mae Nye (born on 23 Sep 1895 in Hessel, Mackinac Co., MI, USA - died on 30 Mar 1975 in St. Ignace, Mackinac Co, MI, USA)
iii. Frederick Nye (born on 14 May 1897 in Hessel, Mackinac Co., MI, USA - died on 5 Nov 1965 in Hessel, Mackinac Co., MI, USA)
iv. Morten Nye (born on 25 Mar 1899 in Hessel, Mackinac Co., MI, USA - died in 1962)
v. Roy Nye (born on 7 Aug 1901 in Hessel, Mackinac Co., MI, USA - died on 5 Aug 1926 in Detroit, Wayne Co, MI, USA)
vi. Manetta Margaret Nye (born on 4 Jul 1903 in Hessel, Mackinac Co., MI, USA - died on 3 Sep 1975)
7 vii. Ellen Augusta Nye (born on 1 Jan 1906 in Hessel, Mackinac Co., MI, USA - died on 19 Mar 1998 in St Ignace, Mackinac Co., MI, USA)
viii. Virginia Arvella Nye (born on 25 May 1909 in Hessel, Mackinac Co., MI, USA - died on 1 Dec 1994 in Howell, Livingston Co., MI USA)
ix. Carl Alvin Nye (born on 6 Aug 1911 in Hessel, Mackinac Co., MI, USA - died on 22 Nov 1996 in St. Ignace, Mackinac Co, MI, USA)
x. David Daniel Jordan Nye (born on 13 Dec 1913 in Hessel, Mackinac Co., MI, USA - died on 17 Oct 1985 in Ontario, San Bernardino Co, CA, Us)
xi. Dorothy Cleantha Nye (born on 14 May 1916 in Hessel, Mackinac Co., MI, USA - died on 30 Jan 1983 in Hessel, Mackinac Co., MI, USA)
15. Dorthea Mortensen, daughter of Hans Jørgen Mortensen and Abbelone Nielsen, was born on 1 Dec 1873 in Glud Mark, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark,7 was christened on 26 Dec 1873 in Glud Mark, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark,28 died on 14 Nov 1942 in Detroit, Wayne Co, MI, USA29 at age 68, and was buried in Cedar Cemetery, Cedarville, Mackinac Co., MI, USA. Another name for Dorthea was Tena Mortensen.
General Notes: Tena emigrated with her mother in 1883. I have not been able to locate any immigration records. The date of 1883 is taken from Federal US census records. I have a receipt showing that they purchased dress fabric and buttons at a store in the city of Horsens, Denmark on 16 June 1883.
After Charles died, Tena married William Johnson who was born August 1872 in Finland and came to the US in 1890. This marriage ended in divorce.
Tena's birth record states her name is Dorthea Mortensen. In the 1880 Danish census records for Glud Parish she is listed as Dorthe Mortensen.
Dorthea married Karl August Karlsson 22 23 on 5 Feb 1894 in St Ignace, Mackinac Co., MI, USA.27 Karl was born on 17 Oct 1864 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden,24 died on 1 Oct 1918 in Hessel, Mackinac Co., MI, USA22 at age 53, and was buried in Cedar Cemetery, Cedarville, Mackinac Co., MI, USA.22 Other names for Karl were Charles August Nye, and25 Karl August Nojd.26
18. Winn Hand,30 son of William Hand and Elizabeth Craig, was born on 1 Jul 1840 in Mulmur Twp, Simcoe Co, Ontario, Canada,31 died on 17 Nov 1913 in Sault Ste. Marie, Chippewa Co, MI, USA32 at age 73, and was buried in Pine Grove Cemetery, Sault St Marie, Chippewa Co, MI, USA.13
General Notes: Simcoe County has been divided and Mulmur is now in Dufferin County. Winn was an auctioneer, bill collector, Constable, policeman, fire warden, and pound master. He had a farm and a Cigar & Confectionery store. There are numerous articles in the Sault St Marie Evening News about him. He was arrested a couple of times for assault and battery and he was attacked in a bar once and severely beaten. In the Sault St Marie Evening News, dated 17 November 1913, Winn is referred to as one of the Soo's most colorful characters.
Win was granted a homestead of 160 acres in 1885.
Winn married Catherine Bradley on 9 Jan 1860 in Mulmur Twp, Simcoe Co, Ontario, Canada.33 Catherine was born on 3 Mar 1844 in Lockport, Niagara Co, NY, USA,34 died on 7 Nov 1919 in Sault Ste. Marie, Chippewa Co, MI, USA35 at age 75, and was buried in Pine Grove Cemetery, Sault St Marie, Chippewa Co, MI, USA.36
Children from this marriage were:
i. Thomas Hand (born on 30 Jan 1862 in Mulmur Twp, Simcoe Co, Ontario, Canada - died on 5 May 1934 in Battle Creek, Calhoun Co, MI, USA)
ii. William Hand (born on 11 Nov 1863 in Mulmur Twp, Simcoe Co, Ontario, Canada - died on 25 Feb 1936 in Sault Ste. Marie, Chippewa Co, MI, USA)
iii. Elizabeth Hand (born on 4 Nov 1865 in Mulmur Twp, Simcoe Co, Ontario, Canada - died on 2 Nov 1936 in Alpena, Alpena Co, MI, USA)
iv. Ann Hand (born on 8 Dec 1867 in Mulmur Twp, Simcoe Co, Ontario, Canada - died on 8 Feb 1868 in Mulmur Twp, Simcoe Co, Ontario, Canada)
v. James Win Hand (born on 25 Dec 1868 in Mulmur Twp, Simcoe Co, Ontario, Canada)
9 vi. Ann Jane Hand (born on 22 Sep 1871 in Orangeville, Wellington Co, Ontario, Canada - died on 3 Feb 1956 in Westland, Wayne Co, MI, USA)
vii. Robert John Hand (born on 3 Apr 1874 in Orangeville, Wellington Co, Ontario, Canada)
viii. Emma Hand (born on 21 Aug 1876 in Orangeville, Wellington Co, Ontario, Canada - died on 17 Jan 1950 in Sault Ste. Marie, Chippewa Co, MI, USA)
ix. Ida B Hand (born in 1878 in Sault Ste. Marie, Chippewa Co, MI, USA - died on 21 Apr 1903 in Sault Ste. Marie, Chippewa Co, MI, USA)
19. Catherine Bradley, daughter of William Bradley and Anna Taylor, was born on 3 Mar 1844 in Lockport, Niagara Co, NY, USA,34 died on 7 Nov 1919 in Sault Ste. Marie, Chippewa Co, MI, USA35 at age 75, and was buried in Pine Grove Cemetery, Sault St Marie, Chippewa Co, MI, USA.36
General Notes: The Bradley family emigrated from Ireland to Canada. Around 1833 they moved to Lockport, New York and about 1855 moved back to Canada. I believe that they moved to Lockport to work on the Erie Canal. Many members of the Hand and Bradley families worked on various canals. It was very common for Irish people to do this. It was also very common to move back and forth between Canada and the United States as the border was uninforced until 1907.
Catherine married Winn Hand 30 on 9 Jan 1860 in Mulmur Twp, Simcoe Co, Ontario, Canada.33 Winn was born on 1 Jul 1840 in Mulmur Twp, Simcoe Co, Ontario, Canada,31 died on 17 Nov 1913 in Sault Ste. Marie, Chippewa Co, MI, USA32 at age 73, and was buried in Pine Grove Cemetery, Sault St Marie, Chippewa Co, MI, USA.13
20. Hiram C Hoyt, son of Stephen Hoyt and Mary "Polly" Carter, was born on 8 Mar 1819 in Lake Co, OH, USA and died on 25 Jun 1891 in Cashion, Kingfisher Co, OK, USA at age 72.
General Notes: Hiram was born in Ohio and came to Michigan in 1828 at the age of 9.
Hiram married Sylvia M Watkins on 17 Feb 1847 in Kalamazoo Co, MI, USA. Sylvia was born on 14 Oct 1824 in Naples, NY, USA and died on 21 Jun 1908 in OK, USA at age 83.
Marriage Notes: This was Sylvia's second marriage. She first married Hiram's brother, Thomas, and when he died she married Hiram.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Anna A Hoyt (born on 22 Nov 1847 in Prairie Ronde, Kalamazoo Co, MI, USA)
10 ii. William Henry Hoyt (born on 4 Sep 1849 in Prairie Ronde, Kalamazoo Co, MI, USA - died on 2 Oct 1906 in Ann Arbor, Washtenaw Co, MI, USA)
iii. Helen D Hoyt (born on 17 Oct 1852 in Prairie Ronde, Kalamazoo Co, MI, USA - died on 25 Mar 1916 in Orange Co, CA, USA)
iv. Alice Jane Hoyt (born on 31 Mar 1854 in Prairie Ronde, Kalamazoo Co, MI, USA - died on 21 Oct 1888)
v. Esther E Hoyt (born on 5 Sep 1856 in Prairie Ronde, Kalamazoo Co, MI, USA - died before 1908)
vi. Hiram Stephen Hoyt (born on 26 Feb 1860 in Prairie Ronde, Kalamazoo Co, MI, USA - died on 24 Oct 1926 in Taloga, Woodward Co, OK, USA)
vii. May Sylvia Hoyt (born on 1 Nov 1867 in Nemaha Co, KS, USA - died on 4 Sep 1909 in Ponca City, OK, USA)
Hiram next married Margaret Lilley.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Sylvador Hoyt (born in Feb 1842 in Kalamazoo Co, MI, USA)
ii. Sylvina Hoyt (born on 24 Sep 1844 in Kalamazoo Co, MI, USA - died on 6 Jan 1931 in Everett, WA, USA)
21. Sylvia M Watkins, daughter of James Watkins and Mary Hosford, was born on 14 Oct 1824 in Naples, NY, USA and died on 21 Jun 1908 in OK, USA at age 83.
Sylvia married Hiram C Hoyt on 17 Feb 1847 in Kalamazoo Co, MI, USA. Hiram was born on 8 Mar 1819 in Lake Co, OH, USA and died on 25 Jun 1891 in Cashion, Kingfisher Co, OK, USA at age 72.
Sylvia next married Thomas F Hoyt on 3 Dec 1840 in MI, USA, son of Stephen Hoyt and Mary "Polly" Carter. Thomas was born in 1817 in OH, USA and died in 1846 in Kalamazoo Co, MI, USA at age 29.
The child from this marriage was:
i. Louisa Hoyt (born on 26 Dec 1845 in Kalamazoo Co, MI, USA - died on 14 Nov 1924 in Everett, WA, USA)
22. Anson Hemans Hathaway, son of William Hathaway and Mary Hyde, was born on 10 Jul 1823 in Wilbraham, MA, USA and died on 4 Mar 1889 in Porter Twp, Van Buren Co, MI, USA at age 65.
Anson married Experience Reynnells on 3 Aug 1853 in Kalamazoo Co, MI, USA. Experience was born on 7 Sep 1832 in Clark Co, OH, USA and died on 31 Jul 1879 in Porter Twp, Van Buren Co, MI, USA at age 46.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Mary Adelle Hathaway (born on 7 May 1854 in Porter Twp, Van Buren Co, MI, USA - died on 15 Aug 1908 in Assyria Twp, Barry Co, MI, USA)
ii. Ellen Fidelia Hathaway (born on 18 Jan 1856 in Porter Twp, Van Buren Co, MI, USA - died in Jan 1934 in Southgate, CA, USA)
11 iii. Frances Lamira Hathaway (born on 26 Jun 1858 in Porter Twp, Van Buren Co, MI, USA - died on 14 Jan 1933 in Detroit, Wayne Co, MI, USA)
iv. George Irving Hathaway (born on 13 Dec 1860 in Porter Twp, Van Buren Co, MI, USA - died on 21 Jul 1924 in Porter Twp, Van Buren Co, MI, USA)
v. Ida Avilda Hathaway (born on 1 Sep 1864 in Porter Twp, Van Buren Co, MI, USA - died on 17 May 1902 in Lawton, Van Buren Co, MI, USA)
23. Experience Reynnells, daughter of Benjamin Reynnells and Mary Mitchell, was born on 7 Sep 1832 in Clark Co, OH, USA and died on 31 Jul 1879 in Porter Twp, Van Buren Co, MI, USA at age 46.
Experience married Anson Hemans Hathaway on 3 Aug 1853 in Kalamazoo Co, MI, USA. Anson was born on 10 Jul 1823 in Wilbraham, MA, USA and died on 4 Mar 1889 in Porter Twp, Van Buren Co, MI, USA at age 65.
24. Jozef Ján Maçus, son of Ján Maçsus and Maria Petrasek, was born on 8 Mar 1846 in Šiba, Saris Co., Slovakia, was christened in Hervartov, Saris Co, Slovakia, died on 4 Nov 1902 in Sugar Notch, Luzerne Co., PA, USA at age 56, and was buried in St Charles Cemetery Sugar Notch, PA. Another name for Jozef was Joseph Matthews.37
General Notes: He came to the USA in 1885 and stayed with his brother-in-law, Andrew Havrilla. They were living near Tresckow, Carbon Co, PA. He worked at no.9 Colliery in the mines. He became a citizen 21 Sep 1896 and took the name Joseph Matthews. He was killed in a mining accident by falling rocks. I have his original citizenship document in which he is referred to as Joseph Matthews from Hungary.
He arrived in New York on 26 May 1885 on the steamship "Hohenzollern" from Bremen, Germany. He went through the Castle Garden emigration depot which was on a small island off the southwestern tip of Manhattan, New York.
I visited Joseph Mathews grave 15 September 2001. It is up a very long steep hill and is difficult to get to. The no. 9 Colliery is on Main Street in Sugar Notch, Pennsylvania. St. Charles Cemetery is also located on Main Street in Sugar Notch.
Jozef married Maria Anna Havrilla in 1873 in Slovakia. Maria was born in 1853 in Rychvald, Saris Co, Slovakia, died on 11 Aug 1931 in Ashley, Luzerne Co, PA, USA at age 78, and was buried in St Mary's Cemetery Hanover Twp, PA, USA. Another name for Maria was Mary Mathews.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Ján Jacob Maçus (born on 16 Jul 1872 in Šiba, Saris Co., Slovakia - died on 26 Apr 1913 in Sugar Notch, Luzerne Co., PA, USA)
ii. Andrej Jozef Maçus (born about 1874 in Šiba, Saris Co., Slovakia - died about 1874 in Šiba, Saris Co., Slovakia)
12 iii. Andrej Jozef Maçus (born on 6 Jan 1876 in Šiba, Saris Co., Slovakia - died on 18 Aug 1944 in Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne Co., PA, USA)
iv. Jozef Maçus (born about 1878 in Šiba, Saris Co., Slovakia - died about 1878 in Šiba, Saris Co., Slovakia)
v. Maria Maçus (born about 1880 in Šiba, Saris Co., Slovakia - died about 1888 in Carbon Co., PA USA)
vi. Mary Elizabeth Matthews (born on 30 Aug 1889 in Frenchtown, Carbon Co., PA, USA - died in 1987 in Hanover, Luzerne Co, PA, USA)
vii. Margaret Gertrude Matthews (born on 14 Apr 1893 in Sugar Notch, Luzerne Co., PA, USA - died on 18 Nov 1951 in Sugar Notch, Luzerne Co., PA, USA)
25. Maria Anna Havrilla, daughter of Andrew Havrilla and Anna Koval, was born in 1853 in Rychvald, Saris Co, Slovakia, died on 11 Aug 1931 in Ashley, Luzerne Co, PA, USA at age 78, and was buried in St Mary's Cemetery Hanover Twp, PA, USA. Another name for Maria was Mary Mathews.
General Notes: Maria and her three children took a train to Antwerp Belgium and then boarded the ship Waesland and landed in New York Harbor on 8 June 1888. They disembarked at the immigrant depot of Castle Garden. She was living with her daughter, Mary Yurkanin in Ashley, when she died. They traveled by steerage on the steamship.
She is buried under the name of Mary Matthews 1853-1931 at St. Mary's Cemetery in Hanover Township, Pennsylvania. She is in the same plot as her two daughters- Magaret Matthews and Mary Yurkanin.
Maria married Jozef Ján Maçus in 1873 in Slovakia. Jozef was born on 8 Mar 1846 in Šiba, Saris Co., Slovakia, was christened in Hervartov, Saris Co, Slovakia, died on 4 Nov 1902 in Sugar Notch, Luzerne Co., PA, USA at age 56, and was buried in St Charles Cemetery Sugar Notch, PA. Another name for Jozef was Joseph Matthews.37
26. Ján Istok, son of Jozef Istok and Mária Gruszová, was born on 1 Aug 1855 in Fricovce, Saris Co, Slovakia,38 was christened on 3 Aug 1855, died on 11 Jan 1908 in Nanticoke, Luzerne Co, PA, USA at age 52, and was buried in St Joseph's Cemetery Nanticoke, PA, USA. Another name for Ján was John Estock.
General Notes: Slovakia was part of S. Hungary at this time.
Ján married Anna Paulina Husivargá on 10 Nov 1880 in Fricovce, Saris Co, Slovakia.39 Anna was born on 1 May 1859 in Fricovce, Saris Co, Slovakia, died on 7 Dec 1941 in Nanticoke, Luzerne Co, PA, USA40 at age 82, and was buried in St Joseph's Cemetery Nanticoke, PA, USA.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Stephen Miroslav Estock (born 30 Apr1879 in Fricovce, Saris, Slovakia - died on 25 Nov 1930 in Plymouth, Luzerne, Pennsylvania)
13 ii. Mary Victoria Estock (born on 23 Dec 1882 in White Haven, Luzerne Co, PA, USA - died on 21 Jun 1931 in Sugar Notch, Luzerne Co., PA, USA)
iii. Anna Estock (born in 1883 - died in 1883)
iv. John Latislav Estock (born in 1884 in White Haven, Luzerne Co, PA, USA - died in 1957 in Nanticoke, Luzerne Co, PA, USA)
v. Susan Estock (born in 1889 - died in 1889)
vi. Joseph Benedict Estock (born in 1890 in White Haven, Luzerne Co, PA, USA - died in 1960 in Nanticoke, Luzerne Co, PA, USA)
vii. Anna Agnes Estock (born in 1893 in White Haven, Luzerne Co, PA, USA - died in 1976 in Nanticoke, Luzerne Co, PA, USA)
viii. Margaret Estock (born in 1895 - died in 1895)
ix. Margaret Celestine Estock (born in 1901 in White Haven, Luzerne Co, PA, USA - died in 1988 in Nanticoke, Luzerne Co, PA, USA)
27. Anna Paulina Husivargá, daughter of Unknown and Anna Husivargova, was born on 1 May 1859 in Fricovce, Saris Co, Slovakia, died on 7 Dec 1941 in Nanticoke, Luzerne Co, PA, USA40 at age 82, and was buried in St Joseph's Cemetery Nanticoke, PA, USA.
Anna married Ján Istok on 10 Nov 1880 in Fricovce, Saris Co, Slovakia.39 Ján was born on 1 Aug 1855 in Fricovce, Saris Co, Slovakia,38 was christened on 3 Aug 1855, died on 11 Jan 1908 in Nanticoke, Luzerne Co, PA, USA at age 52, and was buried in St Joseph's Cemetery Nanticoke, PA, USA. Another name for Ján was John Estock.
28. Karl Johan Larsson, son of Lars Jansson and Maja Stina Andersdotter, was born on 1 Oct 1833 in Svalnäs, Bo Parish, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden,41 was christened on 13 Oct 1833, and died on 14 Mar 1900 in Aspelunda, BoParish, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden at age 66.
General Notes: Karl moved to Aspelund about 1877. This was in Bo (Boo) Parish. Karl is referred to as a "torpare" or "statare" in official records. This is a Swedish word which means farm laborer, usually very poor. He did not own any land. The owner of the estate allowed the farmer the use of the house and farm land in return for his labor. He worked for the Estate Boo which was owned by the noble family named Hamilton and lived in a cottage called Aspelund. The cottage was owned by Boo.
Karl Johan was born and baptized in Svalnäs. The witnesses were: Anders Bengtsson and his wife from Gamby, the son Jan Andersson of Gamby-Berg, the young girl Inga Stina Jansdotter from Svalnäs.
Karl was probably buried in the churchyard of Boo but poor people did not have grave stones and it is not very likely that his grave could be found.
December 26 was a popular day for poor farmers to marry. It was very practical to get married on this day because it was a public holiday called Annandag Jul. It was a time when there would be a lot of food and drink available, everyone would be off work, the family would be gathered together and it was a slow season for farmers.
Karl Johan helped to construct the Baptist Chapel in Bo. It was used from 1875-1975. It is now a Bed and Breakfast and is a historical landmark and cannot be altered.
Baron Hamilton was the owner of most of the land in Bo Parish and was quite controlling and tyrannical over the poor peasants, but he liked the Baptist. There was a serious drinking problem at that time and the Baptist did not drink. The Baron wanted to encourage them and donated the land and timber for the Baptist Chapel.
Karl married Gustava Olsdotter on 26 Dec 1859.42 Gustava was born on 11 Aug 1839 in Djurnästorp Bo Parish, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden,43 died on 8 May 1929 in Örebro, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden44 at age 89, and was buried in Norra Kyrkogården, Örebro, Örebro Län, Närke, Sweden.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Karl August Karlsson (born on 3 Mar 1860 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden - died in 1864)
ii. Anna Gustava Carlsson (born on 1 Mar 1862 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
14 iii. Karl August Karlsson (born on 17 Oct 1864 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden - died on 1 Oct 1918 in Hessel, Mackinac Co., MI, USA)
iv. Johan Vilhelm Carlsson (born on 16 Apr 1867 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden - died on 19 Jan 1934 in Örebro, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
v. Gustaf Emil Carlsson (born on 7 Jan 1870 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden - died on 7 Nov 1873 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
vi. Victor Emanuel Carlsson (born on 17 Dec 1872 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden - died on 13 Jun 1913 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
vii. David Julius Carlsson (born on 9 Apr 1875 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden - died on 31 Dec 1928 in Atlanta, Fulton Co, Georgia, USA)
viii. Augusta Vilhelmina Carlsson (born on 30 Oct 1877 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden - died on 29 Dec 1951 in Örebro, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
ix. Gustaf Adolf Carlsson (born on 2 May 1880 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden - died on 23 May 1957 in Örebro, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
x. Hanna Elisabet Carlsson (born on 21 Feb 1883 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden - died on 29 Oct 1927 in Örebro, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
29. Gustava Olsdotter, daughter of Olof Djurfeldt and Anna Katrina Karström, was born on 11 Aug 1839 in Djurnästorp Bo Parish, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden,43 died on 8 May 1929 in Örebro, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden44 at age 89, and was buried in Norra Kyrkogården, Örebro, Örebro Län, Närke, Sweden.
General Notes: After her husband died, Gustava had to move because the house they lived in belonged to the Baron and it was for the tenant farmer to live in.
Gustava moved to Kopparbohl on 1 November 1902. On 1 November 1909 she moved to Carlsdal. Finally on 28 February 1928 she moved to Örebro, Olaus Petri Parish.
Gustava was baptized in Djursnäs Torp. The witnesses were: Peter Olsson and his wife of Djurshult, the farm hand Jan Persson of Kobäcksmåssan and the young girl Anna Caisa Jansdotter of the same place.
Karl and Gustava were Baptist. They became Baptist in 1869. The Husförhörsbok shows that they attended all communions and had all their children baptised until 1868. In 1869 they stopped taking communion and no klonger had their children baptised. The Swedish Lutheran Church was very strict and it was a very serious matter to break away from the Church. Gustava was a very religious person.
Gustava married Karl Johan Larsson on 26 Dec 1859.42 Karl was born on 1 Oct 1833 in Svalnäs, Bo Parish, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden,41 was christened on 13 Oct 1833, and died on 14 Mar 1900 in Aspelunda, BoParish, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden at age 66.
30. Hans Jørgen Mortensen,9 son of Morten Jørgen Mortensen and Dorthe Marie Hansdatter, was born on 31 Mar 1850 in Brundby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark,45 was christened on 26 May 1850 in Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark, died on 12 Dec 1932 in Hessel, Mackinac Co., MI, USA46 at age 82, and was buried in Cedar Cemetery, Cedarville, Mackinac Co., MI, USA.
General Notes: He was a twin, but his twin died in infancy. He emigrated to the USA in 1881. He and his family first lived in Grand Marais, MI and in 1885 moved to the Les Cheneaux area. He filed a homestead claim in May 1886 and received his final certificate on 1 July 1891. His family had been fishermen and farmers in Denmark.
The information that Hans emigrated in 1881 comes from Federal US Census records. We have a copy of the Danish probate records of the estate of Hans' Father. It was dated 1879 and states that there are 4 children living. Bodil, Karen and Morten were still living in Brundby in 1879, but Hans was living in Endelave. Endelave is a small island to the southwest of Samsø. We also have a copy of the Danish probate records of the estate of Hans' Mother. In 1882, 4 children were still living. Bodil, Karen and Morten were still living in Brundby, but Hans was living in America.
Hans filed his declaration of intent to become a US Citizen on 9 June 1885 in Chippewa County, Michigan Vol 3, Page 178. His name is written as Honce Mortensen.
The Mortensen homestead application was # 3840, final certificate # 1996. It was filed at the land office in Marquette, Michigan 1 July 1891 and was approved 22 Sept 1895 and recorded in Vol 4 page 458.
Hans is recorded in the 1880 Danish Census records for Glud Parish. He and his family were living in the village of Glud. The census was taken on February 1st 1880. In the Danish emigration records there is a Hans Jørgen Mortensen, age 30 from Glud, Vejle County who registered to emigrate on 7/20/1880. He was going to New York City, New York, USA. Although Hans Jørgen Mortensen was a fairly common Danish name, I feel certain that this is our Hans. Our Hans was age 30 in 1880 and his last residence was Glud, Vejle county.The contract number was 525100 and the ID # was 17980M2407. We know he left Denmark between 1879 and 1882. I do not think that there would be another person with all of these factors.
Hans is recorded in the 1870 Danish Census for Hjarnø Parish, Vejle County. He was age 19, unmarried, Lutheran, born Tranebjerg Parish, Samsø, Aarhus County. He was a servant on a farm.
Hans married Abbelone Nielsen 9 on 21 Feb 1871 in Glud Parish, Vejle County, Denmark.47 Abbelone was born on 25 Feb 1849 in Vester Bisholdt, Skjold Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark,48 49 was christened on 25 Feb 1849 in Vester Bisholdt, Skjold Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark, died on 15 Jan 1929 in St Ignace, Mackinac Co., MI, USA50 at age 79, and was buried in Cedar Cemetery, Cedarville, Mackinac Co., MI, USA. Another name for Abbelone was Abelone Christensen.51
Marriage Notes: At the time of their marriage, Hans was living in Hjarnø and Abbelone was living at Jensgaard.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Ane Marie Mortensen (born on 9 May 1871 in Bisholt Mark, Skjold Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark)
15 ii. Dorthea Mortensen (born on 1 Dec 1873 in Glud Mark, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark - died on 14 Nov 1942 in Detroit, Wayne Co, MI, USA)
iii. Nielsine Mortensen (born on 2 Mar 1876 in Glud Mark, Glud Parish, Vejle County, Denmark - died on 8 Sep 1967 in St. Ignace, Mackinac Co, MI, USA)
iv. Morten Jørgen Mortensen (born on 7 Dec 1878 in Glud Mark, Glud Parish, Vejle County, Denmark - died on 12 Dec 1965 in St. Ignace, Mackinac Co, MI, USA)
v. Martha Mortensen (born on 17 Jun 1884 in Grand Marais, Alger Co., Mackinac Co., MI USA - died on 16 May 1963 in St. Ignace, Mackinac Co, MI, USA)
vi. Gertrude Mortensen (born on 24 May 1887 in Hessel, Mackinac Co., MI, USA - died on 19 Apr 1980 in Forestville, MI, USA)
vii. Carl Mortensen (born on 30 Jul 1890 in Hessel, Mackinac Co., MI, USA - died on 25 Jul 1971 in St. Ignace, Mackinac Co, MI, USA)
31. Abbelone Nielsen,9 daughter of Niels Christensen and Anne Marie Andersdatter, was born on 25 Feb 1849 in Vester Bisholdt, Skjold Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark,48 49 was christened on 25 Feb 1849 in Vester Bisholdt, Skjold Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark, died on 15 Jan 1929 in St Ignace, Mackinac Co., MI, USA50 at age 79, and was buried in Cedar Cemetery, Cedarville, Mackinac Co., MI, USA. Another name for Abbelone was Abelone Christensen.51
General Notes: Abelone emigrated in 1883 with 4 children, Ane Marie, Dorthea, Nielsine and Morten. I have not found any record of their emigration. The information that they emigrated, in 1883, comes from the Federal U. S. Census records of 1900 and 1910 in Clark Twp. Mackinac County, Michigan.
We have a smallpox vaccination certificate which is barely legible. It clearly states that Abelone is the daughter of Niels Christensen. It also is clear that she was vaccinated when she was age 4 on 28 May 1853. The place is very difficult to decipher, but it appears to be V. Bisholdt. I found the record of Abelone's vaccination in the Skjold Parish of 1853. It states that "Abellone Nielsen" age 4 of Bisholt Mark, father Niels Christensen, was vaccinated 28 May 1853.
We have a letter that Abelone's sister, Ane, sent from Denmark. She had children named Anne Marie, Anders, and Magnus. Her husband's name was Søren. The postmark on the letter she sent from Denmark is Aastrup. There are about 40 different places, in Denmark, with the name Aastrup ( Åstrup ). There is a town by the name of Åstrup directly below the town of Vester Bisholt. These two towns are between the city of Horsens and the Island of Endelave. It is known that Hans was living in Endelave in 1879. The spelling of aa is the old Danish spelling and the modern Danish spelling is Åstrup. Many Danes use both spellings interchangeably.
The following information is from the Danish records of Skjold Parish in Vejle county for the birth of females in 1849:
Abbelone Nielsen born 25 February 1849 in Skjold Parish in the County of Vejle, Denmark, her parents: Niels Christensen and Ane Marie Andersdatter. Niels Christensen, born 1815 married Ane Marie Andersdatter born 1814, on 25 November 1842 in Skjold, Vejle, Denmark. The parish records also show that Abelone was a twin and her sister's name was Nielsine. Abelone is listed as the first born and Nielsine was born second. Family lore states that Abelone had a twin that died as an infant.
The Skjold Parish records show that Abelone was confirmed in the Lutheran Church in 1852. The Priest gave her good marks in knowledge of Christian doctrine and behavior.
The following information is from the 1 February 1870 Danish Census for Vejle County, Bjerre District, Glud Parish, Østrup Town:
Erik Jensen, 62, head of household
Bodil Petersen, 38, his wife
Peter Christain Eriksen, 26, their son
Karen Marie Eriksen, 20, their daughter
Hansine Marie Eriksen, 10, their daughter
Petrine Eriksen, 7, their daughter
Hans Eriksen, 5, their son
Elisabeth eriksen, 2, their daughter
Abelone Nielsen, female, 20, unmarried, servant, Lutheran, born in Skjold Parish
Abbelone married Hans Jørgen Mortensen 9 on 21 Feb 1871 in Glud Parish, Vejle County, Denmark.47 Hans was born on 31 Mar 1850 in Brundby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark,45 was christened on 26 May 1850 in Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark, died on 12 Dec 1932 in Hessel, Mackinac Co., MI, USA46 at age 82, and was buried in Cedar Cemetery, Cedarville, Mackinac Co., MI, USA.
36. William Hand, son of Hand and Unknown, was born about 1800 in Ireland,52 died on 19 Oct 1877 in Mulmur Twp, Simcoe Co, Ontario, Canada53 about age 77, and was buried in St Luke's Anglican Cemetery, Mulmur Twp, Ontario, Canada.54
General Notes: I have a copy of William's land records dated 2 July 1835 when his petition was approved. Vol. 091 pg 029 Ontario 28 Oct 1850 V. 002 pg 255, May 1841 & Aug 1845 V025 pg 381. According to these papers William paid John Maguire for an interest in his land and John Maguire appointed William to act as his attorney to do everything necessary to secure the land grant. I have a copy of the Order in Council dated 14 Sep 1825 granting John Maguire 200 acres. I also have a copy of a document dated 25 Aug 1826 in which John Maguire appoints William Hand as his attorney in all matters relating to securing the land grant. This document was witnessed by Richard Bradley. William obtained the land grant because John Maguire drowned, in the Welland Canal, the middle of May 1830.
William was married twice. His second wife was named Mary and she is listed in the Simcoe Co census records of 1861.
The land grant was in concession VI and lot 6. The village of Stanton is on the former Hand farm.
Research Notes: William's age is unclear. In the 1861 census he states he is age 62 which would make him born circa 1799. In the 1871 census he states he is age 70 which would make him born circa 1801. The Dundalk Herald Newspaper states he died in his 85th year and his grave marker stated he died at age 88. The official death registration states he was age 78 at his death. This information was provided by his son, Thomas. William could have been born anywhere from 1789- 1801.
I think 1799/1800 is the most probable date of his birth.
William received his land from John Maquire. John Maquire was from County Armagh, Ireland. William's first born daughter, Elizabeth (Hand) Irwin's death record states she was born in County Armagh, Ireland. The only place in which the surnames Hand and Craig occur together is in the Parishes of Kilclooney and Shankill in County Armagh in the Griffith's Valuation of 1864. There were people named Hand and Craig living in Clady Beg in Kilclooney Parish and Lurgan in Shankill Parish . The Griffith's Valuation is a record of everyone. The Tithe Applotment Books list only land owners. There are no Hand or Craig families listed in Shankill Parish and the Kilclooney Parish records are missing for the Tithe applotment Book. 56
William married Elizabeth Craig.57 Elizabeth was born in Ireland and died after 1841.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Elizabeth Hand (born on 4 Jul 1823 in Armagh Co, Ireland)
ii. Mary Ann Hand (born about 1826 in Welland Co, Canada - died on 2 Aug 1886 in Mulmur Twp, Simcoe Co, Ontario, Canada)
iii. Jane Hand (born about 1828 in Canada - died on 16 Apr 1881 in Mulmur Twp, Simcoe Co, Ontario, Canada)
iv. Thomas Alexander Hand (born on 10 Nov 1830 in Mulmur Twp, Simcoe Co, Ontario, Canada - died on 8 May 1915 in Alliston, Simcoe Co, Ontario, Canada)
v. William Craig Hand (born on 1 Sep 1836 in Mulmur Twp, Simcoe Co, Ontario, Canada - died on 8 May 1893 in Alliston, Simcoe Co, Ontario, Canada)
vi. Hannah Hand (born in 1837 in Ontario - died in 1889 in Mulmur Twp, Dufferin Co, Ontario, Canada)
18 vii. Winn Hand (born on 1 Jul 1840 in Mulmur Twp, Simcoe Co, Ontario, Canada - died on 17 Nov 1913 in Sault Ste. Marie, Chippewa Co, MI, USA)
viii. Catherine Hand (born about 1841 in Mulmur Twp, Simcoe Co, Ontario, Canada)
37. Elizabeth Craig 57 was born in Ireland and died after 1841.
General Notes: No information is known about Elizabeth. I believe she was William's first wife. I also believe that she is the mother of all his children. The marriage records of both William and Winn state their mother's name was Elizabeth and that she was born in Ireland. I think that she died in the 1840's.
The surname Craig comes from Thomas Alexander Hand's death record. Thomas' death record states that his mother's name was Hannah Craig. It is piossible that his mother was Hannah Craig and William and Winn's mother was Elizabeth maiden name unknown. I believe that the correct name is Elizabeth Craig for all Death records very often are incorrect. I have seen it done before where the person who provided the information for the death record confused the mother's name with that of a sister of the deceased.
Elizabeth married William Hand. William was born about 1800 in Ireland,52 died on 19 Oct 1877 in Mulmur Twp, Simcoe Co, Ontario, Canada53 about age 77, and was buried in St Luke's Anglican Cemetery, Mulmur Twp, Ontario, Canada.54
38. William Bradley,58 son of Unknown Bradley and Unknown, was born about 1806 in Ireland,31 died on 24 Jan 1868 in Mulmur Twp, Simcoe Co, Ontario, Canada59 about age 62, and was buried in St Luke's Anglican Cemetery, Mulmur Twp, Ontario, Canada.
General Notes: I believe that the Bradley family came from Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny, Ireland. Richard Bradley signed William Hand's land grant papers as a witness. The land record index refers to Richard Bradley of Mulmur Twp and Richard's land grant papers, dated 1826, state that he was age 22, single and from Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny, Ireland and that he emigrated June of 1825. There were at least 4 Bradley men that settled in Mulmur Twp. William, Edward, Levi and Richard. They have birth dates that are estimated from the census records to be 1800, 1802, 1804 and 1806. Also Mulmur was a very isolated rural area. It seems highly probable that they were brothers. There is a reference in the Soo Evening News which refers to Catherine Hand's Uncle Edward Bradley.
For the land records of Richard Bradley see: 01 c13 054149. He resided in York. The land grant was for Lot W 1/2 19 conc 1 WHST. It is an Order in Council dated 9 Nov 1825 and 20 Nov 1832.
Andrew Shore was mentioned in the land records for John Maquire. Andrew Shore was married to Margaret Bradley. Death records and their marriage record state they were both from Castlecomer, County Kilkenny, Ireland.
In the Tithe Applotment Book for the Parish of Castlecomer, County Kilkenny, Ireland of 1828 there are listed numerous person with the surnames Shore, Walker, Little, Taylor and Bradley. The Bradley and Taylor surnames are particularly numerous in the towns of Coobaun, Castlecomer and Moneenroe. The given names are Arthur, Thomas, John, Robert, Margaret, Catherine, Abraham, Joseph, William, James, Richard and Edward.
The Bradley family moved to Lockport, Naiagara county, New York, USA somethime after 1833. It appears that they moved back to Mulmur township in 1860. They appear in the 1861 census for Mulmur Township and the death certificates for two of their sons state they emigrated from the USA to Canada in 1860.
His parents names are probably Edward and Catherine Bradley.
William married Anna Taylor. Anna was born about 1808 in Ireland,31 died on 7 Aug 1884 in Mulmur Twp, Simcoe Co, Ontario, Canada60 about age 76, and was buried in St Luke's Anglican Cemetery, Mulmur Twp, Ontario, Canada.59
Children from this marriage were:
i. Edward Bradley (born about 1832 in Mulmur Twp, Simcoe Co, Ontario, Canada - died on 28 Aug 1904 in Mulmur Twp, Simcoe Co, Ontario, Canada)
ii. John Bradley (born about 1833 in Lockport, Niagara Co, NY, USA)
iii. James Bradley (born about 1837 in Lockport, Niagara Co, NY, USA)
iv. Thomas Bradley (born about 1838 in Lockport, Niagara Co, NY, USA)
v. Jane Bradley (born about 1843 in Lockport, Niagara Co, NY, USA)
19 vi. Catherine Bradley (born on 3 Mar 1844 in Lockport, Niagara Co, NY, USA - died on 7 Nov 1919 in Sault Ste. Marie, Chippewa Co, MI, USA)
vii. Mary Ann Bradley (born about 1845 in Lockport, Niagara Co, NY, USA - died on 13 Jan 1925 in Mulmur Twp, Simcoe Co, Ontario, Canada)
viii. William Bradley (born about 1847 in Lockport, Niagara Co, NY, USA)
ix. Elizabeth Bradley (born about 1849 in Lockport, Niagara Co, NY, USA - died after 1926, buried in United Church Dundalk Cemetery, Dundalk, Grey Co, Ontario, Canada)
x. Richard Bradley (born about 1851 in Lockport, Niagara Co, NY, USA)
xi. Abraham Bradley (born about 1853 in Lockport, Niagara Co, NY, USA - died on 15 Mar 1927 in Mulmer Twp, Simcoe, Ontario)
xii. Ann Bradley (born about 1855 in Lockport, Niagara Co, NY, USA - died on 2 Mar 1945 in Ontario, Canada)
39. Anna Taylor was born about 1808 in Ireland,31 died on 7 Aug 1884 in Mulmur Twp, Simcoe Co, Ontario, Canada60 about age 76, and was buried in St Luke's Anglican Cemetery, Mulmur Twp, Ontario, Canada.59
General Notes: Her parents are probably named John and Jane Taylor.
Anna married William Bradley.58 William was born about 1806 in Ireland,31 died on 24 Jan 1868 in Mulmur Twp, Simcoe Co, Ontario, Canada59 about age 62, and was buried in St Luke's Anglican Cemetery, Mulmur Twp, Ontario, Canada.
40. Stephen Hoyt, son of Stephen Hoyt and Unknown, was born about 1770 in VT, USA, died in Nov 1832 in Brady Twp, Kalamazoo Co, MI, USA about age 62, and was buried in Harrison Cemetery, Schoolcraft, Kalamazoo Co, MI, USA.
General Notes: Stephen moved to Michigan in 1828 from Ohio. He name is recorded both as Stephen and Stephens. He was born in Vermont, moved to New York, Ohio and then to Michigan. He was in Prairie Ronde, MI in 1828. Gov Lewis Cass appointed him associate Judge for Kalamazoo Co on 18 Aug 1830.
Stephen married Mary "Polly" Carter about 1800 in Camden, CT, USA. Mary was born about 1783 in NY, USA, died in 1874 in Schoolcraft, Kalamazoo Co, MI, USA about age 91, and was buried in Harrison Cemetery, Schoolcraft, Kalamazoo Co, MI, USA.
Marriage Notes: She may have married in Steuben Co. New York.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Anna Hoyt (born in 1802 in NY, USA)
ii. Sylvina Hoyt (born in 1804 in NY, USA)
iii. Mary Hoyt (born in 1806 in NY, USA)
iv. Ransford Carter Hoyt (born on 14 May 1808 in Bellefontaine, OH, USA - died on 13 Sep 1874 in Prairie Ronde, Kalamazoo Co, MI, USA)
v. John S Hoyt (born in 1810 in OH, USA)
vi. Jane Hoyt (born in 1812 in OH, USA)
vii. Annie Hoyt (born in 1814 in OH, USA)
viii. Jerome Hoyt (born in 1816 in OH, USA - died before 1820 in OH, USA)
ix. Thomas F Hoyt (born in 1817 in OH, USA - died in 1846 in Kalamazoo Co, MI, USA)
20 x. Hiram C Hoyt (born on 8 Mar 1819 in Lake Co, OH, USA - died on 25 Jun 1891 in Cashion, Kingfisher Co, OK, USA)
xi. Elizabeth Hoyt (born about 1819 in OH, USA)
41. Mary "Polly" Carter, daughter of William Carter and Mary "Polly" Weigand, was born about 1783 in NY, USA, died in 1874 in Schoolcraft, Kalamazoo Co, MI, USA about age 91, and was buried in Harrison Cemetery, Schoolcraft, Kalamazoo Co, MI, USA.
Mary married Stephen Hoyt about 1800 in Camden, CT, USA. Stephen was born about 1770 in VT, USA, died in Nov 1832 in Brady Twp, Kalamazoo Co, MI, USA about age 62, and was buried in Harrison Cemetery, Schoolcraft, Kalamazoo Co, MI, USA.
42. James Watkins, son of Gilbert Watkins and Sarah Watkins, was born on 28 Oct 1799 in Peru, MA, USA and died on 10 Apr 1883 in Geneva Twp, Van Buren Co, MI, USA at age 83.
James married Mary Hosford on 1 Nov 1820. Mary was born on 26 Sep 1789 in NY, USA and died on 2 May 1836 in MI, USA at age 46.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Randal M Watkins (born on 17 Aug 1821 - died on 2 Aug 1855)
ii. Elizabeth D Watkins (born on 27 Dec 1822 in Watkins Glen, NY, USA)
21 iii. Sylvia M Watkins (born on 14 Oct 1824 in Naples, NY, USA - died on 21 Jun 1908 in OK, USA)
iv. Alonzo M Watkins (born on 21 Sep 1826 - died in Aug 1835)
v. Ora Jane Watkins (born on 12 Jul 1828 - died on 11 Aug 1861)
vi. Esther A Watkins (born in Jun 1831)
vii. Sarah Watkins (born in Jun 1833 - died on 6 Apr 1850)
James next married Judith Harris on 2 Mar 1837 in MI, USA. Judith was born on 12 Mar 1814 and died on 19 Oct 1868 in MI, USA at age 54.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Gilbert Amos Watkins (born on 25 Dec 1837)
ii. Cynthia L Watkins (born about 1839)
iii. Eunice Watkins (born on 8 Feb 1840 - died on 23 Feb 1840)
iv. Harriet H Watkins (born on 25 Dec 1841)
v. Martha E Watkins (born on 6 Sep 1843 - died on 22 Feb 1903)
vi. Rachel F Watkins (born on 16 May 1845)
vii. Zerilda Watkins (born on 5 Nov 1846)
viii. Holden J Watkins (born on 20 Jul 1848)
ix. Philena T Watkins (born on 18 Apr 1850)
x. Frank I Watkins (born on 14 Sep 1852 - died on 16 Jan 1946)
43. Mary Hosford was born on 26 Sep 1789 in NY, USA and died on 2 May 1836 in MI, USA at age 46.
General Notes: The Watkins family first lived in the Monroe area in Michigan. Mary is supposed to have died in that area.
Mary married James Watkins on 1 Nov 1820. James was born on 28 Oct 1799 in Peru, MA, USA and died on 10 Apr 1883 in Geneva Twp, Van Buren Co, MI, USA at age 83.
44. William Hathaway, son of Ebenezer Hathaway and Mehitabel Cowdrey, was born on 23 Mar 1790 in MA, USA and died on 9 Oct 1838 in Antwerp Twp, Van Buren Co, MI, USA at age 48.
General Notes: William was probably born in Suffield, CT as his family lived there for years and the first recorded move is in 1813 to Hartland, VT. Suffield CT was originally part of Massachusetts.
He moved to Groton, NY in 1824 and to Danby, NY in 1827. On 26 Oct 1836 he started out for Prairie Ronde, MI where he arrived on 13 Nov 1836.
William married Mary Hyde on 16 Sep 1816 in Monson, Hampden Co, MA USA. Mary was born on 27 Dec 1791 in Monson, Hampden Co, MA USA and died on 29 Dec 1852 in Assyria Twp, Barry Co, MI, USA at age 61.
Children from this marriage were:
i. William Newton Hathaway (born on 27 Aug 1817 in Wilbraham, MA, USA - died on 30 Jun 1901 in Council Bluffs, IA, USA)
ii. Charles Edward Hathaway (born on 19 Sep 1821 in Ware, MA, USA - died on 18 Sep 1901 in Vineta, OK, USA)
22 iii. Anson Hemans Hathaway (born on 10 Jul 1823 in Wilbraham, MA, USA - died on 4 Mar 1889 in Porter Twp, Van Buren Co, MI, USA)
iv. Maryetta Hathaway (born on 20 Jul 1826 in Groton, Thompkins Co, NY, USA - died on 24 Dec 1918 in Bellevue, Eaton Co, MI, USA)
45. Mary Hyde was born on 27 Dec 1791 in Monson, Hampden Co, MA USA and died on 29 Dec 1852 in Assyria Twp, Barry Co, MI, USA at age 61.
General Notes: Mary married George Colvin on 19 Apr 1840.
Mary married William Hathaway on 16 Sep 1816 in Monson, Hampden Co, MA USA. William was born on 23 Mar 1790 in MA, USA and died on 9 Oct 1838 in Antwerp Twp, Van Buren Co, MI, USA at age 48.
46. Benjamin Reynnells, son of Benjamin Reynnells and Unknown, was born on 3 Mar 1786 in Vergennes, Addison Co, VT, USA and died on 12 Sep 1855 in Porter Twp, Van Buren Co, MI, USA at age 69.
General Notes: Benjamin served in the war of 1812.
Noted events in his life were:
• Census: 1840, Decatur Twp, Van Buren Co, MI, USA.
• Census: Oct 1850, Porter Twp, Van Buren Co, MI, USA.
Benjamin married Mary Mitchell on 9 Dec 1808 in Alba, Luzerne Co, PA, USA. Mary was born on 29 Sep 1792 in Essex, Chittendon Co, VT, USA and died after 1871 in Porter Twp, Van Buren Co, MI, USA. Another name for Mary was Polly Mitchell.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Joel Reynnells (born on 26 Feb 1810 in Adams Co, OH, USA - died on 17 Aug 1814 in Adams Co, OH, USA)
ii. Almira Reynnells (born on 18 Feb 1812 in Adams Co, OH, USA - died on 16 Jul 1833 in MI, USA)
iii. Buel Reynnells (born on 12 Jun 1814 in Adams Co, OH, USA - died on 17 May 1871 in Porter Twp, Van Buren Co, MI, USA)
iv. Benjamin Reynnells (born on 19 Apr 1816 in Adams Co, OH, USA - died on 7 Jan 1871 in Porter Twp, Van Buren Co, MI, USA)
v. George R Reynnells (born on 25 Apr 1818 in Adams Co, OH, USA - died on 9 Mar 1843 in Porter Twp, Van Buren Co, MI, USA)
vi. Lucinda Reynnells (born on 6 Nov 1820 in Miegs, OH, USA)
vii. Electa Reynnells (born on 6 Oct 1822 in OH, USA - died after 1880 in Porter Twp, Van Buren Co, MI, USA)
viii. Samuel Reynnells (born on 21 Mar 1825 in Springfield, OH, USA - died on 21 Feb 1918 in Lawrence, Van Buren Co, MI, USA)
ix. Mary Jane Reynnells (born on 7 Jan 1827 in OH, USA - died on 13 Dec 1889 in Kansas City, Wyandotte Co, KS, USA)
x. Ephraim Reynnells (born on 20 Nov 1830 in Harmony, OH, USA)
23 xi. Experience Reynnells (born on 7 Sep 1832 in Clark Co, OH, USA - died on 31 Jul 1879 in Porter Twp, Van Buren Co, MI, USA)
xii. Charles Reynnells (born on 4 Nov 1834 in OH, USA - died on 19 May 1851 in Porter Twp, Van Buren Co, MI, USA)
47. Mary Mitchell, daughter of Ensign Mitchell and Lucy Hubbard, was born on 29 Sep 1792 in Essex, Chittendon Co, VT, USA and died after 1871 in Porter Twp, Van Buren Co, MI, USA. Another name for Mary was Polly Mitchell.
General Notes: There is a discrepancy in where she was born. Some records say Connecticut and others say Vermont.
Mary married Benjamin Reynnells on 9 Dec 1808 in Alba, Luzerne Co, PA, USA. Benjamin was born on 3 Mar 1786 in Vergennes, Addison Co, VT, USA and died on 12 Sep 1855 in Porter Twp, Van Buren Co, MI, USA at age 69.
48. Ján Maçsus, son of Ján Matyus and Maria Jacko, was born on 3 Apr 1817 in Šiba, Saris Co., Slovakia, was christened in Hervartov, Saris Co, Slovakia, and died in Šiba, Saris Co., Slovakia.
Ján married Maria Petrasek on 4 Nov 1838 in Hervartov, Saris Co, Slovakia. Maria was born on 18 Jun 1821 in Hervartov, Saris Co, Slovakia and died in Šiba, Saris Co., Slovakia.
Children from this marriage were:
24 i. Jozef Ján Maçus (born on 8 Mar 1846 in Šiba, Saris Co., Slovakia - died on 4 Nov 1902 in Sugar Notch, Luzerne Co., PA, USA)
ii. Ján Maçsus
iii. Andrej Maçsus (born on 12 May 1856 in Šiba, Saris Co., Slovakia - died on 15 Mar 1912 in Sheppton, PA, USA)
iv. Stefan John Maçsus (born on 26 Dec 1865 in Šiba, Saris Co., Slovakia - died on 18 Mar 1928 in Sheppton, PA, USA)
v. Anna Maçsus (born about 1866 in Šiba, Saris Co., Slovakia)
49. Maria Petrasek, daughter of Ján Petrasek and Susan Gregas, was born on 18 Jun 1821 in Hervartov, Saris Co, Slovakia and died in Šiba, Saris Co., Slovakia.
General Notes: She had a twin brother named Adam.
Maria married Ján Maçsus on 4 Nov 1838 in Hervartov, Saris Co, Slovakia. Ján was born on 3 Apr 1817 in Šiba, Saris Co., Slovakia, was christened in Hervartov, Saris Co, Slovakia, and died in Šiba, Saris Co., Slovakia.
50. Andrew Havrilla
Andrew married Anna Koval.
Children from this marriage were:
25 i. Maria Anna Havrilla (born in 1853 in Rychvald, Saris Co, Slovakia - died on 11 Aug 1931 in Ashley, Luzerne Co, PA, USA)
ii. Andrew Havrilla (born in Slovakia - died in Pennsylvania, USA)
51. Anna Koval
Anna married Andrew Havrilla.
52. Jozef Istok, son of Ján Istok and Maria Istoková, was born on 15 Jul 1823 in Fricovce, Saris Co, Slovakia.61
Jozef married Mária Gruszová. Mária was born on 27 May 1823 in Hendricovce, Saris Co, Slovakia.62
The child from this marriage was:
26 i. Ján Istok (born on 1 Aug 1855 in Fricovce, Saris Co, Slovakia - died on 11 Jan 1908 in Nanticoke, Luzerne Co, PA, USA)
53. Mária Gruszová, daughter of Jozef Grus and Alzbeta Gruszová, was born on 27 May 1823 in Hendricovce, Saris Co, Slovakia.62
Mária married Jozef Istok. Jozef was born on 15 Jul 1823 in Fricovce, Saris Co, Slovakia.61
55. Anna Husivargova, daughter of Andrej Husivargá and Alzbeta Dzivá, was born on 25 Feb 1832 in Fricovce, Saris Co, Slovakia.63
Anna married someone
Her child was:
27 i. Anna Paulina Husivargá (born on 1 May 1859 in Fricovce, Saris Co, Slovakia - died on 7 Dec 1941 in Nanticoke, Luzerne Co, PA, USA)
56. Lars Jansson, son of Johan Larsson and Maja Stina Larsdotter, was born on 28 Dec 1808 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden, was christened on 1 Jan 1809, and died on 2 Jul 1864 in Svalnäs, BoParish, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden at age 55.
General Notes: They lived in Svalnäs in Bo parish. Lars' Mother, Maja Stina Larsdotter and his sister, Inga Stina, lived with them. Lars was a farmer.
Lars was born at Svalnäs. At his baptism the witnesses were: Benckt Larsson and his wife Anna C-t Larsdotter from Kalkebohl, the daughter Kerstin Larsdotter, and farm hand Peter Jonsson of Skinnarbacka.
Lars married Maja Stina Andersdotter on 26 Dec 1832.64 Maja was born on 5 Mar 1809 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden,65 was christened on 8 Mar 1809, died on 30 Jul 1854 in Svalnäa Bo Parish, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden66 at age 45, and was buried on 3 Aug 1854 in Svalnäs, Bo Parish, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden.65 Another name for Maja was Anna Stina Andersdotter.
Children from this marriage were:
28 i. Karl Johan Larsson (born on 1 Oct 1833 in Svalnäs, Bo Parish, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden - died on 14 Mar 1900 in Aspelunda, BoParish, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
ii. Maria Carolina Larsdotter (born on 21 Oct 1834 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
iii. Stina Lovisa Larsdotter (born on 23 Nov 1835 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden - died on 14 Dec 1835)
iv. Anna Gustava Larsdotter (born on 27 Jan 1837 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
v. Anders Gustaf Larsson (born on 6 Aug 1839 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden - died on 21 Dec 1839)
vi. Lovisa Albertina Larsdotter (born on 1 Jun 1841 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
vii. Christina Wilhelmina Larsdotter (born on 27 Sep 1843 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
viii. Johanna Augusta Larsdotter (born on 2 Apr 1846 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
ix. Eva Lotta Larsdotter (born on 7 Jan 1848 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
x. Lars August Larsson (born on 29 Mar 1850 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
xi. Clara Sophia Larsdotter (born on 15 Jul 1852 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden - died on 6 Mar 1855)
xii. Malcolm Larsson (born on 13 Feb 1854 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
57. Maja Stina Andersdotter, daughter of Anders Jansson and Kerstin Olsdotter, was born on 5 Mar 1809 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden,65 was christened on 8 Mar 1809, died on 30 Jul 1854 in Svalnäa Bo Parish, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden66 at age 45, and was buried on 3 Aug 1854 in Svalnäs, Bo Parish, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden.65 Another name for Maja was Anna Stina Andersdotter.
General Notes: Maja was from Bäck in Bo parish. Her father died when she was 21 days old. Maja Stina was born and baptized in Gamby. The witnesses were: Jonas Jansson and his wife Cathrina Pärsdotter of Djursnäs, farm hand Peter Andersson of Gambyberg and the young girl Stina Olsdotter of Late.
Maja married Lars Jansson on 26 Dec 1832.64 Lars was born on 28 Dec 1808 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden, was christened on 1 Jan 1809, and died on 2 Jul 1864 in Svalnäs, BoParish, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden at age 55.
58. Olof Djurfeldt, son of Unknown and Carin Olsdotter, was born on 20 May 1792 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden, was christened on 22 May 1792, and died on 10 Nov 1850 in Skånstorp, Bo Parish, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden67 at age 58.
General Notes: Olof was illegitimate. His father is unknown. He resided in Djursnästorp soldattorp in Bo parish. He later lived in Skånstorp in Bo parish. He was a soldier. He retired and was on a pension in 1842. Olof was in the Närkes Regements, Kumla Company, Djursnäs Rote. He became a soldier 23 May 1815 and retired 18 May 1840.
Olof married Anna Katrina Karström on 12 Mar 1833 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden.68 Anna was born on 19 Jan 1806 in Östra Sonnarslöv, Kristianstads, Skåne, Sweden, was christened on 21 Jan 1806, and died about 1851 about age 45. Other names for Anna were Anna Ericksdotter, and Anna Kathrina Karström.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Albertina Olsdotter (born on 25 Apr 1833 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
ii. Lars Peter Olsson (born on 11 Feb 1835 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden - died on 7 Mar 1835 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
iii. Lars Peter Olsson (born on 17 Apr 1836 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
29 iv. Gustava Olsdotter (born on 11 Aug 1839 in Djurnästorp Bo Parish, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden - died on 8 May 1929 in Örebro, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
v. Anna Maria Olsdotter (born on 12 Sep 1842 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
vi. Anders Magnus Olsson (born on 28 Jun 1845 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
Olof next married Maja Lena Bengtsdotter. Maja was born on 13 Feb 1793 in Sköllersta, Sweden and died on 1 Jun 1832 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden at age 39.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Maja Cathrina Olsdotter (born on 3 Jun 1817 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden - died on 18 May 1820 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
ii. Johan Erik Olsson (born on 30 May 1820 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
iii. Olof Gustaf Olsson (born on 31 Oct 1822 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
iv. Anna Lovisa Olsdotter (born on 29 Nov 1825 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
v. Maria Helena Olsdotter (born on 1 Nov 1827 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
vi. Johanna Sophia Olsdotter (born on 9 Jan 1831 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden - died on 13 Jan 1833 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
59. Anna Katrina Karström, daughter of Erik Karström and Johanna Maria Larsdotter, was born on 19 Jan 1806 in Östra Sonnarslöv, Kristianstads, Skåne, Sweden, was christened on 21 Jan 1806, and died about 1851 about age 45. Other names for Anna were Anna Ericksdotter, and Anna Kathrina Karström.
General Notes: Prior to her marriage she was a maid/servant. She was a servant in the home of Olof Djurfeldt and his first wife Maja Lena Bengtsdotter. Anna and Olof married 9 months after Maja died and Anna was 8 months pregnant.
Anna was jailed several times for stealing and misconduct. She was first arrested in Malmö prior to her marriage. She claimed she was arrested for no reason. She was sentenced to 3 months at the spinning house in Norrköping. She served 2 months of her sentence working for the farmer Ringdahl in Löthaberge, Högby Parish. She was then told she could go to Skåne. This is when she went North .
Anna was judged for petty thievery at Skånstorp in 1844. She was arrested for stealing at Lerbäck in 1846. In 1848 she was punished by being fed bread and water - this was the church duty. She was arrested again and taken to Östersund's Prison in 1849. She was arrested in Jäntland in 1850 because of a writing from the government office. Her husband, Olof, died 10 November 1850 and because Anna was in prison the children were placed in foster homes.
Anna claimed that Olof physically abused her and that she tried to leave him for a long time. She met Karl Frederick Gullbrandsson, he lived in the same neighborhood as she did. She made up her mind to leave her husband and go away with Gullbrandsson. On 23 October she told her family that she was going to Lerbäcks market. Instead she ran away with Gullbrandsson and his mother. She joined them and they travelled around. They wandered from Hardemo in Bo Parish to Linköpings, Nyköpings County, Dalarna, Hälsingland, Jäntland on the easternside of Lake Storsjön to Levangen in Norway. They made baskets and other handicrafts to sell and begged for a living. When people refused to buy from them, they threatened them and caused accidents to happen. People were afraid of them.
Possibly Anna died in Österlund. For sure she did not come back to Bo Parish. It is unknown when Anna died, but it is thought that she died between 1851 and 1859. Gustava was married in 1859 and in her marriage records it states that her parents are dead.
Anna lied about her identity and many other things. See Husförhörslängder of 12 August 1850 for the details of her life. There are records of court proceedings in Wenersborg at kungliga Court in Örebro. There are also records in the Landskancelliet in Östersund in 15 July 1850.
At Anna's baptism the witnesses were: Åboen in Borrestad Anders Mårtensson and his wife, Kerstina. See Kyrkotagen of 9 February in Östra Sönnarslöv.
Anna married Olof Djurfeldt on 12 Mar 1833 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden.68 Olof was born on 20 May 1792 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden, was christened on 22 May 1792, and died on 10 Nov 1850 in Skånstorp, Bo Parish, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden67 at age 58.
60. Morten Jørgen Mortensen, son of Morten Larsen Jørgensen and Karen Jørgensdatter, was born on 25 Sep 1803 in Brundby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark,69 was christened on 25 Sep 1803 in Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark, died on 4 Sep 1879 in Brundby, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark70 at age 75, and was buried on 8 Sep 1879.71 Another name for Morten was Morten Jørgen Larsen.
General Notes: He was a day laborer. Day laborers rented out their services on a daily basis. It could be any type of work. I think he did day labor work as a farm hand. In the Danish Census of 1834 he is listed as a servant at the age of 32 and he is unmarried. In the Danish census records of 1850 he is listed as a crofter and laborer. In the census records of 1840, 1845, 1860 and 1870 he is listed as only a day laborer.
A crofter is a small farmer who may or may not own his farm. The land surrounding the home is a very small amount.
In 1828 Denmark passed a law that everyone had to have a family surname. The nobility and city people generally complied with this law, but the country peasants did not. Because people were not complying with the law, Denmark passed another law in 1858 reiterating the necessity for a family surname. It was not until the 1880's that the country people generally took a surname. Therefore during this time period there were a lot of name changes and inconsistencies. The following is the various ways that Morten's name is listed in the Danish Census records:
1834 Morten Jørgen Larsen
1840 Morten Jørgen Larsen
1845 Morten Jørgen Mortensen
1850 Morten Jørgen Larsen
1860 Morten Jørgen Mortensen
1870 Morten Jørgen Larsen
His birth records state his name as Morten Jørgen and his parents names as Morten Laursen and Karen Jørgensen. His marriage records and all the births of his children state his name as Morten Jørgen Mortensen. The Death records state his name as Morten Larsen Mortensen. The census records were usually done by the local schoolteacher or church singer.
In the Danish probate records, dated 1879, his name is recorded as Morten Jørgen Larsen Mortensen. The Church death records state his name as Morten Larsen Mortensen. The probate records of Morten's wife (1882) state she was Dorthe Marie Hansdatter the widow of Morten Jørgen Mortensen. All these records mention the name of the wife and all children. The probate records state that the children, Morten, Karen and Bodil were still living in Brundby, but Hans was living in Endelave.
Morten married Dorthe Marie Hansdatter on 6 May 1838 in Besser, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark.72 Dorthe was born on 10 Jul 1814 in Besser, Besser Parish, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark,73 was christened on 10 Jul 1814 in Besser, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark, died on 13 Sep 1882 in Brundby, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark74 at age 68, and was buried on 18 Sep 1882 in Tranebjerg Kgd, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark. Another name for Dorthe was Dorthe Marie Hansdatter.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Morten Mortensen (born on 20 Aug 1838 in Brundby, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark - died on 12 Feb 1910 in Brundby, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark)
ii. Hans Jørgen Mortensen (born on 1 Jan 1841 in Brundby, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark - died on 15 Mar 1841 in Brundby, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark)
iii. Karen Mortensen (born on 23 Mar 1842 in Brundby, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark)
iv. Bodil Mortensen (born on 18 May 1845 in Brundby, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark - died on 5 Mar 1848 in Brundby, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark)
30 v. Hans Jørgen Mortensen (born on 31 Mar 1850 in Brundby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark - died on 12 Dec 1932 in Hessel, Mackinac Co., MI, USA)
vi. Jørgen Mortensen (born on 31 Mar 1850 in Brundby, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark - died on 1 Jun 1850 in Brundby, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark)
vii. Bodil Marie Mortensen (born on 6 Jul 1854 in Brundby, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark - died after 1914 in Brundby, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark)
61. Dorthe Marie Hansdatter, daughter of Hans Rasmussen Kejser and Bodil Michelsdatter, was born on 10 Jul 1814 in Besser, Besser Parish, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark,73 was christened on 10 Jul 1814 in Besser, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark, died on 13 Sep 1882 in Brundby, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark74 at age 68, and was buried on 18 Sep 1882 in Tranebjerg Kgd, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark. Another name for Dorthe was Dorthe Marie Hansdatter.
General Notes: In the Danish probate records of 1882 for Dorthe Marie's estate it is stated that Karen, Bodil and Morten are living in Brundby, but Hans is in "Amerike".
Dorthe married Morten Jørgen Mortensen on 6 May 1838 in Besser, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark.72 Morten was born on 25 Sep 1803 in Brundby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark,69 was christened on 25 Sep 1803 in Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark, died on 4 Sep 1879 in Brundby, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark70 at age 75, and was buried on 8 Sep 1879.71 Another name for Morten was Morten Jørgen Larsen.
62. Niels Christensen,51 son of Christen Sørensen Wandel and Appelone Nielsdatter, was born on 30 Aug 1815 in Horsens Parish, Skanderborg Co, Denmark,75 died on 10 Nov 1880 in Bisholt Mose, Skjold Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark at age 65, and was buried on 17 Nov 1880 in Skjold Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark. Another name for Niels was Niels Vandel.
General Notes: The name of Abelone's father comes from her small pox vaccination certificate dated May of 1853 and it states that she was vaccinated at the age of 4 in V. Bisholdt. This is what I used to locate her ancestors.
Niels Wandel was confirmed in Horsens Parish on 4 October 1829 at the age of 14. He received good marks in knowledge of Christian doctrine and behavior.
According to the Tilgangsliste (register of everyone entering the parish) of Glud, Niels Vandel age 21 moved to Glud Parish on 5 May 1836. He left Horsens Parish on 3 May 1836 and was to serve on Jørgen Nielsen's farm in Norbye.
Niels Christensen and Ane Marie Andersdatter were living in Vejle, Bjerre Herred, Skjold Parish, Brund Bye during the 1845 Danish Census. The informatioin in the census records appears as follows:
Niels Christensen, 29, married, lodger in a house and day laborer, born in Horsens
Ane Marie Andersdatter, 31, married, his wife, born in Glud Parish
Else Marie Nielsdatter, 7, their child born in this parish
Christen Nielsen, 3, their child born in this parish
Ane Marie Beenjaminsdatter, 43, unmarried, spinner, born in this parish
Niels Poulsen, 7, her son, born in this parish
In the 1855 Census for Brund, Skjold Parish, Bjerre Herred, Veile County, Niels Christensen and Ane Marie Andersdatter only have Abelone age 6 living with them.
In the 1860 Census for Skjold Parish, Vejle County, Niels Christensen is age 45, born in Horsens, smallholder. His wife Ane Marie andersdatter, age 46 was born in Glud. Their child, Christen Nielsen, age 18 is living with them and was born in Skjold Parish. Their child, Abbelone Nielsen, age 11, also born in Skjold Parish. Lastly their child, Ane Nielsen, age 4 born in Skjold Parish is living with them.
In the 1870 Census for V. Bisholt, Skjold Parish, Vejle County, Niels Christensen, age 54, married , Lutheran, born Horsens Parish, is a day laborer. Living with him is his wife Anemarie Andersdatter, age 55, born in Glud Parish, Vejle County, their daughter Elsiemarie, age 31, unmarried, her (Else Marie) daughter, Christine Marie Nielsen age 3 born in Skjold Parish and their daughter Ane Nielsen, age 13, unmarried, born in Skjold Parish.
In the 1880 Danish Census Records for Skjold Parish, V. Bisholt, Niels Christensen is age 64 and a widow. Living with him is his daughter, Else Marie Nielsen, 41, and her daughter, Marie Christine Nielsen age 13. In the same house is Søren Thomasen, his wife, Ane Nielsen and their child Anders Thomasen.
In the death records Niels' name is recorded as Niels Kristensen Vandal. Niels died in the hospital in Horsens.
Niels married Anne Marie Andersdatter on 25 Nov 1842 in Skjold Church, Skjold Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark.76 Anne was born on 17 Jun 1814 in Glud, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark, was christened on 17 Jun 1814 in Glud, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark, died on 4 Jan 1879 in Skjold Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark at age 64, and was buried on 11 Jan 1879 in Skjold Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark.
Marriage Notes: The marriage record of Niels and Ane Marie states that Niels was living at Brund and was vaccinated on 26 April 1827. Ane Marie was vaccinated on 13 August 1816. The witnesses were: Niels Hansen and Rasmus Nielsen of Brund. They were married in the Glud Church.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Else Marie Nielsen (born on 22 Oct 1838 in Skjold Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark - died on 1 Jul 1885 in Skjold Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark)
ii. Christen Nielsen (born on 27 Dec 1842 in Skjold Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark - died on 9 May 1864, buried in Christianssand, Norway)
31 iii. Abbelone Nielsen (born on 25 Feb 1849 in Vester Bisholdt, Skjold Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark - died on 15 Jan 1929 in St Ignace, Mackinac Co., MI, USA)
iv. Nielsine Nielsen (born on 25 Feb 1849 in Skjold Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark - died on 24 Jan 1851 in Bisholt Mose, Skjold Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark)
v. Anders Nielsen (born on 7 Apr 1852 in Skjold Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark - died on 16 Mar 1853 in Skjold Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark)
vi. Ane Nielsen (born on 27 Sep 1856 in Skjold Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark - died on 19 Dec 1934 in Stourup Kohave, Skjold Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark)
63. Anne Marie Andersdatter, daughter of Anders Jensen and Else Marie Michelsdatter, was born on 17 Jun 1814 in Glud, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark, was christened on 17 Jun 1814 in Glud, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark, died on 4 Jan 1879 in Skjold Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark at age 64, and was buried on 11 Jan 1879 in Skjold Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark.
General Notes: Anne Marie was confirmed in 1829. Her sponsor was her stepfather, Niels Nielsen. She was graded as average and it states she was vaccinated on 26 April 1824.
The following appears in the 1834 Danish Census for Vejle County, Bjerre District, Skjold Parish, Brund Town:
Jens Hansen, 40, married, farmer
Maren Olesdatter, 38, married, his wife
Hans Jensen, 14, unmarried, their child
Mette Cathrine Jensdatter, 10, unmarried, their child
Ole Jensen, 8, unmarried, their child
Laurs Jensen, 5, unmarried, their child
Jens Jensen, 3, unmarried, their child
Anders Isachsen, 20, unmarried, servant
Ane Marie Andersdatter, 20, unmarried, servant
Karen Marie Madsdatter, 18, unmarried, servant
In the Skjold Parish death records it states that Ane Marie Andersdatter was the wife of Niels Kristensen Vandal of Bisholt Mark.
Anne married Niels Christensen 51 on 25 Nov 1842 in Skjold Church, Skjold Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark.76 Niels was born on 30 Aug 1815 in Horsens Parish, Skanderborg Co, Denmark,75 died on 10 Nov 1880 in Bisholt Mose, Skjold Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark at age 65, and was buried on 17 Nov 1880 in Skjold Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark. Another name for Niels was Niels Vandel.
72. Hand
Hand married someone.
His children were:
36 i. William Hand (born about 1800 in Ireland - died on 19 Oct 1877 in Mulmur Twp, Simcoe Co, Ontario, Canada)
ii. Joseph Hand (born in 1811 in Ireland - died on 28 Jan 1861 in Mulmur Twp, Dufferin Co, Ontario, Canada)
76. Unknown Bradley
Unknown married someone.
His children were:
38 i. William Bradley (born about 1806 in Ireland - died on 24 Jan 1868 in Mulmur Twp, Simcoe Co, Ontario, Canada)
ii. Edward Bradley (born about 1800 in Ireland - died on 31 Dec 1897 in Melancthon, Dufferin Co, Ontario, Canada)
80. Stephen Hoyt, son of Jacob Hoyt and Sarah Hicks, was born on 21 Jul 1737 in Oblong, Dutchess Co, NY, USA and died in VT, USA.
General Notes: There is no proof that this is the father of my Stephen Hoyt. There is a Stephen Hoyt from Stamford, CT who also could be the father of my Stephen.
Stephen married someone
His children were:
40 i. Stephen Hoyt (born about 1770 in VT, USA - died in Nov 1832 in Brady Twp, Kalamazoo Co, MI, USA)
ii. Ransford Hoyt (born about 1775)
82. William Carter, son of Joshua Carter and Elizabeth Lovell, was born about 1760 in Woburn, MA, USA and died in 1818 in Belleville Twp, Union Co, Ohio, USA about age 58.
General Notes: The ancestry for William Carter is unproven, but appears to be likely.
William married Mary "Polly" Weigand circa 1780 in New York City, NY, USA. Mary was born about 1755 in NY, USA. Another name for Mary was Polly Weygandt.
Children from this marriage were:
41 i. Mary "Polly" Carter (born about 1783 in NY, USA - died in 1874 in Schoolcraft, Kalamazoo Co, MI, USA)
ii. William Powell Carter
iii. Elizabeth Carter
iv. Leah Carter
v. Keziah Carter (died in 1813 in Fort Miegs, OH, USA)
vi. John Carter (died in 1813, buried in Fort Miegs, OH, USA)
vii. Rebeccah Carter (died about 1813 in OH, USA)
viii. Samuel Carter (died in 1877)
ix. Catherine Carter
x. Thomas Carter
xi. Marth "Patsy" Carter (died in 1835)
xii. Jonathon Carter
83. Mary "Polly" Weigand was born about 1755 in NY, USA. Another name for Mary was Polly Weygandt.
General Notes: Mary is referred to as German or Dutch in different records. I have not been able to determine which is correct. I was told by my grandmother that we were part German, but I do not know if she was referring to the Weigand family or to the fact that Hoyt is a German name. This surname has been spelled many different ways. I have seen it frequently spelled as Weygandt and several of Mary's siblings used the name Wagoner.
Mary married William Carter circa 1780 in New York City, NY, USA. William was born about 1760 in Woburn, MA, USA and died in 1818 in Belleville Twp, Union Co, Ohio, USA about age 58.
84. Gilbert Watkins, son of James Watkins and Esther Whitney, was born in 1765 in Natick, MA, USA and died on 11 Mar 1824 in Caroline, Topkins, CO, NY, USA at age 59.
General Notes: Gilbert and Sarah were double first cousins. They have the same grandparents because their parents married brothers and sisters of their spouses.
His death is recorded sometimes as 1822 and others as 1824. He is said to have been buried in the back yard of their farm house in New York. This used to be a common practice.
Gilbert married Sarah Watkins. Sarah was born on 12 Oct 1766, was christened on 12 Oct 1766 in Hopkinton, MA, USA, and died on 25 Dec 1840 in Hopkinton, MA, USA at age 74.
Children from this marriage were:
42 i. James Watkins (born on 28 Oct 1799 in Peru, MA, USA - died on 10 Apr 1883 in Geneva Twp, Van Buren Co, MI, USA)
ii. Morrel Watkins (born on 20 Nov 1786 in Peru, MA, USA)
iii. Sarah Watkins (born on 9 Jan 1789 in Peru, MA, USA - died on 10 Apr 1790 in Peru, MA, USA)
iv. Sarah Watkins (born on 25 Mar 1791 in Peru, MA, USA)
v. Esther Watkins (born on 14 Dec 1793 in Peru, MA, USA)
vi. Dorcas Watkins (born on 26 Jan 1795 in Peru, MA, USA - died on 26 Jan 1795 in Peru, MA, USA)
vii. Nathan Watkins (born on 21 Jun 1797 in Peru, MA, USA)
viii. Dolly Watkins (born on 5 Jul 1801 in Peru, MA, USA)
ix. Jesse Watkins (born on 6 Jul 1803 in Peru, MA, USA - died on 9 Jul 1803 in Peru, MA, USA)
x. Anna Watkins (born on 22 Jul 1805 in Peru, MA, USA)
xi. Adaline Watkins (died in Van Buren Co, MI, USA)
xii. Franklin Watkins
xiii. Susan Watkins (buried in Van Buren Co, MI, USA)
85. Sarah Watkins, daughter of Captain Nathan Watkins and Sarah Whitney, was born on 12 Oct 1766, was christened on 12 Oct 1766 in Hopkinton, MA, USA, and died on 25 Dec 1840 in Hopkinton, MA, USA at age 74.
Sarah married Gilbert Watkins. Gilbert was born in 1765 in Natick, MA, USA and died on 11 Mar 1824 in Caroline, Topkins, CO, NY, USA at age 59.
88. Ebenezer Hathaway, son of Ebenezer Hathaway and Parnell King, was born on 25 Feb 1757 in Suffield, CT, USA and died in 1844 in Summer Hill, Cayuga Co, NY, USA at age 87.
Ebenezer married Mehitabel Cowdrey on 27 Jul 1785 in Suffield, CT, USA. Mehitabel was born on 12 Dec 1763 in Hartland, CT, USA, was christened on 10 Mar 1771 in Hartland, CT, USA, and died on 20 Jan 1829 in Summer Hill, Cayuga Co, NY, USA at age 65.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Ebenezer Hathaway (born on 6 Nov 1786 in Suffield, CT, USA - died on 5 Jan 1867 in Summer Hill, Cayuga Co, NY, USA)
ii. Mehittabel Hathaway (born on 27 Jun 1788 in Suffield, CT, USA - died on 17 Jan 1836 in Schoolcraft, Kalamazoo Co, MI, USA)
44 iii. William Hathaway (born on 23 Mar 1790 in MA, USA - died on 9 Oct 1838 in Antwerp Twp, Van Buren Co, MI, USA)
iv. Lydia Hathaway (born on 3 Nov 1796)
v. David Hathaway (born on 17 Sep 1798 - died on 26 May 1881 in Henry Co, IA, USA)
vi. Candace Hathaway (born on 26 Jul 1800 in Conneticutt - died on 27 Sep 1860)
vii. Maria Hathaway (born on 24 Jun 1802 in Granby, CT, USA - died on 27 Sep 1860)
viii. Jason Hathaway (born on 3 Apr 1805 in CT, USA - died on 8 Oct 1866 in Summer Hill, Cayuga Co, NY, USA)
ix. Ardon Hathaway (born on 23 Sep 1807 - died on 5 Jun 1897 in Sempronius, NY)
x. Jael Hathaway (born on 14 Jan 1792 - died in IA, USA)
xi. Lydia Hathaway (born on 18 Nov 1794 - died on 14 Oct 1796)
89. Mehitabel Cowdrey, daughter of Moses Cowdrey and Martha Bushnell, was born on 12 Dec 1763 in Hartland, CT, USA, was christened on 10 Mar 1771 in Hartland, CT, USA, and died on 20 Jan 1829 in Summer Hill, Cayuga Co, NY, USA at age 65.
Mehitabel married Ebenezer Hathaway on 27 Jul 1785 in Suffield, CT, USA. Ebenezer was born on 25 Feb 1757 in Suffield, CT, USA and died in 1844 in Summer Hill, Cayuga Co, NY, USA at age 87.
92. Benjamin Reynnells, son of Benjamin Reynnells and Unknown, was born about 1761 in Fairfield, CT, USA.
Benjamin married someone
His child was:
46 i. Benjamin Reynnells (born on 3 Mar 1786 in Vergennes, Addison Co, VT, USA - died on 12 Sep 1855 in Porter Twp, Van Buren Co, MI, USA)
94. Ensign Mitchell, son of Joseph Mitchell and Lydia Foster, was born in 1759, was christened on 1 Jul 1759 in Deerfield, MA, USA, died about 1839 in Mechanicsburg, OH, USA about age 80, and was buried in Pike Twp, Madison Co, OH, USA.
General Notes: He was in the revolutionary War. He was a private in Captain Daniel Mill's Company, Colonel Van Schaik's NY Battalion. He enlisted December 26, 1776.
In 1815 he settled on a farm 4½ miles southeast of Mechanicsburg, Madison Co, Ohio.
Ensign married Lucy Hubbard circa 1786. Lucy was born on 2 Feb 1764 in Sheffield, MA, USA and died about 1845 in Pike Twp, Madison Co, OH, USA about age 81. Another name for Lucy was Lucy Hubberd.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Ensign Mitchell (born on 3 Mar 1787)
ii. Chandler Mitchell (born about 1788)
47 iii. Mary Mitchell (born on 29 Sep 1792 in Essex, Chittendon Co, VT, USA - died after 1871 in Porter Twp, Van Buren Co, MI, USA)
iv. Claudius Mitchell (born on 6 Jan 1794)
v. Lavina Mitchell (born about 1796)
vi. Roxanna Mitchell (born about 1798)
vii. Experience Mitchell (born about 1801)
viii. Ira Mitchell (born on 3 Jul 1803)
ix. Lydia Mitchell (born about 1805)
x. Abizer Mitchell (born on 27 Mar 1807)
xi. Newman Mitchell (born on 29 Apr 1811)
95. Lucy Hubbard, daughter of John Hubbard and Susannah Highstead, was born on 2 Feb 1764 in Sheffield, MA, USA and died about 1845 in Pike Twp, Madison Co, OH, USA about age 81. Another name for Lucy was Lucy Hubberd.
General Notes: According to the Vital Records of Sheffield, Massachusetts "Lucy Hubberd, the reputed daughter of John Hubberd and Susanna Highstead".
Lucy married Ensign Mitchell circa 1786. Ensign was born in 1759, was christened on 1 Jul 1759 in Deerfield, MA, USA, died about 1839 in Mechanicsburg, OH, USA about age 80, and was buried in Pike Twp, Madison Co, OH, USA.
96. Ján Matyus was born about 1790 in Šiba, Saris Co., Slovakia and died in Šiba, Saris Co., Slovakia.
General Notes: Jan and Maria lived in a large one room log house with a large stone fireplace and a dirt floor. This house was torn down in 1909. They had a farm of 17 acres. Šiba is in a vally between two gently sloping hills. The Maçus homestead gradually rises from the stream. There is a small patch of flat land where the current two houses are. To get to the houses from the main highway one must cross a bridge over the stream. Two Maçus brothers live in two houses on this property, Andrej and Jozef.
Matyus means little Matthew. The family has passed down the story of how their name became Maçus as follows: Originally the family name was Kaspryzk ( this is a Polish name, Šiba is very close to the Polish border). The village where these Kaspryzk lived was overcrowded with Kaspryzk and it was very difficult to distinquish one from another. One of our ancestors with the name of Matus (Matthew) began to be referred to by his first name. He accepted it as his surname and passed it down to later generations. Due to illiteracy the name has evolved over the generations to become Maçus. This is not a Slovak name and tthe only persons of this name in Slovakia are our relatives. There are no persons of the name Kaspryzk living in Šiba.
He was a Roman Catholic and an ethnic Slovak.
Ján married Maria Jacko circa 1815 in Šiba, Saris Co., Slovakia. Maria was born about 1795 in Šiba, Saris Co., Slovakia and died in Šiba, Saris Co., Slovakia.
The child from this marriage was:
48 i. Ján Maçsus (born on 3 Apr 1817 in Šiba, Saris Co., Slovakia - died in Šiba, Saris Co., Slovakia)
97. Maria Jacko was born about 1795 in Šiba, Saris Co., Slovakia and died in Šiba, Saris Co., Slovakia.
General Notes: She was Ruthenian and a Greek Catholic.
Maria married Ján Matyus circa 1815 in Šiba, Saris Co., Slovakia. Ján was born about 1790 in Šiba, Saris Co., Slovakia and died in Šiba, Saris Co., Slovakia.
98. Ján Petrasek
Ján married Susan Gregas.
Children from this marriage were:
49 i. Maria Petrasek (born on 18 Jun 1821 in Hervartov, Saris Co, Slovakia - died in Šiba, Saris Co., Slovakia)
ii. Andrew Petrasek
99. Susan Gregas
Susan married Ján Petrasek.
100. George Havrilla
George married Susan Palecsar.
The child from this marriage was:
50 i. Andrew Havrilla
101. Susan Palecsar
Susan married George Havrilla.
104. Ján Istok
Ján married Maria Istoková.
The child from this marriage was:
52 i. Jozef Istok (born on 15 Jul 1823 in Fricovce, Saris Co, Slovakia)
105. Maria Istoková
Maria married Ján Istok.
106. Jozef Grus
Jozef married Alzbeta Gruszová.
The child from this marriage was:
53 i. Mária Gruszová (born on 27 May 1823 in Hendricovce, Saris Co, Slovakia)
107. Alzbeta Gruszová
Alzbeta married Jozef Grus.
110. Andrej Husivargá
Andrej married Alzbeta Dzivá.
The child from this marriage was:
55 i. Anna Husivargova (born on 25 Feb 1832 in Fricovce, Saris Co, Slovakia)
111. Alzbeta Dzivá
Alzbeta married Andrej Husivargá.
112. Johan Larsson, son of Lars Jansson and Cherstin Benctsdotter, was born on 28 Oct 1773 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden,77 was christened on 31 Oct 1773, and died on 10 Jun 1826 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden78 at age 52. Another name for Johan was Jan Larsson.
General Notes: He was born in Latu in Bo Parish. The witnesses at his baptism were: Farm foreman in Boo Jan Jansson and his wife Maria Jonsdotter, farm hand Erik Bengtsson of Harje and the young girl Cherstin Jansdotter from Gamby. He was a farm hand. His wife's Aunt lived with the family - the widow Brita Pärsdotter.
For the records on this family see: A I 1826-30 page 75, A I 1831-1835 page 66, A I 1836-40 page 70.
It is not known when Jan Larsson moved to Svalnäs, but it is known that on 26 December 1800, when he married. he was living there.
Johan married Maja Stina Larsdotter on 26 Dec 1800 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden.79 Maja was born on 25 Aug 1775 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden, was christened on 27 Aug 1775, died on 1 Dec 1840 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden at age 65, and was buried on 6 Dec 1840. Other names for Maja were Stina Larsdotter, Anna Stina Larsdotter, and Maiia Stina Larsdotter.
Marriage Notes: They were married in the Bo Church.
Children from this marriage were:
56 i. Lars Jansson (born on 28 Dec 1808 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden - died on 2 Jul 1864 in Svalnäs, BoParish, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
ii. Anna Brita Jansdotter (born on 28 Jan 1803 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
iii. Maja Cajsa Jansdotter (born on 3 Dec 1805 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
iv. Inga Stina Jansdotter (born on 11 Oct 1811 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden - died on 2 Aug 1840 in Gamby, Bo, Örebro Co., Närke, Sweden)
v. Lovisa Ulrika Jansdotter (born on 20 Mar 1815 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden - died on 12 Jun 1815 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
113. Maja Stina Larsdotter, daughter of Lars Larsson and Ingeborg Pärsdotter, was born on 25 Aug 1775 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden, was christened on 27 Aug 1775, died on 1 Dec 1840 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden at age 65, and was buried on 6 Dec 1840. Other names for Maja were Stina Larsdotter, Anna Stina Larsdotter, and Maiia Stina Larsdotter.
General Notes: Anna Stina Larsdotter was born and baptized from Stora Boskulla . The witnesses were: Jan Jansson and his wife, Maria Nilsdotter of Stora Boskulla, the farm hand Anders Persson of Kratthult and the young girl Lena Jonsdotter of Stora Boskulla. Afterwards she usually writes her name as Maria Stina or Maija Stina.
Maja married Johan Larsson on 26 Dec 1800 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden.79 Johan was born on 28 Oct 1773 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden,77 was christened on 31 Oct 1773, and died on 10 Jun 1826 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden78 at age 52. Another name for Johan was Jan Larsson.
114. Anders Jansson, son of Jan Jansson and Maria Jonsdotter, was born on 3 Mar 1784 in Linhult, Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden, was christened on 5 Mar 1784, died on 26 Mar 1809 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden80 at age 25, and was buried on 2 Apr 1809.
General Notes: They lived in Gamby in Bo Parish. They were married in Bo Church by Pastor Wulf. Anders birth and baptism records state he was from Linhult. The witnesses were: Jöns Andersson and his wife Kerstin Persdotter from Linhult, farm hand Jonas Erikson of Gamby and the young girl Kerstin Larsdotter of Kobäcken.
Anders married Kerstin Olsdotter on 30 Mar 1808 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden.81 Kerstin was born on 11 Apr 1786 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden and was christened on 14 Apr 1786.
The child from this marriage was:
57 i. Maja Stina Andersdotter (born on 5 Mar 1809 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden - died on 30 Jul 1854 in Svalnäa Bo Parish, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
115. Kerstin Olsdotter, daughter of Olof Olsson and Cathrina Benctsdotter, was born on 11 Apr 1786 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden and was christened on 14 Apr 1786.
General Notes: Kerstin married Anders Andersson on 24 March 1811 in Gamby. They moved to Bäck in 1817. Her birth records state she was from Gamby. At her baptism the witnesses were: Lars Jansson and his wife Kerstin Benctsdotter of Latu, farm hand Jonas Ersson of Gamby and the young girl Brita Olsdotter of Bro.
Kerstin married Anders Jansson on 30 Mar 1808 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden.81 Anders was born on 3 Mar 1784 in Linhult, Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden, was christened on 5 Mar 1784, died on 26 Mar 1809 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden80 at age 25, and was buried on 2 Apr 1809.
Kerstin next married Anders Andersson.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Anna Caisa Andersdotter (born on 20 Oct 1811 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
ii. Lovisa Andersdotter (born on 7 Aug 1814 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
iii. Lovisa Albertina Andersdotter (born on 21 Apr 1818 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
iv. Carolina Andersdotter (born on 20 May 1820 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
v. Anders Andersson (born on 9 Jun 1823 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
vi. Carl Johan Andersson (born on 15 Nov 1827 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
117. Carin Olsdotter, daughter of Olof Ersson and Karin Ersdotter, was born on 7 Sep 1759 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden, was christened on 12 Oct 1759, died on 1 Jan 1838 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden at age 78, and was buried on 8 Jan 1838. Other names for Carin were Karin Olofsdotter, Caisa Olsdotter, and Karin Olsdotter.
General Notes: Carin married 2 times but not until after she had 3 illegitimate children. She lived in Sumpen, Espsäter, Nählberg and in Hardemo Parish. She married Per Andersson from 1798 til he died in 6 May 1802. She married Hallsten Hallstensson 26 Nov 1813 until he died 29 Mar 1832. She died in the poor house at the age of 78 years 2 months and 23 days.
Caisa is a common nickname for Carin/Karin.
For information on her life see: Husförhörslängder (A I ) 1782-94 page 102, 1795-1800 page 97, 1801-1805 page 126, 1806-1810 page 109 and 170, 1811-1815 page 100.
20 May 1792 was born Olof. He was baptized on 22 May 1792. He was illegitimate. The mother was pigan Karin Olofsdotter in Kanten. The witnesses: Olof Ragnvaldsson from L. Ählberg, drängen Per Ersson from Getrike, hustrun Brita Olofsdotter in L. Ählberg, and pigan Anna Jonsdotter from Getrike. The name of the child's father is not given.
5 January 1797 was born Caisa. She was baptized 6 January 1797 in Sumpen. She was illegitimate. The mother was Caisa Olsdotter (Carin Olofsdotter). Witnesses: Erik Simonsson, Caisa Olsdotter in Hamberga, Nils Olofsson in Espesäter and Kersti Larsdotter in Tälle. The child's father is not named.
2 February 1799 was born Anders. He was baptized 3 February 1799 in Åsen. Parents: Per Andersson and Carin Olsdotter. Witnesses: Lars Persson, Kerstin Larsdotter, Maja Larsdotter in Åsen, Olof Olsson of Nählbergs ägor.
6 May 1802 Per Andersson died in Åsen.
21 March 1803 was born Stina. She was baptized 22 March 1803 in Åsen. She was illegitimate. The mother was Caisa Olsdotter. Witnesses: Olof Persson, Cherstin Ersdotter, drängen Lars Jonsson and pigan Catherine Olsdotter in Åsen. the birth is registered as illegitimate. Later the word illegitimate is crossed out and it is written that the father is Hallsten Hallstensson.
It may be possible to find Olof's father by doing a search in bouppteckningar, domstolsprotokoll.
Carin married someone
Her children were:
58 i. Olof Djurfeldt (born on 20 May 1792 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden - died on 10 Nov 1850 in Skånstorp, Bo Parish, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
ii. Caisa (born on 5 Jan 1797 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
iii. Anders Persson (born on 2 Feb 1799 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
iv. Stina Hallstensdotter (born on 21 Mar 1803 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
118. Erik Karström, son of Otto Karström and Anna Ericksdotter, was born on 21 Dec 1772 in Ränneslöv, Halland, Sweden, was christened on 23 Dec 1772 in Ränneslöv, Halland, Sweden, died on 3 Mar 1819 in Vittskövle, Kristianstads, Skåne, Sweden at age 46, and was buried on 7 Mar 1819.
General Notes: He was a gardener per his daughter, Anna. Other records show that he was a horse butcher, buried suicides and dead cattle, a cottager, small farmer and herdsman. They lived in Brösarp, Östra Sönnarslöv and vittskövle.
They butchered the cattle and horses for their urine to make gun powder.
Erik married Johanna Maria Larsdotter. Johanna was born on 10 Apr 1764 in Vittskövle, Kristianstads, Skåne, Sweden and died about 1821 in Vittskövle, Kristianstads, Skåne, Sweden about age 57.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Gunnil Karström (born on 24 Feb 1795 in Vittskövle, Kristianstads, Skåne, Sweden)
ii. Cicilia Karström (born on 25 Mar 1797 in Vittskövle, Kristianstads, Skåne, Sweden)
iii. Otto Karström (born on 3 May 1801 in Vittskövle, Kristianstads, Skåne, Sweden)
iv. Peter Karström (born on 24 Aug 1803 in Vittskövle, Kristianstads, Skåne, Sweden - died on 4 Mar 1810 in Vittskövle, Kristianstads, Skåne, Sweden)
59 v. Anna Katrina Karström (born on 19 Jan 1806 in Östra Sonnarslöv, Kristianstads, Skåne, Sweden - died about 1851)
vi. Maria Karström (born on 24 Mar 1809 in Vittskövle, Kristianstads, Skåne, Sweden)
119. Johanna Maria Larsdotter was born on 10 Apr 1764 in Vittskövle, Kristianstads, Skåne, Sweden and died about 1821 in Vittskövle, Kristianstads, Skåne, Sweden about age 57.
General Notes: It is supposed that Johanna died after 7 July 1821 and before 29 July 1827 based on the granddaughters that were named after her. At that time it was customary to name a child after grandparents that were dead.
Johanna married Erik Karström. Erik was born on 21 Dec 1772 in Ränneslöv, Halland, Sweden, was christened on 23 Dec 1772 in Ränneslöv, Halland, Sweden, died on 3 Mar 1819 in Vittskövle, Kristianstads, Skåne, Sweden at age 46, and was buried on 7 Mar 1819.
120. Morten Larsen Jørgensen, son of Jørgen Sørensen and Anne Mortensdatter, was born on 24 Apr 1764 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark, was christened on 24 Apr 1764 in Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark, died on 18 Apr 1821 in Brundby, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark at age 56, and was buried on 23 Apr 1821 in Tranebjerg Kgd., Samsø, Holbæk, Denmark.
General Notes: He was a sailor. He later became a crofter with 2 tdr. land and owner of ships and a mill. He was a very rich man and owned ships and lent money to people, but he lost all his money.
It is unknown why Morten uses two "last names". He may have taken the name Larsen from his grandfather, Søren Lauritzen Mortensen. Lauritzen is the same name as Larsen. The naming practices were quite fluid because they used the patronymic naming system thus these were not real last names.
Morten married Karen Jørgensdatter on 26 Feb 1789 in Tranebjerg Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark. Karen was born in Oct 1764 in Brundby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark, was christened on 11 Oct 1764 in Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark, died in Aug 1812 in Brundby, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark at age 47, and was buried on 25 Aug 1812 in Tranebjerg Kgd., Samsø, Holbæk, Denmark.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Jørgen Mortensen (born on 27 Jul 1789 in Brundby, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark - died on 1 Apr 1819 in Brundby, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark)
ii. Michel Mortensen Møller (born on 9 Oct 1791 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark - died on 31 Jul 1848 in Besser, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark)
iii. Søren Mortensen (born on 18 Aug 1793 in Brundby, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark - died on 9 Oct 1814 in Brundby, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark)
iv. Anne Dorthe Mortensdatter (born on 15 Jun 1796 in Brundby, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark - died on 1 Aug 1802 in Brundby, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark)
60 v. Morten Jørgen Mortensen (born on 25 Sep 1803 in Brundby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark - died on 4 Sep 1879 in Brundby, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark)
121. Karen Jørgensdatter, daughter of Jørgen Olufsen and Dorthe Michelsdatter, was born in Oct 1764 in Brundby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark, was christened on 11 Oct 1764 in Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark, died in Aug 1812 in Brundby, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark at age 47, and was buried on 25 Aug 1812 in Tranebjerg Kgd., Samsø, Holbæk, Denmark.
Karen married Morten Larsen Jørgensen on 26 Feb 1789 in Tranebjerg Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark. Morten was born on 24 Apr 1764 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark, was christened on 24 Apr 1764 in Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark, died on 18 Apr 1821 in Brundby, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark at age 56, and was buried on 23 Apr 1821 in Tranebjerg Kgd., Samsø, Holbæk, Denmark.
122. Hans Rasmussen Kejser, son of Rasmus Hansen Kejser and Dorthe Jørgensdatter, was born in Apr 1784 in Besser, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark, was christened on 25 Apr 1784 in Besser Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark, died on 21 Sep 1848 in Besser, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark at age 64, and was buried on 24 Sep 1848 in Besser Kgd, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark.
General Notes: he was a crofter and a fisherman.
Hans married Bodil Michelsdatter on 28 Oct 1813 in Besser Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark. Bodil was born in Apr 1774 in Besser, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark, was christened on 17 Apr 1774 in Besser Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark, died on 17 Feb 1856 in Besser, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark at age 81, and was buried on 21 Feb 1856 in Besser Kgd, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark. Other names for Bodil were Bodil Michelsen, Bodil Michelsdatter, and Bodil Mikkelsdatter.
Children from this marriage were:
61 i. Dorthe Marie Hansdatter (born on 10 Jul 1814 in Besser, Besser Parish, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark - died on 13 Sep 1882 in Brundby, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark)
ii. Maren Hansdatter (born on 1 Apr 1818 in Besser, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark - died on 5 Jan 1855 in Besser, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark)
123. Bodil Michelsdatter, daughter of Michel Rasmussen Skræder and Karen Jensdatter, was born in Apr 1774 in Besser, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark, was christened on 17 Apr 1774 in Besser Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark, died on 17 Feb 1856 in Besser, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark at age 81, and was buried on 21 Feb 1856 in Besser Kgd, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark. Other names for Bodil were Bodil Michelsen, Bodil Michelsdatter, and Bodil Mikkelsdatter.
Bodil married Hans Rasmussen Kejser on 28 Oct 1813 in Besser Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark. Hans was born in Apr 1784 in Besser, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark, was christened on 25 Apr 1784 in Besser Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark, died on 21 Sep 1848 in Besser, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark at age 64, and was buried on 24 Sep 1848 in Besser Kgd, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark.
124. Christen Sørensen Wandel,75 son of Søren Nielsen and Margrethe Madsdatter, was born on 9 Jun 1780 in Bindeballel, Randbøl Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark82 and died on 1 Apr 1838 in Horsens Parish, Skanderborg Co, Denmark75 at age 57.
General Notes: Christen was a Corporal in the Danish army. He was a sharpshooter with the Jydske Skarpskytte Korps, 2nd Battalion, 5th company.
In the 1834 Census for Horsens Parish, Nim Herred, Skanderborg County, Chr Wanel is listed as age 60 and a widow. None of his children are living with him. His occupaion is Kludesamler which means cloth collector. He is living with 3 other people at Grønnegade # 275 the 3rd family.
I have not been able to find any relatives for Christen. He does not appear to be related to any of the people that are witnesses to the births of his children. In the 1787 Census there is a Christen Sørensen, age 7, living in Wandel By, Randbøl Parish, Vejle county. This may be where Christen got his name of Wandel. The farm owner is Peder Nielsen and his wife is Mette Pedersdatter. There are a total of 50 people living at this farm. Christen came from a very poor family as he is working as a farmhand at the age of 7. He is the only child in his family to have survived. He was confirmed at the age of 17 in Randbøl Parish where his is working as a farm hand in Daldouer. This is unusually old. Most children were confirmed at the age of 14. He was probably confirmed late because he was so poor and did not get much education. In order to be confirmed it was necessary to pass a test of your knowledge of Christian doctrine. This Christen Sørensen was drafted into the Danish Army in 1800. He was in the Oldenburg Regiment, 3rd Battalion in 1801. He appears in the 1801 Danish Census in Vejle, Nørvang, Vejle Købstad living with Friederich Krage as a servant and soldier. He appears in the 1811 Military Levying Rolls in Hover Parish, Vejle County. He is not in the 1812 or 1813 Rolls not is there any indication of what happened to him.
Christen married Appelone Nielsdatter 75 on 5 Apr 1814 in Horsens Parish, Skanderborg Co, Denmark.75 Appelone was born in 1778 in Denmark, died on 31 Jul 1833 in Horsens Parish, Skanderborg Co, Denmark75 at age 55, and was buried on 5 Aug 1833 in Vor Frelser, Horsens Parish, Skanderborg Co, Denmark.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Christine Christensen (born on 14 Nov 1813 in Horsens Parish, Skanderborg Co, Denmark)
62 ii. Niels Christensen (born on 30 Aug 1815 in Horsens Parish, Skanderborg Co, Denmark - died on 10 Nov 1880 in Bisholt Mose, Skjold Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark)
iii. Søren Christensen (born on 16 Jun 1817 in Horsens Parish, Skanderborg Co, Denmark)
125. Appelone Nielsdatter,75 daughter of Niels and Unknown, was born in 1778 in Denmark, died on 31 Jul 1833 in Horsens Parish, Skanderborg Co, Denmark75 at age 55, and was buried on 5 Aug 1833 in Vor Frelser, Horsens Parish, Skanderborg Co, Denmark.
General Notes: Appelone is recorded in the death records as Abelone Nielsdatter, wife of Christen Sørensen Wandel.
Appelone married Christen Sørensen Wandel 75 on 5 Apr 1814 in Horsens Parish, Skanderborg Co, Denmark.75 Christen was born on 9 Jun 1780 in Bindeballel, Randbøl Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark82 and died on 1 Apr 1838 in Horsens Parish, Skanderborg Co, Denmark75 at age 57.
126. Anders Jensen,83 son of Jens Andersen and Maren Lauridsdatter, was born on 7 Mar 1774 in Hornsyld, Nebsager Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark, died on 2 Apr 1820 in Glud Mark, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark84 at age 46, and was buried on 7 Apr 1820 in Glud Mark, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark.
Anders married Else Marie Michelsdatter on 25 Dec 1803 in Stenderup Church, Glud Parish, Vejle County, Denmark. Else was born on 2 Jan 1785 in Braae Mølle, Stenderup Parish, Vejle County, Denmark, died on 22 Sep 1855 in Glud Mark, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark at age 70, and was buried on 29 Sep 1855 in Glud Church, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark.
Marriage Notes: At the time of their marriage Anders is from Braae and Else Marie is from Braae Mølle.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Mikkel Andersen (born on 16 Dec 1803 in Nebsager Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark - died on 23 Apr 1886 in Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark)
ii. Maren Andersdatter (born on 24 Nov 1805 in Glud, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark - died on 11 Apr 1874 in Klejs , Rårup Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark)
iii. Ane Kirstine Andersdatter (born on 3 Dec 1807 in Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark - died on 5 Jun 1889 in Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark)
iv. Jens Andersen (born on 3 Jan 1810 in Glud, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark - died on 30 Jan 1838 in Glud Mark, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark)
v. Hans Peter Andersen (born on 12 Jan 1812 in Glud, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark - died on 23 Jan 1874 in Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark)
63 vi. Anne Marie Andersdatter (born on 17 Jun 1814 in Glud, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark - died on 4 Jan 1879 in Skjold Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark)
vii. Karen Andersdatter (born on 4 Oct 1816 in Glud Mark, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark - died on 29 Oct 1816 in Glud Mark, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark)
viii. Ole Andersen (born on 21 Oct 1817 in Glud Mark, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark - died on 28 Apr 1885 in Horsens, Skanderborg Co, Denmark)
127. Else Marie Michelsdatter, daughter of Michel Olesen and Anne Kirstine Rasmusdatter, was born on 2 Jan 1785 in Braae Mølle, Stenderup Parish, Vejle County, Denmark, died on 22 Sep 1855 in Glud Mark, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark at age 70, and was buried on 29 Sep 1855 in Glud Church, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark.
General Notes: Else Marie was born in Braae Mølle on 2 Jan 1785 the daughter of Michel Olesen. The witnesses were: Hans Staalsen's wife of Braae (Marie Henriksdatter), Søren Olesen, Hans Rasmusen of Bierre, ? Hansen and Søren Sørensen's wife of Braae.
Else Marie Michelsdatter was confirmed in 1800 at Stenderup at the age of 15 years.
At Else Marie's marriage to Niels Nielsen she is called the widow of gaardmand Anders Jensen in Glud and she is 36 years old. Niels Nielsen is age 29 and from Klakring Parish. The sponsors are Mikkel Nielsen in Glud and Jens Alsted in Norbye.
The following information appears in the 1834 Danish Census for Vejle County, Bjerre District, Glud Parish, Glud Town:
Niels Nielsen, 42, married, farmer
Else Marie Mikkelsdatter, 51, married, his wife
Niels Nielsen, 13, unmarried, their child
Hans Nielsen, 9, unmarried, their child
Christian Laursen, 28, unmarried, servant
Karen Christiansdatter, 30, unmarried, servant
The following appears in the 1845 Danish Census for Vejle County, Bjerre District, Glud Parish, Glud Town:
Niels Nielsen, 54, married, farmer, born in Klakring Parish, Vejle County
Else Marie Mikkelsdatter, 62, married, his wife, born in Stenderup Parish, Vejle County
Niels Nielsen, 24, unmarried, their child, carpenter, born in this parish
Hans Nielsen, 20, unmarried, their child, born in this parish
Jørgen Borre, 14, unmaried, their child, born in this parish
Niels Hansen, 18, unmarried, servant, born in this parish
Abelone Jørgensdatter, 41, unmarried, servant, born in this parish
Ane Marie Rasmusdatter, 18, unmarried, servant, born in this parish
Jørgen Nielsen, 64, unmarried, living on charity, born in this parish
Niels Nielsen is named as the father of Jørgen Borre. The birth is listed as illegitemate. Fifteen years later Niels Nielsen is listed as the father of Anton Borre and the birth is illegitemate. Although there are several men named Niels Nielsen, Else Marie's husband is the only one referred to as gaardmand of Glud and the father of Jørgen and Anton Borre is listed as Niels Nielsen, gaardmand of Glud.
There appears to be a close relationship between Abelone Jørgensen Borre and Else Marie Mikkelsdatter. Abelone is frequently a witness at the birth of Else Marie's grandchildren.
Else married Anders Jensen 83 on 25 Dec 1803 in Stenderup Church, Glud Parish, Vejle County, Denmark. Anders was born on 7 Mar 1774 in Hornsyld, Nebsager Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark, died on 2 Apr 1820 in Glud Mark, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark84 at age 46, and was buried on 7 Apr 1820 in Glud Mark, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark.
Else next married Niels Nielsen on 22 Oct 1820 in Glud Church, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark. Niels was born in 1791 in Klakring Parish, Vejle County, Denmark, died on 5 Mar 1876 in Glud, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark at age 85, and was buried on 11 Mar 1876 in Glud Church, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Niels Nielsen (born on 10 May 1821 in Glud, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark)
ii. Anders Nielsen (born on 8 May 1824 in Glud, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark - died on 22 May 1825 in Glud, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark)
iii. Hans Nielsen (born on 15 Jan 1826 in Glud, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark)
160. Jacob Hoyt, son of Nicholas Hoyt and Patience Titus, was born on 3 Apr 1705. Another name for Jacob was Jacob Haight.
General Notes: Resided in Flushing, New York on Long Island.
Jacob married Sarah Hicks.
The child from this marriage was:
80 i. Stephen Hoyt (born on 21 Jul 1737 in Oblong, Dutchess Co, NY, USA - died in VT, USA)
161. Sarah Hicks
Sarah married Jacob Hoyt. Jacob was born on 3 Apr 1705. Another name for Jacob was Jacob Haight.
164. Joshua Carter, son of Eleazer Carter and Elanor, died on 17 Apr 1782 in Sutton, MA, USA.
Joshua married Elizabeth Lovell.
The child from this marriage was:
82 i. William Carter (born about 1760 in Woburn, MA, USA - died in 1818 in Belleville Twp, Union Co, Ohio, USA)
165. Elizabeth Lovell
Elizabeth married Joshua Carter. Joshua died on 17 Apr 1782 in Sutton, MA, USA.
168. James Watkins, son of Andrew Watkins and Thankfull Cook, was christened on 14 Oct 1744 in Hopkinton, MA, USA and died between 19 May 1806 and 1 Nov 1811 in Peru, MA, USA.
General Notes: He resided in Hopkinton, MA, USA.
James married Esther Whitney on 30 Oct 1764 in Natick, MA, USA. Esther was born on 3 Oct 1742 and died about 1 Nov 1811 about age 69.
Children from this marriage were:
84 i. Gilbert Watkins (born in 1765 in Natick, MA, USA - died on 11 Mar 1824 in Caroline, Topkins, CO, NY, USA)
ii. Andrew Watkins (born on 8 Sep 1766)
iii. Jason Watkins (born in 1768)
iv. Hannah Watkins (born in 1775)
v. Martha "Patty" Watkins
vi. Esther Watkins
vii. Lucinda "Sina" Watkins
viii. Experience "Pedee" Watkins
ix. James Watkins (born on 7 Aug 1781)
169. Esther Whitney, daughter of Mark Whitney and Tabitha Mellon, was born on 3 Oct 1742 and died about 1 Nov 1811 about age 69.
General Notes: Esther is the sister of Nathan's wife, Sarah. Nathan was the brother of James.
Esther married James Watkins on 30 Oct 1764 in Natick, MA, USA. James was christened on 14 Oct 1744 in Hopkinton, MA, USA and died between 19 May 1806 and 1 Nov 1811 in Peru, MA, USA.
170. Captain Nathan Watkins, son of Andrew Watkins and Thankfull Cook, was christened on 11 Mar 1739 in MA, USA, died on 20 Mar 1814 in Naples, NY, USA at age 75, and was buried in Fairview Cemetery, Naples, NY, USA.
General Notes: Some people believe Capt. Nathan Watkins to be the grandson of John Watkins of Charlestown and his second wife Abigail Tomson. Thieir son, Daniel being the father of Nathan.
He was a Captain in the Revolutionary war.
Nathan married Sarah Whitney on 11 Jun 1761 in Natick, MA, USA. Sarah was born on 12 Jun 1739 in MA, USA and died on 10 Oct 1816 in Naples, NY, USA at age 77.
Children from this marriage were:
85 i. Sarah Watkins (born on 12 Oct 1766 . christened Hopkinton, MA, USA - died on 25 Dec 1840 in Hopkinton, MA, USA)
ii. Mark Watkins (christened on 7 Sep 1766 christened in Hopkinton, MA, USA)
iii. Isaac Watkins (christened on 8 Nov 1768 christened in Hopkinton, MA, USA)
iv. Ann Watkins (born in 1771)
v. Stephen Watkins (born in 1773)
vi. Nathan Watkins (born on 2 Apr 1775)
vii. Eunice Watkins (born on 9 Oct 1784)
viii. Sabra Watkins
ix. Love Watkins (born in 1781)
171. Sarah Whitney, daughter of Mark Whitney and Tabitha Mellon, was born on 12 Jun 1739 in MA, USA and died on 10 Oct 1816 in Naples, NY, USA at age 77.
Sarah married Captain Nathan Watkins on 11 Jun 1761 in Natick, MA, USA. Nathan was christened on 11 Mar 1739 in MA, USA, died on 20 Mar 1814 in Naples, NY, USA at age 75, and was buried in Fairview Cemetery, Naples, NY, USA.
176. Ebenezer Hathaway, son of Samuel Hathaway and Sarah Rowe, was born on 7 Oct 1723 in Suffield, CT, USA and died on 2 Dec 1806 in Suffield, CT, USA at age 83.
General Notes: He resided in Suffield, CT, USA.
Ebenezer married Parnell King on 8 Feb 1750 in Suffield, CT, USA. Parnell was born on 29 Jun 1730 in Suffield, CT, USA and died on 25 May 1807 in Suffield, CT, USA at age 76.
Children from this marriage were:
88 i. Ebenezer Hathaway (born on 25 Feb 1757 in Suffield, CT, USA - died in 1844 in Summer Hill, Cayuga Co, NY, USA)
ii. John King Hathaway (born on 1 Jun 1751 in Suffield, CT, USA)
iii. Parnel Hathaway (born on 23 Apr 1753 in Suffield, CT, USA - died on 22 Oct 1824)
iv. Joel Hathaway (born on 18 Feb 1755 in Suffield, CT, USA)
v. Jael Hathaway (born on 18 Feb 1755 in Suffield, CT, USA - died on 14 Sep 1785)
vi. Enoch Hathaway (born on 25 Jun 1759 in Suffield, CT, USA - died on 1 Jul 1759 in Suffield, CT, USA)
vii. Samuel Hathaway (born on 24 Jun 1760 in Suffield, CT, USA)
viii. Zelotes Hathaway (born on 24 Dec 1762 in Suffield, CT, USA - died on 9 Oct 1792 in Suffield, CT, USA)
ix. Caroline Hathaway (born on 12 Mar 1765 in Suffield, CT, USA - died on 5 Apr 1765 in Suffield, CT, USA)
x. Shubeal Hathaway (born on 22 Jan 1767 in Suffield, CT, USA)
xi. Rufus Hathaway (born on 23 Apr 1772 in Suffield, CT, USA)
177. Parnell King, daughter of John King and Parnell Holcomb, was born on 29 Jun 1730 in Suffield, CT, USA and died on 25 May 1807 in Suffield, CT, USA at age 76.
Parnell married Ebenezer Hathaway on 8 Feb 1750 in Suffield, CT, USA. Ebenezer was born on 7 Oct 1723 in Suffield, CT, USA and died on 2 Dec 1806 in Suffield, CT, USA at age 83.
178. Moses Cowdrey, son of Nathaniel Cowdrey and Mehitabel Damon, was born on 1 Nov 1731 in Charlestown, MA, USA, was christened on 11 Jun 1732 in Reading, MA, USA, and died on 17 Dec 1813 in West Hartland, CT, USA at age 82.
General Notes: He resided in Hartland CT, USA. He served in the Revolutionary War.
Moses married Martha Bushnell. Martha was born on 11 Nov 1731 and died on 29 Jan 1803 at age 71.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Asa Cowdrey (born on 19 Feb 1758 in Hartland, CT, USA)
ii. Olive Anna Cowdrey (born on 11 Nov 1759 in Hartland, CT, USA - died on 16 Jun 1837)
iii. Ambrose Cowdrey (born on 1 Jan 1762 in Hartland, CT, USA)
89 iv. Mehitabel Cowdrey (born on 12 Dec 1763 in Hartland, CT, USA - died on 20 Jan 1829 in Summer Hill, Cayuga Co, NY, USA)
v. Martha Cowdrey (born on 12 Dec 1766 in Hartland, CT, USA - died on 12 Mar 1828)
vi. Demaris Cowdrey (born on 6 Aug 1768 in Hartland, CT, USA - died on 5 Jul 1838)
vii. Elizabeth Cowdrey (born on 12 Oct 1770 in Hartland, CT, USA - died on 29 Sep 1844)
viii. Jr Moses Cowdrey (born on 21 Apr 1773 in Hartland, CT, USA)
ix. Huldah Cowdrey (born on 7 Jul 1776 in Hartland, CT, USA - died in 1841)
179. Martha Bushnell, daughter of Josiah Bushnell and Martha Jones, was born on 11 Nov 1731 and died on 29 Jan 1803 at age 71.
Martha married Moses Cowdrey. Moses was born on 1 Nov 1731 in Charlestown, MA, USA, was christened on 11 Jun 1732 in Reading, MA, USA, and died on 17 Dec 1813 in West Hartland, CT, USA at age 82.
184. Benjamin Reynnells
Benjamin married someone.
His child was:
92 i. Benjamin Reynnells (born about 1761 in Fairfield, CT, USA)
188. Joseph Mitchell, son of Joseph Mitchell and Mary Allis, was born on 3 Mar 1727 in Sunderland, MA, USA and died about 1773 in Deerfield, MA, USA about age 46.
Joseph married Lydia Foster on 29 Jan 1751 in Meriden, CT, USA. Lydia was born on 1 Jun 1735 in Meriden, CT, USA.
Marriage Notes: They were married by Rev. Theophilus Hall of the 1st Congregational Church.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Lydia Mitchell (born in 1752)
ii. Experience Mitchell (born in 1754)
94 iii. Ensign Mitchell (born in 1759 . christened Deerfield, MA, USA - died about 1839 in Mechanicsburg, OH, USA)
iv. Thankful Mitchell (born in 1762)
v. Tryphena Mitchell (born in 1765)
vi. Joseph Mitchell (born on 22 Sep 1768)
189. Lydia Foster, daughter of Timothy Foster and Thankfull Ackley, was born on 1 Jun 1735 in Meriden, CT, USA.
Lydia married Joseph Mitchell on 29 Jan 1751 in Meriden, CT, USA. Joseph was born on 3 Mar 1727 in Sunderland, MA, USA and died about 1773 in Deerfield, MA, USA about age 46.
190. John Hubbard
John married Susannah Highstead.
The child from this marriage was:
95 i. Lucy Hubbard (born on 2 Feb 1764 in Sheffield, MA, USA - died about 1845 in Pike Twp, Madison Co, OH, USA)
191. Susannah Highstead
Susannah married John Hubbard.
224. Lars Jansson, son of Jan Jonsson and Ingeborg Olsdotter, was born on 17 Aug 1746 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden, was christened on 17 Aug 1746, and died on 9 Jun 1813 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden85 at age 66.
General Notes: He was a twin. Lars lived in Latu in Bo Parish. He died of tuberculoses in Kalkebol.
Lars married Cherstin Benctsdotter. Cherstin was born on 21 Jan 1750 and died on 25 May 1821 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden86 at age 71. Other names for Cherstin were Chersti Benctsdotter, and Cherstin Bengtsdotter.
Children from this marriage were:
112 i. Johan Larsson (born on 28 Oct 1773 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden - died on 10 Jun 1826 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
ii. Maria Stina Larssdotter (born on 5 Nov 1776 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
iii. Cherstin Larsdotter (born on 15 Dec 1778 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden - died on 27 May 1780 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
iv. Lars Larsson (born on 12 Apr 1781 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
v. Benct Larsson (born on 18 Feb 1783 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
vi. Brita Caisa Larsdotter (born on 17 Jun 1785 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
vii. Jonas Larsson (born on 22 Oct 1787 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
viii. Kerstin Larsdotter (born on 10 Feb 1790 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
ix. Anna Larsdotter (born on 7 Mar 1793 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
225. Cherstin Benctsdotter, daughter of Bengt Persson and Brita Ersdotter, was born on 21 Jan 1750 and died on 25 May 1821 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden86 at age 71. Other names for Cherstin were Chersti Benctsdotter, and Cherstin Bengtsdotter.
General Notes: She died in Säteri in Bo.
Cherstin married Lars Jansson. Lars was born on 17 Aug 1746 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden, was christened on 17 Aug 1746, and died on 9 Jun 1813 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden85 at age 66.
226. Lars Larsson, son of Lars Gålman and Brita Andersdotter, was born on 1 Nov 1749 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden, died on 26 Feb 1792 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden at age 42, and was buried on 4 Mar 1792.
General Notes: Lars lived in Stora Boskulla, Igelbo and Gillstorp in Bo Parish. He was the parish shoemaker. and later a farmer. The marriage records state he was the parish shoemaker and his death records state he was a farmer of Gillstorp who died of tuberculoses. He was born at Gålo Soldatorp. The witnesses at his birth were: Jäns Ers and his wife in Afrby, farm hand Jöns Andersson and the young girl Kerstin Andersdotter.
Lars married Ingeborg Pärsdotter on 1 Nov 1772 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden. Ingeborg was born on 11 Nov 1739 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden, was christened on 11 Nov 1739, died on 11 Apr 1815 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden at age 75, and was buried on 16 Apr 1815. Another name for Ingeborg was Ingeborg Persdotter.
Marriage Notes: The marriage records state Lars was from Stora Boskulla and Ingeborg was from Trollhult.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Anna Brita Larsdotter (born on 24 Dec 1773 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden - died on 13 May 1775 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
113 ii. Maja Stina Larsdotter (born on 25 Aug 1775 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden - died on 1 Dec 1840 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
iii. Anders Larsson (born on 29 Jul 1778 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
iv. Anna Caisa Larsdotter (born on 18 Jun 1783 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
227. Ingeborg Pärsdotter, daughter of Pär Jansson and Sigrid Pärsdotter, was born on 11 Nov 1739 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden, was christened on 11 Nov 1739, died on 11 Apr 1815 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden at age 75, and was buried on 16 Apr 1815. Another name for Ingeborg was Ingeborg Persdotter.
General Notes: Ingeborg's death records state she died of pneumonia and was from Svalnäs. Her birth occurred at Trollhult. The witnesses at her baptism were: Sven Larsson and his wife, Ingeborg Jonsdotter of Rankbohl, Lars Pärsson of Biörnvad and the young girl Ingeborg Pärsdotter.
Ingeborg married Lars Larsson on 1 Nov 1772 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden. Lars was born on 1 Nov 1749 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden, died on 26 Feb 1792 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden at age 42, and was buried on 4 Mar 1792.
228. Jan Jansson, son of Jan and Unknown, was born in 1747 in Asker, Örebro, Närke, Sweden, died on 21 Oct 1827 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden at age 80, and was buried on 28 Oct 1827.
General Notes: Jan lived in Lindhult and Djursnär in Bo Parish. In his children's baptismal records he is referred to as a farm foreman and Church custodian.
See Uppgifterna : A I 1776-1780 page 70 for Lindhult, A I 1782 -1786 page 44 for Lindhult and A I 1782-1786 page 38 for Djursnäs, A I 1786-1790 page 39 for Djursnäs.
He died at the age of 80 in the poor house. He lived in Hallsberg with his son Jonas for a while and then returned to Boo.
Jan married Maria Jonsdotter. Maria was born on 16 Sep 1744 in Brebohl, Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden, was christened on 16 Sep 1744, died on 3 Oct 1799 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden at age 55, and was buried on 6 Oct 1799. Another name for Maria was Maja Jonsdotter.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Christina Jansdotter (born on 11 Jul 1774 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
ii. Maria Greta Jansdotter (born in 1776 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
iii. Jonas Jansson (born on 8 Aug 1778 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
114 iv. Anders Jansson (born on 3 Mar 1784 in Linhult, Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden - died on 26 Mar 1809 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
229. Maria Jonsdotter, daughter of Jon Jonsson and Cherstin Svensdotter, was born on 16 Sep 1744 in Brebohl, Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden, was christened on 16 Sep 1744, died on 3 Oct 1799 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden at age 55, and was buried on 6 Oct 1799. Another name for Maria was Maja Jonsdotter.
General Notes: She was born Maja, but used the name Maria. Her death record states she was from Djursnäs and died of influenza and pneumonia. Her baptism record says she was from Brebohl. The witnesses were: Pär Olsson and his wife Anna Svänsdotter of Gamberg, farm hand Olof Olsson and the young girl Anna Andersdotter.
Maria married Jan Jansson. Jan was born in 1747 in Asker, Örebro, Närke, Sweden, died on 21 Oct 1827 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden at age 80, and was buried on 28 Oct 1827.
230. Olof Olsson, son of Olof Halvardsson and Anna Ersdotter, was born on 16 Feb 1758 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden and died on 22 Nov 1817 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden at age 59.
General Notes: He lived in Gamby in Bo Parish. He was born in Skogen. At his christening the witnesses were: Olof Ersson and his wife Kerstin Olsdotter of Stora Ählberg, Anders Ersson and the young girl Elisabeth Ersdotter from Bråntorp. He died in Gamby.
Olof's mother, Anna Ersdotter, lived with him until her death in 1809.
Olof married Cathrina Benctsdotter on 26 Dec 1782 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden. Cathrina was born on 28 Mar 1759 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden and died on 18 May 1822 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden at age 63. Another name for Cathrina was Carin Benctsdotter.
Marriage Notes: The marriage record states that Olof was from Gamby.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Anna Olsdotter (born on 3 Mar 1783 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
115 ii. Kerstin Olsdotter (born on 11 Apr 1786 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
iii. Brita Caisa Olsdotter (born on 22 Jun 1794 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden - died on 10 Apr 1800 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
iv. Olof Olsson (born on 17 Oct 1798 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
231. Cathrina Benctsdotter, daughter of Bengt Larsson and Ingrid Andersdotter, was born on 28 Mar 1759 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden and died on 18 May 1822 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden at age 63. Another name for Cathrina was Carin Benctsdotter.
General Notes: Cathrina's death records state that she died of tuberculoses and that she was very sick and periodically bedridden. The records also state she was from Bäck and a peasant (bondhustrun).
Cathrina married Olof Olsson on 26 Dec 1782 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden. Olof was born on 16 Feb 1758 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden and died on 22 Nov 1817 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden at age 59.
234. Olof Ersson, son of Erik Morfeldt and Kerstin Johansdotter, was born on 1 Jul 1731 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden, was christened on 4 Jul 1731, and died on 3 May 1803 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden at age 71.
General Notes: Olof lived in Sumpen, Nählberg and Nybble in Hardemo Parish. He was a tailor.
Olof was baptized in Morsta and the godparents were: Per Ersson of Backa, Sven Svensson of Morsta, Maret Jönsdotter of Backa and Kirstin of Nählberg.
Olof married Karin Ersdotter. Karin was born in 1731, died on 15 Dec 1803 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden at age 72, and was buried on 18 Dec 1803.
Children from this marriage were:
117 i. Carin Olsdotter (born on 7 Sep 1759 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden - died on 1 Jan 1838 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
ii. Johan Olsson (born on 14 Jul 1764 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
235. Karin Ersdotter, daughter of Erik and Unknown, was born in 1731, died on 15 Dec 1803 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden at age 72, and was buried on 18 Dec 1803.
Karin married Olof Ersson. Olof was born on 1 Jul 1731 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden, was christened on 4 Jul 1731, and died on 3 May 1803 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden at age 71.
236. Otto Karström, son of Unknown and Unknown, was born about 1718, died on 20 May 1796 in Sönderslöv, Kristianstads, Skåne, Sweden about age 78, and was buried on 22 May 1796.
Otto married Anna Ericksdotter.
The child from this marriage was:
118 i. Erik Karström (born on 21 Dec 1772 in Ränneslöv, Halland, Sweden - died on 3 Mar 1819 in Vittskövle, Kristianstads, Skåne, Sweden)
237. Anna Ericksdotter
Anna married Otto Karström. Otto was born about 1718, died on 20 May 1796 in Sönderslöv, Kristianstads, Skåne, Sweden about age 78, and was buried on 22 May 1796.
240. Jørgen Sørensen, son of Søren Lauritsen Mortensen and Mette Jensdatter, was born on 22 Nov 1720 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark, was christened on 22 Nov 1720 in Tranebjerg Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark, died on 20 Jul 1794 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark at age 73, and was buried on 20 Jul 1794 in Tranebjerg Kgd., Samsø, Holbæk, Denmark.
General Notes: He was a tenant farmer.
Jørgen married Anne Mortensdatter on 7 Jun 1757 in Tranebjerg Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark. Anne was born on 6 Apr 1727 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark, was christened on 6 Apr 1727 in Tranebjerg Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark, died on 3 May 1767 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark at age 40, and was buried on 3 May 1767 in Tranebjerg Kgd., Samsø, Holbæk, Denmark.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Søren Jørgensen (born on 14 Aug 1757 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark - died on 19 Jan 1812 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark)
ii. Kirsten Jørgensdatter (born on 9 Sep 1759 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark - died on 4 May 1809 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark)
iii. Morten Jørgensen (born on 19 Apr 1761 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark - died on 7 May 1761 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark)
iv. Morten Jørgensen (born on 20 Jun 1762 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark - died on 16 Jan 1763 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark)
120 v. Morten Larsen Jørgensen (born on 24 Apr 1764 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark - died on 18 Apr 1821 in Brundby, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark)
vi. Mette Jørgensdatter (born on 16 Nov 1766 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark - died on 28 Nov 1833 in Brundby, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark)
Jørgen next married Mette Jacobsdatter.
241. Anne Mortensdatter, daughter of Morten Pedersen and Kirsten Jørgensdatter, was born on 6 Apr 1727 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark, was christened on 6 Apr 1727 in Tranebjerg Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark, died on 3 May 1767 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark at age 40, and was buried on 3 May 1767 in Tranebjerg Kgd., Samsø, Holbæk, Denmark.
Anne married Jørgen Sørensen on 7 Jun 1757 in Tranebjerg Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark. Jørgen was born on 22 Nov 1720 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark, was christened on 22 Nov 1720 in Tranebjerg Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark, died on 20 Jul 1794 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark at age 73, and was buried on 20 Jul 1794 in Tranebjerg Kgd., Samsø, Holbæk, Denmark.
242. Jørgen Olufsen, son of Oluf Jørgensen and Anne Rasmusdatter, was born in Jan 1728 in Brundby, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark, was christened on 25 Jan 1728 in Tranebjerg Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark, died in Oct 1788 in Brundby, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark at age 60, and was buried on 6 Oct 1788 in Tranebjerg Kgd., Samsø, Holbæk, Denmark.
General Notes: He was a crofter.
Jørgen married Dorthe Michelsdatter on 26 Oct 1752 in Tranebjerg Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark. Dorthe was born in Oct 1722 in Brundby, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark, was christened on 25 Oct 1722 in Tranebjerg Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark, died in Sep 1788 in Brundby, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark at age 65, and was buried on 10 Sep 1788 in Tranebjerg Kgd., Samsø, Holbæk, Denmark.
The child from this marriage was:
121 i. Karen Jørgensdatter (born in Oct 1764 in Brundby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark - died in Aug 1812 in Brundby, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark)
243. Dorthe Michelsdatter, daughter of Michel Mortensen and Karen Christensdatter, was born in Oct 1722 in Brundby, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark, was christened on 25 Oct 1722 in Tranebjerg Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark, died in Sep 1788 in Brundby, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark at age 65, and was buried on 10 Sep 1788 in Tranebjerg Kgd., Samsø, Holbæk, Denmark.
Dorthe married Jørgen Olufsen on 26 Oct 1752 in Tranebjerg Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark. Jørgen was born in Jan 1728 in Brundby, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark, was christened on 25 Jan 1728 in Tranebjerg Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark, died in Oct 1788 in Brundby, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark at age 60, and was buried on 6 Oct 1788 in Tranebjerg Kgd., Samsø, Holbæk, Denmark.
244. Rasmus Hansen Kejser, son of Hans Rasmussen and Unknown, was born on 25 Feb 1744 in Haarmark, Koldby, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark, was christened on 1 Mar 1744 in Koldby Church, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark, died on 25 Aug 1809 in Besser, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark at age 65, and was buried on 25 Aug 1809 in Besser Kgd, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark.
General Notes: He was christened at home on 27 Feb 1744. He was a crofter with land and also a carpenter.
Rasmus married Dorthe Jørgensdatter on 13 Jun 1771 in Koldby Church, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark. Dorthe was born in Jan 1748 in Alstrup, Besser Parish, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark, was christened on 28 Jan 1748 in Besser Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark, died on 3 Jul 1818 in Besser, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark at age 70, and was buried on 7 Jul 1818 in Besser Kgd, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Karen Rasmusdatter (born in Dec 1773 in Besser, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark - died on 22 Nov 1848 in Besser, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark)
ii. Mette Rasmusdatter (born in Jul 1776 in Besser, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark - died on 13 Nov 1854 in Besser, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark)
iii. Maren Rasmusdatter (born in Aug 1779 in Besser, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark - died on 16 Jul 1860 in Besser, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark)
iv. Anne Rasmusdatter (born in Sep 1781 in Besser, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark - died on 19 Mar 1843 in Østerby, Besser Parish, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark)
122 v. Hans Rasmussen Kejser (born in Apr 1784 in Besser, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark - died on 21 Sep 1848 in Besser, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark)
245. Dorthe Jørgensdatter, daughter of Jørgen Hansen Jyde and Karen Jacobsdatter, was born in Jan 1748 in Alstrup, Besser Parish, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark, was christened on 28 Jan 1748 in Besser Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark, died on 3 Jul 1818 in Besser, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark at age 70, and was buried on 7 Jul 1818 in Besser Kgd, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark.
Dorthe married Rasmus Hansen Kejser on 13 Jun 1771 in Koldby Church, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark. Rasmus was born on 25 Feb 1744 in Haarmark, Koldby, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark, was christened on 1 Mar 1744 in Koldby Church, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark, died on 25 Aug 1809 in Besser, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark at age 65, and was buried on 25 Aug 1809 in Besser Kgd, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark.
246. Michel Rasmussen Skræder, son of Rasmus Michelsen and Bodil Pedersdatter, was born in Sep 1745 in Langemark, Besser Parish, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark, was christened on 5 Sep 1745 in Besser Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark, died in Sep 1810 in Besser, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark at age 65, and was buried on 11 Sep 1810 in Besser Kgd, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark.
General Notes: He was a tailor (skræder). He was also a crofter. Karen Jensdatter was his second wife according to the 1801 census.
Michel married Karen Jensdatter on 27 Nov 1770 in Besser Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark. Karen was born in Dec 1745 in Besser Parish, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark, was christened on 5 Dec 1745 in Besser Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark, and was buried after 1801.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Maren Michelsdatter (born in Dec 1771 in Besser Parish, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark - died on 15 Feb 1850 in Besser, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark)
123 ii. Bodil Michelsdatter (born in Apr 1774 in Besser, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark - died on 17 Feb 1856 in Besser, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark)
iii. Maria Michelsdatter (born in Aug 1776 in Besser Parish, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark)
iv. Rasmus Michelsen (born in May 1779 in Besser Parish, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark - died on 24 Nov 1846 in Langemark, Besser Parish, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark)
v. Herman Michelsen (born in Sep 1786 in Besser Parish, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark - died after 1808 in Besser, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark)
vi. Jens Michelsen Skræder (born in Feb 1789 in Besser Parish, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark - died on 20 Apr 1858 in Onsbjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark)
247. Karen Jensdatter, daughter of Jens Tønnesen and Maren Hermansdatter, was born in Dec 1745 in Besser Parish, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark, was christened on 5 Dec 1745 in Besser Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark, and was buried after 1801.
Karen married Michel Rasmussen Skræder on 27 Nov 1770 in Besser Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark. Michel was born in Sep 1745 in Langemark, Besser Parish, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark, was christened on 5 Sep 1745 in Besser Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark, died in Sep 1810 in Besser, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark at age 65, and was buried on 11 Sep 1810 in Besser Kgd, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark.
248. Søren Nielsen, son of Niels Christensen and Anna Christensdatter, was born in 1746 in Egtved Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark and died on 4 Mar 1792 in Daldouer, Randbøl Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark at age 46.
General Notes: I have no proof that these are Christen Sørensen's parents. But Søren Nielsen is referred to as Søren Nielsen from Wandel. Since my Christen Sørensen took the name of Wandel, I believe this is highly likely to be him and his parents. I hope to find out if this is correct by searching through the military records of Randbøl Parish. It was required that every Danish male be registered for the draft every three years. By following these two men, I should be able to determine if they are my ancestors.
Søren and his son Niels died the same day. At the time of his death he was living in Daldouer. He was a forest worker. I presume that he and his son, Niles, were killed in a forest accident.
Søren married Margrethe Madsdatter on 9 Jun 1769 in Egtved Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark. Margrethe was born in 1745 in Worck, Egtved Parish, vejle co, Denmark.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Niels Sørensen (born in 1769 in Egtved Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark)
ii. Mads Sørensen (born in 1772 in Bolling, Egtved Parish, Denmark)
iii. Niels Sørensen (born in 1774 in Spjarup, Egtved Parish, Denmark - died on 4 Mar 1791 in Daldouer, Randbøl Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark)
iv. Maren Sørensdatter (born in 1775 in Spjarup, Egtved Parish, Denmark)
v. Christen Sørensen (born in 1778 in Sjarup, Egtved Parish, Denmark)
124 vi. Christen Sørensen Wandel (born on 9 Jun 1780 in Bindeballel, Randbøl Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark - died on 1 Apr 1838 in Horsens Parish, Skanderborg Co, Denmark)
vii. Søren Sørensen (born on 20 Mar 1782 in Wandel Bye, Randbøl Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark - died on 22 Aug 1784 in Bindeballe, Randbøl Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark)
viii. Anna Marie Sørensdatter (born on 16 Jul 1786 in Wandel Bye, Randbøl Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark - died on 13 Aug 1786 in Wandel Bye, Randbøl Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark)
ix. Søren Sørensen (born on 11 May 1788 in Wandel Bye, Randbøl Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark)
249. Margrethe Madsdatter, daughter of Mads Pederssen and Maren Nielsdatter, was born in 1745 in Worck, Egtved Parish, vejle co, Denmark.
Margrethe married Søren Nielsen on 9 Jun 1769 in Egtved Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark. Søren was born in 1746 in Egtved Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark and died on 4 Mar 1792 in Daldouer, Randbøl Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark at age 46.
250. Niels
Niels married someone.
His child was:
125 i. Appelone Nielsdatter (born in 1778 in Denmark - died on 31 Jul 1833 in Horsens Parish, Skanderborg Co, Denmark)
252. Jens Andersen, son of Anders Jørgensen and Ingeborg Jensdatter, was born on 29 Jan 1736 in Hyllerød, Nebsager Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark and died on 16 Jan 1785 in Hornsyld, Nebsager Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark at age 48.
Jens married Maren Lauridsdatter on 7 Jun 1765 in Nebsager Church, Nebsager Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark. Maren was born on 17 Jul 1735 in Hornsyld, Nebsager Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark and died on 8 Mar 1786 in Hornsyld, Nebsager Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark at age 50.
The child from this marriage was:
126 i. Anders Jensen (born on 7 Mar 1774 in Hornsyld, Nebsager Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark - died on 2 Apr 1820 in Glud Mark, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark)
253. Maren Lauridsdatter, daughter of Laurids Olufsen and Unknown, was born on 17 Jul 1735 in Hornsyld, Nebsager Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark and died on 8 Mar 1786 in Hornsyld, Nebsager Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark at age 50.
Maren married Jens Andersen on 7 Jun 1765 in Nebsager Church, Nebsager Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark. Jens was born on 29 Jan 1736 in Hyllerød, Nebsager Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark and died on 16 Jan 1785 in Hornsyld, Nebsager Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark at age 48.
Maren next married Thomas Jensen on 8 Jun 1763 in Nebsager Church, Nebsager Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark. Thomas was born about 1718 and died on 9 Dec 1764 in Hornsyld, Nebsager Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark about age 46.
254. Michel Olesen, son of Oluf Jørgensen and Maren Michelsdatter, was born on 12 Feb 1730 in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark and died on 19 Feb 1790 in Braae Mølle, Stenderup Parish, Vejle County, Denmark at age 60.
General Notes: When his daughter, Karen, was born Mikkel Olesen is called Michel Møller of Braae Møller. His death record in Stenderup Parish referrs to him as Michel Olufsen Møller. He was a Miller.
Michel married Anne Kirstine Rasmusdatter on 5 Oct 1776 in Bjerre Church, Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark. Anne was born on 15 May 1758 in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark, died on 20 Feb 1803 in Braae Mølle, Stenderup Parish, Vejle County, Denmark at age 44, and was buried on 28 Feb 1803 in Braae Mølle, Stenderup Parish, Vejle County, Denmark.
Marriage Notes: The marriage record states that widow Michel Olufsen Møller of Broe married Ane Kierstine Rasmusdatter.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Karen Michelsdatter (born in 1779 in Braae Mølle, Stenderup Parish, Vejle County, Denmark - died on 15 Mar 1807 in Stenderup, Stenderup Parish, Vejle County, Denmark)
ii. Ane Marie Michelsdatter (born in 1780 in Braae Mølle, Stenderup Parish, Vejle County, Denmark - died on 20 Sep 1825 in Braae, Stenderup Parish, Vejle County, Denmark)
iii. Jens Michelsen (born in 1781 in Braae Mølle, Stenderup Parish, Vejle County, Denmark - died before 1787)
127 iv. Else Marie Michelsdatter (born on 2 Jan 1785 in Braae Mølle, Stenderup Parish, Vejle County, Denmark - died on 22 Sep 1855 in Glud Mark, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark)
v. Ole Michelsen (born in 1786 in Braae Mølle, Stenderup Parish, Vejle County, Denmark - died in 1786 in Braae Mølle, Stenderup Parish, Vejle County, Denmark)
vi. Ole Michelsen (born in 1787 in Braae Mølle, Stenderup Parish, Vejle County, Denmark)
vii. Maren Michelsdatter (born in 1789 in Braae Mølle, Stenderup Parish, Vejle County, Denmark)
viii. Anna Michelsdatter (born in 1790 in Braae Mølle, Stenderup Parish, Vejle County, Denmark)
Michel next married Karen Rasmusdatter about 1753 in Bjerre Church, Bjerre Parish, Vejle County, Denmark, daughter of Rasmus Sørensen and Else Andersdatter. Karen was born in Feb 1732 in Bjerre Parish, Vejle County, Denmark and died on 2 Feb 1776 in Braae Mølle, Stenderup Parish, Vejle County, Denmark at age 44.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Rasmus Mikkelsen (born in 1754 in Braae Mølle, Stenderup Parish, Vejle County, Denmark)
ii. Maren Mikkelsdatter (born in 1758 in Braae Mølle, Stenderup Parish, Vejle County, Denmark)
iii. Oluf Michelsen (born in 1760 in Braae Mølle, Stenderup Parish, Vejle County, Denmark)
iv. Karen Mikkelsdatter (born in 1762 in Braae Mølle, Stenderup Parish, Vejle County, Denmark)
v. Else Marie Michelsdatter (born in 1763 in Braae Mølle, Stenderup Parish, Vejle County, Denmark - died on 28 Jan 1816 in Braae, Stenderup Parish, Vejle County, Denmark)
vi. Maren Michelsdatter (born in 1764 in Braae Mølle, Stenderup Parish, Vejle County, Denmark - died in 1778 in Braae Mølle, Stenderup Parish, Vejle County, Denmark)
vii. Jens Mikkelsen (born in 1767 in Braae Mølle, Stenderup Parish, Vejle County, Denmark)
viii. Anne Kristine Michelsdatter (born in 1768 in Braae Mølle, Stenderup Parish, Vejle County, Denmark)
ix. Sophie Michelsdatter (born in 1771 in Braae Mølle, Stenderup Parish, Vejle County, Denmark)
x. Anne Kierstine Michelsdatter (born in 1773 in Braae Mølle, Stenderup Parish, Vejle County, Denmark)
255. Anne Kirstine Rasmusdatter, daughter of Rasmus Jensen and Ane Hansdatter, was born on 15 May 1758 in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark, died on 20 Feb 1803 in Braae Mølle, Stenderup Parish, Vejle County, Denmark at age 44, and was buried on 28 Feb 1803 in Braae Mølle, Stenderup Parish, Vejle County, Denmark.
General Notes: The birth record states the name as Anna Christina and the first wife of Michel Møller is one of the witnesses.
In the 1801 census, Anne is shown as being married to Jens Christensen.
The following information appears in the 1787 Danish Census for Vejle County, Hatting Distict, Stenderup Parish, Braae Mølle:
Mikkel Olesen, 57, married, head of household, miller
Anne Kirstine Rasmusdatter, 29, married, head of household's wife
Karen Mikkelsdatter, 9, child of this marriage
Anne Mar. Mikkelsdatter, 7, child of this marriage
Else Mar. Mikkelsdatter, 3, child of this marriage
Hans Sørensen, 27, unmarried, servant
Mette Rasmusdatter, 24, unmarried, servant
The following appears in the 1801 Danish Census for Vejle County, Hatting District, Stenderup Parish, Braae Mølle:
Jens Christensen, 36, married, Head of Household, farmer and miller
Ane Kirstine Rasmusdatter, 43, married, his wife
Else Marie Michelsdatter, 17, unmarried, her child
Ane Michelsdatter, 11, unmarried, her child
Rasmus Rasmusen 36, unmarried, servant
Poul Nielsen, 16, unmarried, servant
Anne is the niece of Michel Olssen's first wife.
Anne married Michel Olesen on 5 Oct 1776 in Bjerre Church, Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark. Michel was born on 12 Feb 1730 in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark and died on 19 Feb 1790 in Braae Mølle, Stenderup Parish, Vejle County, Denmark at age 60.
Anne next married Jørgen Michelsen Due about 1790 in Stenderup Church, Stenderup Parish, Vejle County, Denmark. Jørgen was born about 1764 in Braae Mølle, Stenderup Parish, Vejle County, Denmark and died on 7 May 1797 in Braae Mølle, Stenderup Parish, Vejle County, Denmark about age 33.
Anne next married Jens Christensen on 5 Nov 1798 in Stenderup Church, Stenderup Parish, Vejle County, Denmark. Jens died on 9 Sep 1818 in Braae Mølle, Stenderup Parish, Vejle County, Denmark.
320. Nicholas Hoyt, son of Samuel Haight and Sarah, was born on 1 May 1674 in Windsor, CT, USA and died about 1730 in Flushing, Long Island, NY, USA about age 56. Another name for Nicholas was Nicholas Haight.
Nicholas married Patience Titus on 5 Jul 1704. Patience was born on 4 Dec 1678.
The child from this marriage was:
160 i. Jacob Hoyt (born on 3 Apr 1705)
321. Patience Titus, daughter of Edmund Titus and Martha Washburne, was born on 4 Dec 1678.
Patience married Nicholas Hoyt on 5 Jul 1704. Nicholas was born on 1 May 1674 in Windsor, CT, USA and died about 1730 in Flushing, Long Island, NY, USA about age 56. Another name for Nicholas was Nicholas Haight.
322. Jacob Hicks, son of Thomas Hicks and Mary Butler, was born about 1669 and died about 1755 in Rockaway, RI, USA about age 86.
General Notes: Resided in Rockaway, Rhode Island.
Jacob married Hannah Carpenter.
The child from this marriage was:
161 i. Sarah Hicks
323. Hannah Carpenter
Hannah married Jacob Hicks. Jacob was born about 1669 and died about 1755 in Rockaway, RI, USA about age 86.
328. Eleazer Carter, son of Thomas Carter and Margaret Whitmore, was born on 20 Apr 1689 in Woburn, MA, USA and died on 30 Oct 1758 in Sudbury, MA, USA at age 69.
Eleazer married Elanor.
The child from this marriage was:
164 i. Joshua Carter (died on 17 Apr 1782 in Sutton, MA, USA)
329. Elanor
Elanor married Eleazer Carter. Eleazer was born on 20 Apr 1689 in Woburn, MA, USA and died on 30 Oct 1758 in Sudbury, MA, USA at age 69.
330. John Lovell
John married someone.
His child was:
165 i. Elizabeth Lovell
336. Andrew Watkins, son of Andrew Watkins and Mary Streeter, was born on 5 Mar 1707 in Needham, MA, USA.
General Notes: He resided in Needham, MA, USA.
Andrew married Thankfull Cook.
Children from this marriage were:
168 i. James Watkins (christened on 14 Oct 1744 christened in Hopkinton, MA, USA - died between 19 May 1806 and 1 Nov 1811 in Peru, MA, USA)
170 ii. Captain Nathan Watkins (christened on 11 Mar 1739 christened in MA, USA - died on 20 Mar 1814 in Naples, NY, USA)
337. Thankfull Cook
Thankfull married Andrew Watkins. Andrew was born on 5 Mar 1707 in Needham, MA, USA.
338. Mark Whitney, son of Benjamin Whitney and Mary Poor, was born in 1700 and died in Framingham, MA, USA.
Mark married Tabitha Mellon on 4 Jan 1726. Tabitha was born on 4 Jan 1703.
Children from this marriage were:
169 i. Esther Whitney (born on 3 Oct 1742 - died about 1 Nov 1811)
171 ii. Sarah Whitney (born on 12 Jun 1739 in MA, USA - died on 10 Oct 1816 in Naples, NY, USA)
339. Tabitha Mellon, daughter of Thomas Mellon and Elizabeth, was born on 4 Jan 1703.
Tabitha married Mark Whitney on 4 Jan 1726. Mark was born in 1700 and died in Framingham, MA, USA.
340. Andrew Watkins, son of Andrew Watkins and Mary Streeter, was born on 5 Mar 1707 in Needham, MA, USA.
(Duplicate. See Below)
341. Thankfull Cook
(Duplicate. See Below)
342. Mark Whitney, son of Benjamin Whitney and Mary Poor, was born in 1700 and died in Framingham, MA, USA.
(Duplicate. See Below)
343. Tabitha Mellon, daughter of Thomas Mellon and Elizabeth, was born on 4 Jan 1703.
(Duplicate. See Below)
352. Samuel Hathaway, son of Abraham Hathaway and Rebecca Wilbore, was born about 1690 in Suffield, CT, USA and died on 14 Apr 1765 in Suffield, CT, USA about age 75.
Samuel married Sarah Rowe on 28 May 1719 in Suffield, CT, USA. Sarah was born on 17 Jul 1696 in Suffield, CT, USA.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Samuel Hathaway (born on 15 Mar 1719 in Suffield, CT, USA)
ii. Joel Hathaway (born on 2 Nov 1721 in Suffield, CT, USA)
176 iii. Ebenezer Hathaway (born on 7 Oct 1723 in Suffield, CT, USA - died on 2 Dec 1806 in Suffield, CT, USA)
iv. Lucy Hathaway (born on 24 Aug 1725 in Suffield, CT, USA - died on 18 Feb 1817 in Suffield, CT, USA)
v. Seth Hathaway (born on 5 Nov 1727 in Suffield, CT, USA)
vi. John Hathaway (born on 15 Apr 1733 in Suffield, CT, USA)
vii. Isaiah Hathaway (born on 23 Mar 1734 in Suffield, CT, USA)
viii. Asahel Hathaway (born on 9 Dec 1739 in Suffield, CT, USA)
353. Sarah Rowe, daughter of Peter Rowe and Sarah Remington, was born on 17 Jul 1696 in Suffield, CT, USA.
Sarah married Samuel Hathaway on 28 May 1719 in Suffield, CT, USA. Samuel was born about 1690 in Suffield, CT, USA and died on 14 Apr 1765 in Suffield, CT, USA about age 75.
354. John King, son of James King and Elizabeth Huxley, was born on 17 May 1705 and died on 19 Nov 1789 at age 84.
John married Parnell Holcomb on 24 May 1727. Parnell was born on 8 Jun 1708.
The child from this marriage was:
177 i. Parnell King (born on 29 Jun 1730 in Suffield, CT, USA - died on 25 May 1807 in Suffield, CT, USA)
355. Parnell Holcomb, daughter of Benajeh Holcomb and Martha Winchell, was born on 8 Jun 1708.
Parnell married John King on 24 May 1727. John was born on 17 May 1705 and died on 19 Nov 1789 at age 84.
356. Nathaniel Cowdrey, son of Samuel Cowdrey and Elizabeth Parker, was born on 20 Nov 1691 in Charlestown, MA, USA, died on 3 Apr 1751 in Hadley, MA, USA at age 59, and was buried in Modus Graveyard.
General Notes: They lived in Reading, Charlestown, Hadley, Sunderland and Montague, MA. They had to leave Montague due to troubles with Indians and settled in East Haddam, CT.
Nathaniel married Mehitabel Damon on 16 Sep 1718 in Charlestown, MA, USA. Mehitabel was born on 9 Nov 1699 in Reading, MA, USA, died on 9 Nov 1763 in E. Haddam, CT, USA at age 64, and was buried in Modus Graveyard.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Mehitabel Cowdrey
ii. Nathaniel Cowdrey (born in Jun 1719 in Charlestown, MA, USA - died on 7 Dec 1768 in E. Haddam, CT, USA)
iii. Jonathan Cowdrey (christened on 22 May 1720 christened in Reading, MA, USA)
iv. Lydia Cowdrey (christened on 10 Jan 1725 christened in Reading, MA, USA)
v. Thomas Cowdrey (christened on 21 Jul 1726 - died about 1726)
vi. Thomas Cowdrey (christened on 14 Sep 1729 christened in Reading, MA, USA - died about 1729)
178 vii. Moses Cowdrey (born on 1 Nov 1731 in Charlestown, MA, USA - died on 17 Dec 1813 in West Hartland, CT, USA)
viii. Edmund Cowdrey (born about 1732)
ix. Huldah Cowdrey (born on 14 Dec 1733)
x. Mehitabel Cowdrey (born on 24 Jul 1735)
xi. Wiliam Cowdrey (born in 1737)
xii. Jabez Cowdrey (born on 29 May 1741 in Montague, MA, USA)
xiii. Jacob Cowdrey (born about 1743)
357. Mehitabel Damon, daughter of Thomas Damon and Lucian Emerson, was born on 9 Nov 1699 in Reading, MA, USA, died on 9 Nov 1763 in E. Haddam, CT, USA at age 64, and was buried in Modus Graveyard.
Mehitabel married Nathaniel Cowdrey on 16 Sep 1718 in Charlestown, MA, USA. Nathaniel was born on 20 Nov 1691 in Charlestown, MA, USA, died on 3 Apr 1751 in Hadley, MA, USA at age 59, and was buried in Modus Graveyard.
358. Josiah Bushnell, son of Samuel Bushnell and Priscilla Pratt, was born on 9 Jun 1706 in Saybrook, CT, USA and died on 3 Sep 1799 in Hartland, CT, USA at age 93.
Josiah married Martha Jones. Martha was born about 1711 in Saybrook, CT, USA and died on 22 Jul 1777 in Hartland, CT, USA about age 66.
The child from this marriage was:
179 i. Martha Bushnell (born on 11 Nov 1731 - died on 29 Jan 1803)
359. Martha Jones, daughter of Thomas Jones and Priscilla Kirtland, was born about 1711 in Saybrook, CT, USA and died on 22 Jul 1777 in Hartland, CT, USA about age 66.
Martha married Josiah Bushnell. Josiah was born on 9 Jun 1706 in Saybrook, CT, USA and died on 3 Sep 1799 in Hartland, CT, USA at age 93.
376. Joseph Mitchell, son of Michael Mitchell and Sarah Catlin, was born on 2 Sep 1705 in Deerfield, MA, USA, died on 16 Sep 1794 in Deerfield, MA, USA at age 89, and was buried in Old Deerfield Cemetery, Deerfield, MA, USA.
General Notes: Their first child was born 4 months after they were married. They had to pay a 30 shillings fine for fornication.
Joseph married Mary Allis on 2 Nov 1726 in Sunderland, MA, USA. Mary was born on 18 Feb 1705 in Hatfield, MA, USA, died on 8 Nov 1783 in Deerfield, MA, USA at age 78, and was buried in Old Deerfield Cemetery, Deerfield, MA, USA.
Children from this marriage were:
188 i. Joseph Mitchell (born on 3 Mar 1727 in Sunderland, MA, USA - died about 1773 in Deerfield, MA, USA)
ii. Mary Mitchell (born on 10 Mar 1731)
iii. Hannah Mitchell (born on 9 Jan 1732)
iv. Tabitha Mitchell (born on 9 Feb 1736)
v. Abner Mitchell (born on 28 Oct 1738)
vi. Experience Mitchell (born on 10 Jun 1746 - died on 27 Oct 1746)
377. Mary Allis, daughter of William Allis and Elizabeth Davis, was born on 18 Feb 1705 in Hatfield, MA, USA, died on 8 Nov 1783 in Deerfield, MA, USA at age 78, and was buried in Old Deerfield Cemetery, Deerfield, MA, USA.
Mary married Joseph Mitchell on 2 Nov 1726 in Sunderland, MA, USA. Joseph was born on 2 Sep 1705 in Deerfield, MA, USA, died on 16 Sep 1794 in Deerfield, MA, USA at age 89, and was buried in Old Deerfield Cemetery, Deerfield, MA, USA.
378. Timothy Foster, son of Bartholomew Foster and Unknown, was born about 1699 in Wethersfield, CT, USA and died in Wallingford, CT, USA.
Timothy married Thankfull Ackley on 5 Jul 1727 in Wallingford, CT, USA. Thankfull was born about 1702 in Meriden, CT, USA and died on 9 Mar 1771 in Hadden, CT, USA about age 69.
The child from this marriage was:
189 i. Lydia Foster (born on 1 Jun 1735 in Meriden, CT, USA)
379. Thankfull Ackley, daughter of Sargeant John Ackley and Rebecka Spencer, was born about 1702 in Meriden, CT, USA and died on 9 Mar 1771 in Hadden, CT, USA about age 69.
Thankfull married Timothy Foster on 5 Jul 1727 in Wallingford, CT, USA. Timothy was born about 1699 in Wethersfield, CT, USA and died in Wallingford, CT, USA.
382. Edward Highstead died about 1741 in Canterbury, CT, USA.
General Notes: They had three daughters that had illegitemate children. The family was "warned" out of town due to their disruputable behavior.
Edward married Anna.
The child from this marriage was:
191 i. Susannah Highstead
383. Anna
Anna married Edward Highstead. Edward died about 1741 in Canterbury, CT, USA.
448. Jan Jonsson, son of Jon and Unknown, was born in 1714 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden, died on 22 Oct 1792 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden87 at age 78, and was buried on 28 Oct 1792. Other names for Jan were Johan Jonsson, and88 Jan Jansson.
General Notes: He lived in Brebohl in Bo Parish.
Jan married Ingeborg Olsdotter. Ingeborg was born in 1710 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden, died on 10 Jan 1783 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden89 at age 73, and was buried on 19 Jan 1783. Another name for Ingeborg was Ingborg Olofsdotter.88
Children from this marriage were:
i. Jan Jansson (christened on 28 Oct 1739, born in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
ii. Olof Jansson (christened on 26 Aug 1744, born in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
224 iii. Lars Jansson (born on 17 Aug 1746 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden - died on 9 Jun 1813 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
iv. Jonas Jansson (christened on 17 Aug 1746, born in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
v. Kerstin Jansdotter (christened on 5 Jul 1752, born in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
vi. Maja Jonsdotter (christened on 6 Jun 1756, born in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
vii. Anders Jansson (christened on 12 Aug 1758, born in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
449. Ingeborg Olsdotter, daughter of Olof and Unknown, was born in 1710 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden, died on 10 Jan 1783 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden89 at age 73, and was buried on 19 Jan 1783. Another name for Ingeborg was Ingborg Olofsdotter.88
General Notes: She died in Gamby in Bo Parish.
Ingeborg married Jan Jonsson. Jan was born in 1714 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden, died on 22 Oct 1792 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden87 at age 78, and was buried on 28 Oct 1792. Other names for Jan were Johan Jonsson, and88 Jan Jansson.
450. Bengt Persson, son of Per and Kerstin Andersdotter, was born on 4 Jun 1718 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden.
General Notes: He lived in Harje in Bo Parish.
Bengt married Brita Ersdotter. Brita was born on 8 May 1717 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden and died on 13 Aug 1790 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden at age 73.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Erik Bengtsson (born on 15 Feb 1747 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
225 ii. Cherstin Benctsdotter (born on 21 Jan 1750 - died on 25 May 1821 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
iii. Maria Bengtsdotter (born in 1752 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
iv. Carin Bengtsdotter (born on 20 Mar 1755 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
v. Jonas Bengtsson (born on 11 Jun 1758 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
451. Brita Ersdotter, daughter of Erik and Karin Pärsdotter, was born on 8 May 1717 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden and died on 13 Aug 1790 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden at age 73.
General Notes: She died in Harje in Bo Parish.
Brita married Bengt Persson. Bengt was born on 4 Jun 1718 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden.
452. Lars Gålman, son of Erik and Unknown, died about 1773. Another name for Lars was Lars Ersson.
General Notes: He was a soldier and Gålman was his soldier name. He lived in Gårdö Soldattorp in Bo Parish. His patronymic name was Ersson. He was a in Gåhle in 1754. He moved there in 8 October 1745 at the age of 38. This means he was born between 1706 -1717.
We know he was dead by 1773 because his wife is called a widow in 1773.
Swedes did not have family "last" names. They were usually identified as being the son or daughter of someone. Lars' family was named Erik and the patronymic of Erik can be Ersson or Eriksson. These names may be used interchangeably. I have not been able to locate any records on Lars himself. All information I have found comes from records about his son or wife.
Lars married Brita Andersdotter. Brita was born on 8 Mar 1713 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden, died on 20 Jan 1788 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden at age 74, and was buried on 27 Jan 1788.
The child from this marriage was:
226 i. Lars Larsson (born on 1 Nov 1749 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden - died on 26 Feb 1792 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
453. Brita Andersdotter, daughter of Anders and Unknown, was born on 8 Mar 1713 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden, died on 20 Jan 1788 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden at age 74, and was buried on 27 Jan 1788.
General Notes: Brita died in Gilltorp of old age, she was 75.
Brita married Lars Gålman. Lars died about 1773. Another name for Lars was Lars Ersson.
454. Pär Jansson, son of Jan and Unknown, was born in 1703 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden, died on 17 Apr 1766 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden at age 63, and was buried on 26 Apr 1766. Another name for Pär was Per Jonsson.
General Notes: He lived in Iboholm and Trollhult in Bo Parish. His death record states he was a married farmer from Trolhult. He had consumption.
Pär married Sigrid Pärsdotter. Sigrid was born about 1703, died on 16 Nov 1785 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden about age 82, and was buried on 20 Nov 1785. Another name for Sigrid was Segred Pärsdotter.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Jonas Pärsson (christened on 1 May 1736, born in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
227 ii. Ingeborg Pärsdotter (born on 11 Nov 1739 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden - died on 11 Apr 1815 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
iii. Lars Pärsson (christened on 10 Feb 1742, born in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
iv. Brita Pärsdotter (christened on 25 Feb 1744, born in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
v. Pär Pärsson (christened on 1 Jan 1746, born in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
vi. Anders Pärsson (christened on 24 Jul 1748, born in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
vii. Svän Pärsson (christened on 30 Dec 1750, born in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
viii. Maria Pärsdotter (christened in 1753, born in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
ix. Jan Pärsson (christened on 27 Jun 1756, born in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
455. Sigrid Pärsdotter, daughter of Pär and Unknown, was born about 1703, died on 16 Nov 1785 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden about age 82, and was buried on 20 Nov 1785. Another name for Sigrid was Segred Pärsdotter.
General Notes: The death record may not be correct because it would mean that Sigrid had her first child when she was age 33 and her last child when she was age 53. This does not seem likely. It seem more likely that she was born in 1713 and not 1703.
Sigrid married Pär Jansson. Pär was born in 1703 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden, died on 17 Apr 1766 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden at age 63, and was buried on 26 Apr 1766. Another name for Pär was Per Jonsson.
456. Jan
Jan married someone.
His child was:
228 i. Jan Jansson (born in 1747 in Asker, Örebro, Närke, Sweden - died on 21 Oct 1827 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
458. Jon Jonsson, son of Jon and Unknown, was born on 27 Jun 1709, died on 5 Jun 1787 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden at age 77, and was buried on 10 Jun 1787. Another name for Jon was Jonas Jonsson.
General Notes: He lived in Brebol and Gambytorp in Bo Parish. He was in Gambytorp when he died. He died of tuberculoses.
Jon married Cherstin Svensdotter. Cherstin was born on 1 Jun 1707, died on 8 Jan 1788 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden at age 80, and was buried on 3 Feb 1788. Other names for Cherstin were Kerstin Svänsdotter, and Kirsti Svänsdotter.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Kirstin Jonsdotter (christened on 6 Aug 1738, born in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
ii. Svän Jonsson (christened on 25 Mar 1741, born in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
229 iii. Maria Jonsdotter (born on 16 Sep 1744 in Brebohl, Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden - died on 3 Oct 1799 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
459. Cherstin Svensdotter, daughter of Sven and Unknown, was born on 1 Jun 1707, died on 8 Jan 1788 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden at age 80, and was buried on 3 Feb 1788. Other names for Cherstin were Kerstin Svänsdotter, and Kirsti Svänsdotter.
General Notes: She died in Gambytorp in Bo Parish of old age. She was 81.
Cherstin married Jon Jonsson. Jon was born on 27 Jun 1709, died on 5 Jun 1787 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden at age 77, and was buried on 10 Jun 1787. Another name for Jon was Jonas Jonsson.
460. Olof Halvardsson, son of Halvard Olofsson and Brita Eriksdotter, was born on 10 Sep 1725 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden, was christened on 12 Sep 1725, died on 6 Jun 1782 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden at age 56, and was buried on 9 Jun 1782.
General Notes: He lived in Hardemo until 1782 when he moved to Gamby in Bo Parish. Olof had a very low status job. He boiled cattle urine to manufacture saltpeter nitrate to be used in the manufacture of gun powder.
Olof was born in Wreta ( Vreta). The witnesses were: Olof Eriksson of Klanby, Bengt Eriksson and Karna Eriksdotter of Wreta and Brita Nilsdotter of Berga. His death record states he was a farmer from Gamby and he died of dropsy.
Olof married Anna Ersdotter on 21 Oct 1756 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden. Anna was born about 1728 in Lerbäck, Örebro, Närke, Sweden, died on 23 Jan 1809 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden about age 81, and was buried on 29 Jan 1809. Another name for Anna was Anna Eriksdotter.
Marriage Notes: The marriage records state they married in Skogen in Hardemo Parish and that Anna was from Berg in Lerbäcks Parish. Olof is referred to as "saltpetersjudaren".
Children from this marriage were:
i. Anna Olsdotter (born on 19 Nov 1756 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
230 ii. Olof Olsson (born on 16 Feb 1758 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden - died on 22 Nov 1817 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
iii. Brita Olsdotter (born on 5 Sep 1767 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
461. Anna Ersdotter, daughter of Erik and Unknown, was born about 1728 in Lerbäck, Örebro, Närke, Sweden, died on 23 Jan 1809 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden about age 81, and was buried on 29 Jan 1809. Another name for Anna was Anna Eriksdotter.
General Notes: Anna died at the age of 81 and her death records stated she was a widow from Gamby. At the time of her death she was living in the house of her son, Olof Olofsson .
Anna married Olof Halvardsson on 21 Oct 1756 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden. Olof was born on 10 Sep 1725 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden, was christened on 12 Sep 1725, died on 6 Jun 1782 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden at age 56, and was buried on 9 Jun 1782.
462. Bengt Larsson, son of Lars and Unknown, was born in 1720 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden, died on 2 Jan 1775 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden at age 55, and was buried on 8 Jan 1775.
General Notes: Bengt and Ingrid moved from Lerbäck to Bo between 1755 - 1759. They lived in Björnhälla and then moved to Gamby in Bo Parish. After Bengt died, his son, Lars, took over his farm and the whole family stayed there. Bengt died of tuberculoses.
Bengt married Ingrid Andersdotter. Ingrid was born in 1729 in Lerbäck, Örebro, Närke, Sweden.
Marriage Notes: They probably married in Lerbäck circa 1750 as their first child was born in Lerbäck in 1750.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Lars Bengtsson (born in 1750 in Lerbäck, Örebro, Närke, Sweden)
ii. Anders Bengtsson (born on 28 Feb 1753 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
iii. Olof Bengtsson (born in 1755 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
231 iv. Cathrina Benctsdotter (born on 28 Mar 1759 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden - died on 18 May 1822 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
v. Per Bengtsson (born on 21 Mar 1762 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
vi. Cherstin Bengtsdotter (born on 12 Sep 1765 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
vii. Bengt Bengtsson (born in May 1768 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
viii. Maria Bengtsdotter (born on 16 Jun 1771 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
463. Ingrid Andersdotter, daughter of Anders and Unknown, was born in 1729 in Lerbäck, Örebro, Närke, Sweden.
Ingrid married Bengt Larsson. Bengt was born in 1720 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden, died on 2 Jan 1775 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden at age 55, and was buried on 8 Jan 1775.
468. Erik Morfeldt, son of Erik and Unknown, was born in 1694 and died on 3 Jun 1764 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden at age 70.
General Notes: He was a soldier in Morsta (Mårsta) in Hardemo Parish. Morfelt was his soldier name. His patronymic name was Ersson. It is not known where Erik and Kerstin were married, but it was not in Hardemo Parish.
Erik married Kerstin Johansdotter. Kerstin was born on 8 Aug 1694 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden and was christened on 8 Aug 1694.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Kerstin Ersdotter (born on 29 Jan 1727 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
ii. Peder Ersson (born on 12 Feb 1729 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
iii. Pär Ersson (born on 12 Mar 1730 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
234 iv. Olof Ersson (born on 1 Jul 1731 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden - died on 3 May 1803 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
v. Johan Ersson (born on 25 Oct 1733 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden - died on 30 Apr 1735 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
469. Kerstin Johansdotter, daughter of Johan "Soldat" and Unknown, was born on 8 Aug 1694 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden and was christened on 8 Aug 1694.
General Notes: Kerstin was christened in Norberg on 8 August 1694. She may not have actually been born on that day. The witnesses were: Fredrik Mark, Lars Varij, hustrun Britta and Ingeborg Mark.
Kerstin married Erik Morfeldt. Erik was born in 1694 and died on 3 Jun 1764 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden at age 70.
470. Erik
Erik married someone.
His child was:
235 i. Karin Ersdotter (born in 1731 - died on 15 Dec 1803 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
480. Søren Lauritsen Mortensen, son of Morten and Unknown, was born about 1680 in Brundby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark, was christened about 1680 in Tranebjerg Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark, died on 3 Dec 1752 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark about age 72, and was buried on 20 Dec 1752 in Tranebjerg Kgd., Samsø, Holbæk, Denmark.
General Notes: He was a tenant farmer. He is called Søren Mortensen when he married Mette Jensdatter and he is called Søren Mortensen when he died. In the 1752 contract, in which his wife gives the farm to their son, she is called, widow of Søren Laursten.
Søren married Mette Jensdatter on 20 Dec 1714 in Tranebjerg Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark. Mette was born about 1688 in Brundby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark, was christened about 1688 in Tranebjerg Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark, died on 27 May 1760 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark about age 72, and was buried on 27 May 1760 in Tranebjerg Kgd., Samsø, Holbæk, Denmark.
Children from this marriage were:
240 i. Jørgen Sørensen (born on 22 Nov 1720 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark - died on 20 Jul 1794 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark)
ii. Dorthe Sørensdatter (born on 29 Dec 1717 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark - died on 12 Oct 1791 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark)
481. Mette Jensdatter, daughter of Jens and Unknown, was born about 1688 in Brundby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark, was christened about 1688 in Tranebjerg Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark, died on 27 May 1760 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark about age 72, and was buried on 27 May 1760 in Tranebjerg Kgd., Samsø, Holbæk, Denmark.
General Notes: In a contract made in 1752, Mette, widow of Søren Laurstens, gives the farm to their son, Jørgen Sørensen.
Mette married Søren Lauritsen Mortensen on 20 Dec 1714 in Tranebjerg Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark. Søren was born about 1680 in Brundby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark, was christened about 1680 in Tranebjerg Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark, died on 3 Dec 1752 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark about age 72, and was buried on 20 Dec 1752 in Tranebjerg Kgd., Samsø, Holbæk, Denmark.
482. Morten Pedersen, son of Peder Jørgensen and Anne Jensdatter, was born about 1678 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark, was christened about 1678 in Tranebjerg Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark, died on 18 Nov 1750 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark about age 72, and was buried on 22 Nov 1750 in Tranebjerg Kgd., Samsø, Holbæk, Denmark.
General Notes: He was a tenant farmer.
Morten married Kirsten Jørgensdatter on 31 Oct 1715 in Tranebjerg Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark. Kirsten was born about 1688 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark, was christened about 1688 in Tranebjerg Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark, died about Dec 1757 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark about age 69, and was buried about Dec 1757 in Tranebjerg Kgd., Samsø, Holbæk, Denmark.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Peder Mortensen (born on 7 Jun 1716 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark - died on 18 Oct 1769 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark)
ii. Jørgen Mortensen (born in Oct 1718 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark - died in Dec 1767 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark)
iii. Søren Mortensen (born in May 1723 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark - died after Oct 1769)
iv. Morten Ladefoged Mortensen (born in Apr 1725 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark - died in Feb 1770 in Kolby, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark)
241 v. Anne Mortensdatter (born on 6 Apr 1727 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark - died on 3 May 1767 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark)
483. Kirsten Jørgensdatter, daughter of Jørgen Bendtsen and Anne Sørensdatter, was born about 1688 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark, was christened about 1688 in Tranebjerg Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark, died about Dec 1757 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark about age 69, and was buried about Dec 1757 in Tranebjerg Kgd., Samsø, Holbæk, Denmark.
Kirsten married Morten Pedersen on 31 Oct 1715 in Tranebjerg Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark. Morten was born about 1678 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark, was christened about 1678 in Tranebjerg Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark, died on 18 Nov 1750 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark about age 72, and was buried on 22 Nov 1750 in Tranebjerg Kgd., Samsø, Holbæk, Denmark.
484. Oluf Jørgensen, son of Jørgen Mortensen and Kirsten Olufsdatter, was born about 1675, died in Jan 1729 in Brundby, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark about age 54, and was buried on 30 Jan 1729 in Tranebjerg Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark.
Oluf married Anne Rasmusdatter.
The child from this marriage was:
242 i. Jørgen Olufsen (born in Jan 1728 in Brundby, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark - died in Oct 1788 in Brundby, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark)
485. Anne Rasmusdatter
Anne married Oluf Jørgensen. Oluf was born about 1675, died in Jan 1729 in Brundby, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark about age 54, and was buried on 30 Jan 1729 in Tranebjerg Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark.
486. Michel Mortensen, son of Morten and Unknown, was born about 1671 in Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark, died in Jul 1742 in Brundby, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark about age 71, and was buried on 3 Aug 1742 in Tranebjerg Kgd, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark.
Michel married Karen Christensdatter before 1721 in Tranebjerg Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark. Karen was born about 1690 in Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark, died in Jun 1757 in Brundby, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark about age 67, and was buried on 12 Jun 1757 in Tranebjerg Kgd, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark.
The child from this marriage was:
243 i. Dorthe Michelsdatter (born in Oct 1722 in Brundby, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark - died in Sep 1788 in Brundby, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark)
487. Karen Christensdatter, daughter of Christen and Unknown, was born about 1690 in Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark, died in Jun 1757 in Brundby, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark about age 67, and was buried on 12 Jun 1757 in Tranebjerg Kgd, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark.
Karen married Michel Mortensen before 1721 in Tranebjerg Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark. Michel was born about 1671 in Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark, died in Jul 1742 in Brundby, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark about age 71, and was buried on 3 Aug 1742 in Tranebjerg Kgd, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark.
488. Hans Rasmussen
Hans married someone.
His child was:
244 i. Rasmus Hansen Kejser (born on 25 Feb 1744 in Haarmark, Koldby, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark - died on 25 Aug 1809 in Besser, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark)
490. Jørgen Hansen Jyde, son of Hans and Unknown, was born about 1713 in Alstrup, Besser Parish, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark, was christened about 1713 in Samsø, Denmark, died on 14 Mar 1784 in Langemark, Besser Parish, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark about age 71, and was buried on 14 Mar 1784 in Besser Kgd, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark.
Jørgen married Karen Jacobsdatter on 26 Oct 1745 in Besser Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark. Karen was born about 1718 in Alstrup, Besser Parish, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark, was christened about 1718 in Besser Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark, died in Feb 1760 in Langemark, Besser Parish, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark about age 42, and was buried on 24 Feb 1760 in Besser Kgd, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark.
Children from this marriage were:
245 i. Dorthe Jørgensdatter (born in Jan 1748 in Alstrup, Besser Parish, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark - died on 3 Jul 1818 in Besser, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark)
ii. Anne Jørgensdatter (born in Jul 1750 in Alstrup, Besser Parish, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark)
iii. Maren Jørgensdatter (born in Jul 1750 in Langemark, Besser Parish, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark - died on 10 Mar 1799 in Tanderup, Onsbjerg, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark)
iv. Hans Jørgensen Jyde (born in May 1753 in Langemark, Besser Parish, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark - died on 15 Mar 1812 in Torup, Besser Parish, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark)
v. Karen Jørgensdatter (born in Dec 1756 in Langemark, Besser Parish, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark - died before 1760 in Langemark, Besser Parish, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark)
491. Karen Jacobsdatter, daughter of Jacob Knudsen Skytte Hyrde and Unknown Unknown, was born about 1718 in Alstrup, Besser Parish, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark, was christened about 1718 in Besser Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark, died in Feb 1760 in Langemark, Besser Parish, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark about age 42, and was buried on 24 Feb 1760 in Besser Kgd, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark.
Karen married Jørgen Hansen Jyde on 26 Oct 1745 in Besser Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark. Jørgen was born about 1713 in Alstrup, Besser Parish, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark, was christened about 1713 in Samsø, Denmark, died on 14 Mar 1784 in Langemark, Besser Parish, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark about age 71, and was buried on 14 Mar 1784 in Besser Kgd, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark.
492. Rasmus Michelsen, son of Michel and Unknown, died in Jun 1759 in Langemark, Besser Parish, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark and was buried on 2 Jul 1759 in Besser Kgd, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark.
Rasmus married Bodil Pedersdatter on 19 Nov 1744 in Besser Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark. Bodil was born about 1706 in Onsbjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark, died in Dec 1776 in Langemark, Besser Parish, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark about age 70, and was buried on 18 Dec 1776 in Besser Kgd, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Maren Rasmusdatter (born in 1744 in Langemark, Besser Parish, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark - died in Jul 1810 in Langemark, Besser Parish, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark)
246 ii. Michel Rasmussen Skræder (born in Sep 1745 in Langemark, Besser Parish, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark - died in Sep 1810 in Besser, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark)
iii. Kirsten Rasmusdatter (born in Jan 1747 in Langemark, Besser Parish, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark - died before 1749, buried in Besser Kgd, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark)
iv. Kirsten Rasmusdatter (born in Aug 1749 in Langemark, Besser Parish, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark - buried after 1777 buried in Besser Kgd, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark)
v. Giertrude Rasmusdatter (born in Mar 1751 in Langemark, Besser Parish, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark - died on 8 Nov 1828 in Langemark, Besser Parish, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark)
vi. Peder Rasmussen (born in Jul 1755 in Langemark, Besser Parish, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark - buried after 1777 buried in Besser Kgd, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark)
vii. Rasmus Rasmussen (born in Jul 1755 in Langemark, Besser Parish, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark - buried after 1777 buried in Besser Kgd, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark)
493. Bodil Pedersdatter, daughter of Peder and Unknown, was born about 1706 in Onsbjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark, died in Dec 1776 in Langemark, Besser Parish, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark about age 70, and was buried on 18 Dec 1776 in Besser Kgd, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark.
Bodil married Rasmus Michelsen on 19 Nov 1744 in Besser Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark. Rasmus died in Jun 1759 in Langemark, Besser Parish, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark and was buried on 2 Jul 1759 in Besser Kgd, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark.
494. Jens Tønnesen, son of Tønnes Olesen and Karen Jensdatter, was born about 1712 in Besser Parish, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark, died in Jun 1797 in Besser Parish, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark about age 85, and was buried on 7 Jun 1797 in Besser Kgd, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark.
General Notes: He married Maren Mortensdatter as his second wife. In the 1787 census he was living with Laurs Jensen. Laurs Jensen appears to be his son by his second wife.
Jens married Maren Hermansdatter on 22 Jul 1745 in Besser Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark. Maren was born about 1719 in Besser Parish, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark, died in Apr 1760 in Besser Parish, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark about age 41, and was buried on 13 Apr 1760 in Besser Kgd, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark.
Children from this marriage were:
247 i. Karen Jensdatter (born in Dec 1745 in Besser Parish, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark - buried after 1801)
ii. Herman Jensen (born in Mar 1749 in Besser Parish, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark - died before 1797)
Jens next married Maren Mortensdatter on 23 Sep 1760 in Besser Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark. Maren was born on 6 Jul 1721 in Besser, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark.
495. Maren Hermansdatter, daughter of Herman Hansen Muurmester and Bodil Henriksdatter, was born about 1719 in Besser Parish, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark, died in Apr 1760 in Besser Parish, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark about age 41, and was buried on 13 Apr 1760 in Besser Kgd, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark.
Maren married Jens Tønnesen on 22 Jul 1745 in Besser Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark. Jens was born about 1712 in Besser Parish, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark, died in Jun 1797 in Besser Parish, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark about age 85, and was buried on 7 Jun 1797 in Besser Kgd, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark.
496. Niels Christensen, son of Christen and Maren, was born in 1684 in Egtved Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark and died in 1754 in Egtved Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark at age 70.
Niels married Anna Christensdatter on 9 Jun 1733 in Egtved Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark. Anna was born in 1699 in Worck, Egtved Parish, vejle co, Denmark and died in 1754 in Worck, Egtved Parish, vejle co, Denmark at age 55.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Anna Nielsdatter (born in 1734 in Worck, Egtved Parish, vejle co, Denmark)
ii. Jens Nielssen (born in 1734 in Worck, Egtved Parish, vejle co, Denmark)
iii. Maren Nielsdatter (born in 1737 in Worck, Egtved Parish, vejle co, Denmark)
248 iv. Søren Nielsen (born in 1746 in Egtved Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark - died on 4 Mar 1792 in Daldouer, Randbøl Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark)
v. Maren Nielsdatter (born in 1749 in Worck, Egtved Parish, vejle co, Denmark)
497. Anna Christensdatter, daughter of Christen Rasmussen and Anna, was born in 1699 in Worck, Egtved Parish, vejle co, Denmark and died in 1754 in Worck, Egtved Parish, vejle co, Denmark at age 55.
Anna married Niels Christensen on 9 Jun 1733 in Egtved Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark. Niels was born in 1684 in Egtved Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark and died in 1754 in Egtved Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark at age 70.
498. Mads Pederssen
Mads married Maren Nielsdatter. Maren was born in 1704 and died in 1754 in Worck, Egtved Parish, vejle co, Denmark at age 50.
Children from this marriage were:
249 i. Margrethe Madsdatter (born in 1745 in Worck, Egtved Parish, vejle co, Denmark)
ii. Else Madsdatter
499. Maren Nielsdatter, daughter of Unknown and Unknown, was born in 1704 and died in 1754 in Worck, Egtved Parish, vejle co, Denmark at age 50.
Maren married Mads Pederssen.
504. Anders Jørgensen, son of Jørgen and Unknown, was born about 1687 and died in Feb 1742 in Hyllerød, Nebsager Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark about age 55.
General Notes: He was a copyholder under Skerildgaard.
Anders married Ingeborg Jensdatter. Ingeborg was born about 1702 and died on 1 Jan 1782 in Hyllerød, Nebsager Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark about age 80.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Anne Andersdatter (born in 1727)
252 ii. Jens Andersen (born on 29 Jan 1736 in Hyllerød, Nebsager Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark - died on 16 Jan 1785 in Hornsyld, Nebsager Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark)
505. Ingeborg Jensdatter, daughter of Jens and Unknown, was born about 1702 and died on 1 Jan 1782 in Hyllerød, Nebsager Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark about age 80.
Ingeborg married Anders Jørgensen. Anders was born about 1687 and died in Feb 1742 in Hyllerød, Nebsager Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark about age 55.
506. Laurids Olufsen, son of Oluf Andersen and Unknown, was born on 16 Jun 1691 in Hornsyld, Nebsager Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark and died on 21 Mar 1745 in Hornsyld, Nebsager Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark at age 53.
Laurids married someone
His child was:
253 i. Maren Lauridsdatter (born on 17 Jul 1735 in Hornsyld, Nebsager Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark - died on 8 Mar 1786 in Hornsyld, Nebsager Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark)
508. Oluf Jørgensen, son of Jørgen Rasmusen, Møller and Kirsten Sørensdatter, was born on 4 Nov 1689 in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark and died on 20 Oct 1775 in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark at age 85.
General Notes: He was a Miller.
Oluf married Maren Michelsdatter about 1727 in Gram, Rårup Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark. Maren was born about 1704 in Nebsager Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark and died on 20 Dec 1786 in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark about age 82.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Frederick Olesen (born on 24 Oct 1729 in Bierre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark)
254 ii. Michel Olesen (born on 12 Feb 1730 in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark - died on 19 Feb 1790 in Braae Mølle, Stenderup Parish, Vejle County, Denmark)
iii. Anders Olesen (born on 11 Feb 1732 in Bierre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark)
iv. Søren Olesen (born in 1734 in Bierre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark)
v. Hans Olesen (born in 1736 in Bierre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark)
vi. Michel Olesen (born on 23 Sep 1737 in Bierre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark - died in 1739 in Bierre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark)
vii. Kiersten Olesdatter (born in 1739 in Bierre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark)
viii. Matten Olesen (born in 1740 in Bierre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark)
ix. Hans Olesen (born in 1740 in Bierre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark)
x. Karen Olesdatter (born in 1742 in Bierre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark)
xi. Søren Olesen (born in 1744 in Bierre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark)
xii. Peder Olesen (born on 27 May 1745 in Bierre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark)
xiii. Jens Olesen (born on 11 Jun 1747 in Bierre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark)
xiv. Lisbet Olesen (born in 1747 in Bierre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark)
Oluf next married Kirsten Brixdatter. Kirsten was born about 1682 and died on 8 May 1726 in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark about age 44.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Mads Olesen (born in 1714)
ii. Brixen Olesen (born in 1716 in Bierre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark)
iii. Frederick Olesen (born in 1717 in Bierre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark - died on 3 Nov 1720 in Bierre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark)
iv. Maren Olesdatter (born in 1719 in Bierre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark)
v. Frederick Olesen (born in 1722 in Bierre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark - died in 1728 in Bierre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark)
509. Maren Michelsdatter, daughter of Michel Pedersen and Unknown, was born about 1704 in Nebsager Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark and died on 20 Dec 1786 in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark about age 82.
Maren married Oluf Jørgensen about 1727 in Gram, Rårup Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark. Oluf was born on 4 Nov 1689 in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark and died on 20 Oct 1775 in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark at age 85.
510. Rasmus Jensen, son of Jens Madsen Juel and Else Andersdatter, was born on 7 Feb 1734 in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark and died on 29 Aug 1802 in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark at age 68.
Rasmus married Ane Hansdatter on 15 May 1756 in Glud Church, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark. Ane was born on 5 Jan 1734 in Bisholt, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark and died on 12 Apr 1806 in Sønder Bjerre, Bjerre Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark at age 72.
Children from this marriage were:
255 i. Anne Kirstine Rasmusdatter (born on 15 May 1758 in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark - died on 20 Feb 1803 in Braae Mølle, Stenderup Parish, Vejle County, Denmark)
ii. Jens Rasmusen (born in 1759 in Bierre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark)
iii. Hans Rasmusen (born on 25 May 1760 in Bierre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark)
iv. Anders Rasmusen (born in 1761 in Bierre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark)
v. Else Rasmusdatter (born in 1762 in Bierre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark)
511. Ane Hansdatter, daughter of Hans Sørensen and Ane Kirstine Jørgensdatter, was born on 5 Jan 1734 in Bisholt, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark and died on 12 Apr 1806 in Sønder Bjerre, Bjerre Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark at age 72.
Ane married Rasmus Jensen on 15 May 1756 in Glud Church, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark. Rasmus was born on 7 Feb 1734 in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark and died on 29 Aug 1802 in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark at age 68.
640. Samuel Haight, son of Nicholas Haight and Susannah, was born on 1 May 1647 in Windsor, CT, USA and died in Sep 1712 in Flushing, Long Island, NY, USA at age 65.
General Notes: Resided in Westbury.
Samuel married Sarah.
The child from this marriage was:
320 i. Nicholas Hoyt (born on 1 May 1674 in Windsor, CT, USA - died about 1730 in Flushing, Long Island, NY, USA)
641. Sarah
Sarah married Samuel Haight. Samuel was born on 1 May 1647 in Windsor, CT, USA and died in Sep 1712 in Flushing, Long Island, NY, USA at age 65.
642. Edmund Titus, son of Robert Titus and Hannah, was born about 1630 in England and died on 7 Feb 1715 in Old Westbury, Long Island, NY, USA about age 85.
General Notes: He settled first in Hempstead, Long Island, New York. He was a Quaker.
Edmund married Martha Washburne. Martha was born about 1637 and died on 17 Feb 1727 about age 90.
The child from this marriage was:
321 i. Patience Titus (born on 4 Dec 1678)
643. Martha Washburne, daughter of William Washburne and Jane, was born about 1637 and died on 17 Feb 1727 about age 90.
Martha married Edmund Titus. Edmund was born about 1630 in England and died on 7 Feb 1715 in Old Westbury, Long Island, NY, USA about age 85.
644. Thomas Hicks, son of John Hicks and Herddias Long, was born about 1640 and died about 1672 about age 32.
Thomas married Mary Butler.
The child from this marriage was:
322 i. Jacob Hicks (born about 1669 - died about 1755 in Rockaway, RI, USA)
645. Mary Butler
Mary married Thomas Hicks. Thomas was born about 1640 and died about 1672 about age 32.
656. Thomas Carter, son of Reverand Thomas Carter and Mary Parkhurst, was born on 8 Jun 1655 in Woburn, MA, USA.
Thomas married Margaret Whitmore circa 1682. Margaret was born on 9 Sep 1668 in Cambridge, MA, USA.
The child from this marriage was:
328 i. Eleazer Carter (born on 20 Apr 1689 in Woburn, MA, USA - died on 30 Oct 1758 in Sudbury, MA, USA)
657. Margaret Whitmore, daughter of Francis Whitmore and Isabel Parke, was born on 9 Sep 1668 in Cambridge, MA, USA.
Margaret married Thomas Carter circa 1682. Thomas was born on 8 Jun 1655 in Woburn, MA, USA.
660. John Lovell
John married someone.
His child was:
330 i. John Lovell
672. Andrew Watkins, son of Andrew Watkins and Elizabeth, was born about 1675, was christened on 11 Feb 1686, and died in Roxbury, MA, USA.
Andrew married Mary Streeter on 10 Dec 1701 in Charlestown, MA, USA. Mary was christened on 21 Feb 1697 and died in Cambridge, MA, USA.
The child from this marriage was:
336 i. Andrew Watkins (born on 5 Mar 1707 in Needham, MA, USA)
673. Mary Streeter, daughter of Samuel Streeter and Deborah, was christened on 21 Feb 1697 and died in Cambridge, MA, USA.
Mary married Andrew Watkins on 10 Dec 1701 in Charlestown, MA, USA. Andrew was born about 1675, was christened on 11 Feb 1686, and died in Roxbury, MA, USA.
674. Robert Cook
Robert married Submit.
The child from this marriage was:
337 i. Thankfull Cook
675. Submit
Submit married Robert Cook.
676. Benjamin Whitney, son of John Whitney and Elinor, was born on 6 Jun 1643 and died about 1723 in York, ME, USA about age 80.
Benjamin married Mary Poor on 11 Apr 1695 in York, ME, USA. Mary was born on 4 Nov 1654.
The child from this marriage was:
338 i. Mark Whitney (born in 1700 - died in Framingham, MA, USA)
677. Mary Poor, daughter of Daniel Poor and Mary Farnum, was born on 4 Nov 1654.
General Notes: She updated her will 7 Jun 1689. She lived in Marlboro, MA or Maine.
Mary married Benjamin Whitney on 11 Apr 1695 in York, ME, USA. Benjamin was born on 6 Jun 1643 and died about 1723 in York, ME, USA about age 80.
678. Thomas Mellon, son of Simon Mellon and Mary, was born in Aug 1668 in Malden, MA, USA.
Thomas married Elizabeth.
The child from this marriage was:
339 i. Tabitha Mellon (born on 4 Jan 1703)
679. Elizabeth
Elizabeth married Thomas Mellon. Thomas was born in Aug 1668 in Malden, MA, USA.
704. Abraham Hathaway, son of John Hathaway and Martha, was born on 11 Sep 1652 in Taunton, MA, USA, died on 23 Aug 1725 in Dighton, MA, USA at age 72, and was buried in Fox Cemetery.
Abraham married Rebecca Wilbore on 28 Aug 1684 in Taunton, MA, USA. Rebecca was born on 13 Jan 1665 and died on 30 Aug 1727 at age 62.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Eleazer Hathaway
ii. Rebecca Hathaway
iii. Abraham Hathaway (born on 11 Sep 1685 in Taunton, MA, USA)
iv. Thomas Hathaway (born on 26 Jan 1687 in Taunton, MA, USA)
v. Shadrach Hathaway (born in 1688 in Taunton, MA, USA - died before 1725)
vi. Ebenezer Hathaway (born on 25 May 1689 in Taunton, MA, USA)
352 vii. Samuel Hathaway (born about 1690 in Suffield, CT, USA - died on 14 Apr 1765 in Suffield, CT, USA)
viii. John Hathaway (born in 1695 in Taunton, MA, USA)
ix. Benjamin Hathaway (born in 1699 in Taunton, MA, USA)
705. Rebecca Wilbore, daughter of Shadrach Wilbore and Mary Deane, was born on 13 Jan 1665 and died on 30 Aug 1727 at age 62.
Rebecca married Abraham Hathaway on 28 Aug 1684 in Taunton, MA, USA. Abraham was born on 11 Sep 1652 in Taunton, MA, USA, died on 23 Aug 1725 in Dighton, MA, USA at age 72, and was buried in Fox Cemetery.
706. Peter Rowe, son of Hugh Rowe and Abigail, was born about 1662 and died on 4 Feb 1739 about age 77.
Peter married Sarah Remington on 24 Jan 1689. Sarah was born on 8 Dec 1668 in Rowley, MA, USA.
The child from this marriage was:
353 i. Sarah Rowe (born on 17 Jul 1696 in Suffield, CT, USA)
707. Sarah Remington, daughter of Thomas Remington and Mehitabel Walker, was born on 8 Dec 1668 in Rowley, MA, USA.
Sarah married Peter Rowe on 24 Jan 1689. Peter was born about 1662 and died on 4 Feb 1739 about age 77.
708. James King, son of James King and Elizabeth Fuller, was born on 14 Mar 1675 in Ipswhich, MA, USA and died on 15 Jul 1757 in Suffield, CT, USA at age 82.
James married Elizabeth Huxley on 23 Jun 1698. Elizabeth died on 20 Aug 1745.
The child from this marriage was:
354 i. John King (born on 17 May 1705 - died on 19 Nov 1789)
709. Elizabeth Huxley, daughter of Thomas Huxley and Sarah Spencer, died on 20 Aug 1745.
Elizabeth married James King on 23 Jun 1698. James was born on 14 Mar 1675 in Ipswhich, MA, USA and died on 15 Jul 1757 in Suffield, CT, USA at age 82.
710. Benajeh Holcomb, son of Sargeant Benajeh Holcomb and Sarah Eno, was born on 16 Apr 1668 and died on 25 Jan 1736 in Windsor, CT, USA at age 67.
Benajeh married Martha Winchell on 17 May 1705. Martha was born about 1678 in Suffield, CT, USA and died on 8 Sep 1722 in Suffield, CT, USA about age 44.
The child from this marriage was:
355 i. Parnell Holcomb (born on 8 Jun 1708)
711. Martha Winchell, daughter of David Winchell and Mary Griffin, was born about 1678 in Suffield, CT, USA and died on 8 Sep 1722 in Suffield, CT, USA about age 44.
Martha married Benajeh Holcomb on 17 May 1705. Benajeh was born on 16 Apr 1668 and died on 25 Jan 1736 in Windsor, CT, USA at age 67.
712. Samuel Cowdrey, son of Nathaniel Cowdrey and Elizabeth, was born on 16 May 1657 in Reading, MA, USA.
Samuel married Elizabeth Parker.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Ruth Cowdrey (born on 11 Jun 1687)
ii. Mary Cowdrey (born on 1 Apr 1689)
356 iii. Nathaniel Cowdrey (born on 20 Nov 1691 in Charlestown, MA, USA - died on 3 Apr 1751 in Hadley, MA, USA)
iv. Martha Cowdrey (born in 1693)
v. Samuel Cowdrey (born in 1695)
Samuel next married someone
713. Elizabeth Parker
Elizabeth married Samuel Cowdrey. Samuel was born on 16 May 1657 in Reading, MA, USA.
714. Thomas Damon, son of Thomas Damon and Unknown, was born on 31 Jan 1659 in Reading, MA, USA and died on 20 Oct 1723 in Reading, MA, USA at age 64.
Thomas married Lucian Emerson on 15 May 1683 in Reading, MA, USA. Lucian was born on 2 Oct 1667 in Milton, MA, USA and died on 17 Jan 1740 in Reading, MA, USA at age 72. Other names for Lucian were Lucy Ann Emerson, and Louisa Emerson.
The child from this marriage was:
357 i. Mehitabel Damon (born on 9 Nov 1699 in Reading, MA, USA - died on 9 Nov 1763 in E. Haddam, CT, USA)
715. Lucian Emerson, daughter of Reverand Joseph Emerson and Elizabeth Bulkeley, was born on 2 Oct 1667 in Milton, MA, USA and died on 17 Jan 1740 in Reading, MA, USA at age 72. Other names for Lucian were Lucy Ann Emerson, and Louisa Emerson.
Lucian married Thomas Damon on 15 May 1683 in Reading, MA, USA. Thomas was born on 31 Jan 1659 in Reading, MA, USA and died on 20 Oct 1723 in Reading, MA, USA at age 64.
716. Samuel Bushnell, son of William Bushnell and Rebecca Chapman, was born in Sep 1645 in Guilford, CT, USA and died in Nov 1727 in Saybrook, CT, USA at age 82.
Samuel married Priscilla Pratt on 19 Apr 1700 in Medfield, MA, USA. Priscilla was born on 7 Feb 1675 in Medfield, MA, USA.
The child from this marriage was:
358 i. Josiah Bushnell (born on 9 Jun 1706 in Saybrook, CT, USA - died on 3 Sep 1799 in Hartland, CT, USA)
717. Priscilla Pratt, daughter of John Pratt and Rebeckah Colburn, was born on 7 Feb 1675 in Medfield, MA, USA.
Priscilla married Samuel Bushnell on 19 Apr 1700 in Medfield, MA, USA. Samuel was born in Sep 1645 in Guilford, CT, USA and died in Nov 1727 in Saybrook, CT, USA at age 82.
718. Thomas Jones, son of Captain Samuel Jones and Mary Bushnell, was born about 1672 and died about 1753 about age 81.
Thomas married Priscilla Kirtland on 1 Feb 1682. Priscilla was born on 9 Apr 1683 in Saybrook, CT, USA.
The child from this marriage was:
359 i. Martha Jones (born about 1711 in Saybrook, CT, USA - died on 22 Jul 1777 in Hartland, CT, USA)
719. Priscilla Kirtland, daughter of Luitenant John Kirtland and Lydia Pratt, was born on 9 Apr 1683 in Saybrook, CT, USA.
Priscilla married Thomas Jones on 1 Feb 1682. Thomas was born about 1672 and died about 1753 about age 81.
752. Michael Mitchell, son of William Mitchell and Catherine, was born about 1670 and died in Wallingford, CT, USA.
Michael married Sarah Catlin about 1694. Sarah was born about 1675 in Newark, NJ, USA and died on 30 Dec 1736 about age 61.
Marriage Notes: Sarah divorced Michael due to his fornication with a Black woman. They had a rocky marriage as they were fined by the court for fighting and abusive language.
Children from this marriage were:
i. John Mitchell (born on 22 Jan 1695)
ii. William Mitchell (born on 21 Apr 1697)
iii. Sarah Mitchell (born on 19 Feb 1698)
iv. Michael Mitchell (born on 8 Mar 1700)
v. Mary Mitchell (born on 10 Jul 1703 - died about 1703)
376 vi. Joseph Mitchell (born on 2 Sep 1705 in Deerfield, MA, USA - died on 16 Sep 1794 in Deerfield, MA, USA)
vii. Jonathon Mitchell (born on 18 Jan 1707)
viii. Catherine Mitchell (born on 1 Sep 1709 - died on 17 Dec 1710)
ix. Samuel Mitchell (born on 7 Mar 1712)
753. Sarah Catlin, daughter of John Catlin and Mary Baldwin, was born about 1675 in Newark, NJ, USA and died on 30 Dec 1736 about age 61.
Sarah married Michael Mitchell about 1694. Michael was born about 1670 and died in Wallingford, CT, USA.
754. William Allis, son of Samuel Allis and Alice, was born on 19 Oct 1680 and died on 20 Feb 1763 at age 82.
General Notes: He was one of the first settlers of Sunderland, Connecticutt.
William married Elizabeth Davis circa 1704. Elizabeth was born on 20 Jun 1675 and died on 1 May 1758 in Montague, MA, USA at age 82.
The child from this marriage was:
377 i. Mary Allis (born on 18 Feb 1705 in Hatfield, MA, USA - died on 8 Nov 1783 in Deerfield, MA, USA)
755. Elizabeth Davis, daughter of Samuel Davis and Hannah Edwards, was born on 20 Jun 1675 and died on 1 May 1758 in Montague, MA, USA at age 82.
General Notes: She also lived in Northampton, MA.
Elizabeth married William Allis circa 1704. William was born on 19 Oct 1680 and died on 20 Feb 1763 at age 82.
756. Bartholomew Foster, son of Bartholomew Foster and Hannah Very, was born on 22 Jun 1670.
Bartholomew married someone
His child was:
378 i. Timothy Foster (born about 1699 in Wethersfield, CT, USA - died in Wallingford, CT, USA)
758. Sargeant John Ackley, son of Nicholas Ackley and Hannah, was born about 1662 in Hartford, CT, USA and died on 25 Aug 1736 in E. Haddam, CT, USA about age 74.
John married Rebecka Spencer on 23 May 1699 in Hartford, CT, USA. Rebecka was born in Mar 1666 in Haddam, CT, USA and died about 1727 about age 61.
The child from this marriage was:
379 i. Thankfull Ackley (born about 1702 in Meriden, CT, USA - died on 9 Mar 1771 in Hadden, CT, USA)
759. Rebecka Spencer, daughter of John Spencer and Rebecka Hayward, was born in Mar 1666 in Haddam, CT, USA and died about 1727 about age 61.
Rebecka married Sargeant John Ackley on 23 May 1699 in Hartford, CT, USA. John was born about 1662 in Hartford, CT, USA and died on 25 Aug 1736 in E. Haddam, CT, USA about age 74.
896. Jon
Jon married someone.
His child was:
448 i. Jan Jonsson (born in 1714 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden - died on 22 Oct 1792 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
898. Olof
Olof married someone.
His child was:
449 i. Ingeborg Olsdotter (born in 1710 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden - died on 10 Jan 1783 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
900. Per
Per married Kerstin Andersdotter. Kerstin was born in 1700 and died on 4 Apr 1782 at age 82.
The child from this marriage was:
450 i. Bengt Persson (born on 4 Jun 1718 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
901. Kerstin Andersdotter, daughter of Anders and Unknown, was born in 1700 and died on 4 Apr 1782 at age 82.
Kerstin married Per.
902. Erik
Erik married Karin Pärsdotter.
The child from this marriage was:
451 i. Brita Ersdotter (born on 8 May 1717 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden - died on 13 Aug 1790 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
903. Karin Pärsdotter
Karin married Erik.
904. Erik
Erik married someone.
His child was:
452 i. Lars Gålman (died about 1773)
906. Anders
Anders married someone.
His child was:
453 i. Brita Andersdotter (born on 8 Mar 1713 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden - died on 20 Jan 1788 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
908. Jan
Jan married someone.
His child was:
454 i. Pär Jansson (born in 1703 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden - died on 17 Apr 1766 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
910. Pär
Pär married someone.
His child was:
455 i. Sigrid Pärsdotter (born about 1703 - died on 16 Nov 1785 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
916. Jon
Jon married someone.
His child was:
458 i. Jon Jonsson (born on 27 Jun 1709 - died on 5 Jun 1787 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
918. Sven
Sven married someone.
His child was:
459 i. Cherstin Svensdotter (born on 1 Jun 1707 - died on 8 Jan 1788 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
920. Halvard Olofsson, son of Olof Larsson and Ingeborg Olofsdotter, was born in 1691 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden, was christened on 27 May 1691, and died on 23 Dec 1744 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden at age 53. Another name for Halvard was Halvard Olsson.
General Notes: He lived in Wreta in Hardemo Parish.
Halvard was christened in Starby. The witnesses were: Erik Ersson of Ählberg, Anders Jonsson of Ählberg, Ingeborg of Bräntorp and the young girl Ingrid in St. Ählberg.
Halvard married Brita Eriksdotter. Brita was born on 4 Jan 1698 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden, was christened on 6 Jan 1698, died in Feb 1756 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden at age 58, and was buried on 22 Feb 1756. Another name for Brita was Brita Ersdotter.
Children from this marriage were:
460 i. Olof Halvardsson (born on 10 Sep 1725 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden - died on 6 Jun 1782 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
ii. Erik Halvardsson (born on 2 Feb 1728 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
iii. Ingeborg Halvardsdotter (born on 6 Oct 1730 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
iv. Carl Halvardsson (born on 22 Dec 1733 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
v. Pär Halvardsson (born on 6 Mar 1736 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
vi. Maret Halvardsdotter (born on 12 Sep 1740 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
921. Brita Eriksdotter, daughter of Erik Pärsson and Ingeborg Ersdotter, was born on 4 Jan 1698 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden, was christened on 6 Jan 1698, died in Feb 1756 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden at age 58, and was buried on 22 Feb 1756. Another name for Brita was Brita Ersdotter.
General Notes: Brita was born in Stora Ählberg. At her christening, the sponsors were: Erik Persson of Stora Ählberg, Olof and his wife and the young girl Lisbeth Ersdotter. Her death records state she was from Skogen.
Brita married Halvard Olofsson. Halvard was born in 1691 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden, was christened on 27 May 1691, and died on 23 Dec 1744 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden at age 53. Another name for Halvard was Halvard Olsson.
922. Erik
Erik married someone.
His child was:
461 i. Anna Ersdotter (born about 1728 in Lerbäck, Örebro, Närke, Sweden - died on 23 Jan 1809 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
924. Lars
Lars married someone.
His child was:
462 i. Bengt Larsson (born in 1720 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden - died on 2 Jan 1775 in Bo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
926. Anders
Anders married someone.
His child was:
463 i. Ingrid Andersdotter (born in 1729 in Lerbäck, Örebro, Närke, Sweden)
936. Erik
Erik married someone.
His child was:
468 i. Erik Morfeldt (born in 1694 - died on 3 Jun 1764 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
938. Johan "Soldat"
Johan married someone.
His children were:
i. Karin Johansdotter (born on 23 Sep 1691 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
ii. Gustaf Johansson (christened on 19 Feb 1693, born in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
469 iii. Kerstin Johansdotter (born on 8 Aug 1694 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
iv. Anders Johansson (born on 6 Jul 1696 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
960. Morten
Morten married someone.
His child was:
480 i. Søren Lauritsen Mortensen (born about 1680 in Brundby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark - died on 3 Dec 1752 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark)
962. Jens
Jens married someone.
His child was:
481 i. Mette Jensdatter (born about 1688 in Brundby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark - died on 27 May 1760 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark)
964. Peder Jørgensen, son of Jørgen and Unknown, was born before 1650 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark, was christened before 1650 in Tranebjerg Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark, died in Apr 1684 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark, and was buried in Apr 1684 in Tranebjerg Kgd, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark.
Peder married Anne Jensdatter. Anne was born about 1650 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark, was christened about 1650 in Tranebjerg Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark, died in Mar 1693 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark about age 43, and was buried in Mar 1693 in Tranebjerg Kgd, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Jørgen Pedersen (born about 1670 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark - died before 1693 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark)
ii. Bodil Pedersdatter (born about 1671 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark - died on 3 May 1741 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark)
iii. Jens Pedersen (born about 1673 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark - died after 1693)
iv. Maren Pedersdatter (born about 1676 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark - died on 4 Aug 1754 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark)
482 v. Morten Pedersen (born about 1678 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark - died on 18 Nov 1750 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark)
965. Anne Jensdatter, daughter of Jens and Unknown, was born about 1650 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark, was christened about 1650 in Tranebjerg Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark, died in Mar 1693 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark about age 43, and was buried in Mar 1693 in Tranebjerg Kgd, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark.
Anne married Peder Jørgensen. Peder was born before 1650 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark, was christened before 1650 in Tranebjerg Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark, died in Apr 1684 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark, and was buried in Apr 1684 in Tranebjerg Kgd, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark.
966. Jørgen Bendtsen, son of Bendt and Kirsten Pedersdatter, was born about 1648 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark, was christened about 1648 in Tranebjerg Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark, died on 23 Feb 1723 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark about age 75, and was buried on 23 Feb 1723 in Tranebjerg Kgd, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark.
General Notes: he was a tenant farmer.
Jørgen married Anne Sørensdatter before 1690 in Tranebjerg Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark. Anne was born about 1645 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark, was christened about 1645 in Tranebjerg Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark, died on 28 Aug 1728 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark about age 83, and was buried in Aug 1728 in Tranebjerg Kgd, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark.
Children from this marriage were:
483 i. Kirsten Jørgensdatter (born about 1688 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark - died about Dec 1757 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark)
ii. Bendt Jørgensen (born about 1690 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark - died on 7 Dec 1739 in Brundby, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark)
967. Anne Sørensdatter, daughter of Søren and Karen Sørensdatter, was born about 1645 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark, was christened about 1645 in Tranebjerg Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark, died on 28 Aug 1728 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark about age 83, and was buried in Aug 1728 in Tranebjerg Kgd, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark.
Anne married Jørgen Bendtsen before 1690 in Tranebjerg Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark. Jørgen was born about 1648 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark, was christened about 1648 in Tranebjerg Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark, died on 23 Feb 1723 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark about age 75, and was buried on 23 Feb 1723 in Tranebjerg Kgd, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark.
968. Jørgen Mortensen, son of Morten and Unknown, died in Mar 1688 in Brundby, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark.
Jørgen married Kirsten Olufsdatter before 1668 in Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark. Kirsten died after 1688 in Brundby, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Kirsten Jørgensdatter (born about 1668 in Brundby, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark - died after 1688 in Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark)
ii. Karen Jørgensdatter (born about 1669 in Brundby, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark - died after 1688 in Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark)
iii. Dorthe Jørgensdatter (born about 1672 in Brundby, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark - died after 1688 in Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark)
iv. Morten Jørgensen (born about 1673 in Brundby, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark - died after 1688 in Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark)
484 v. Oluf Jørgensen (born about 1675 - died in Jan 1729 in Brundby, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark)
969. Kirsten Olufsdatter, daughter of Oluf and Karen Sørensdatter, died after 1688 in Brundby, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark.
Kirsten married Jørgen Mortensen before 1668 in Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark. Jørgen died in Mar 1688 in Brundby, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark.
970. Rasmus
Rasmus married someone.
His child was:
485 i. Anne Rasmusdatter
972. Morten
Morten married someone.
His child was:
486 i. Michel Mortensen (born about 1671 in Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark - died in Jul 1742 in Brundby, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark)
974. Christen
Christen married someone.
His child was:
487 i. Karen Christensdatter (born about 1690 in Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark - died in Jun 1757 in Brundby, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark)
976. Rasmus
Rasmus married someone.
His child was:
488 i. Hans Rasmussen
980. Hans
Hans married someone.
His child was:
490 i. Jørgen Hansen Jyde (born about 1713 in Alstrup, Besser Parish, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark - died on 14 Mar 1784 in Langemark, Besser Parish, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark)
982. Jacob Knudsen Skytte Hyrde, son of Knud and Unknown, was born about 1680 in Samsø, Denmark, was christened about 1680 in Samsø, Denmark, died on 30 Jul 1760 in Alstrup, Besser Parish, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark about age 80, and was buried on 30 Jul 1760 in Besser Kgd, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark.
General Notes: He was a herdsman (hyrde).
Jacob married Unknown Unknown about 1718 in Samsø, Denmark. Unknown was born about 1675 in Samsø, Denmark, was christened about 1675 in Samsø, Denmark, died in Alstrup, Besser Parish, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark, and was buried on 30 Jul 1760 in Besser Kgd, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark.
Children from this marriage were:
491 i. Karen Jacobsdatter (born about 1718 in Alstrup, Besser Parish, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark - died in Feb 1760 in Langemark, Besser Parish, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark)
ii. Anders Jacobsen (born in Dec 1719 in Alstrup, Besser Parish, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark - died in Nov 1788 in Taftebjerg, Onsbjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark)
iii. Dorthe Jacobsdatter (born in Jan 1723 in Alstrup, Besser Parish, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark - died in Jul 1798 in Alstrup, Besser Parish, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark)
983. Unknown Unknown was born about 1675 in Samsø, Denmark, was christened about 1675 in Samsø, Denmark, died in Alstrup, Besser Parish, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark, and was buried on 30 Jul 1760 in Besser Kgd, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark.
Unknown married Jacob Knudsen Skytte Hyrde about 1718 in Samsø, Denmark. Jacob was born about 1680 in Samsø, Denmark, was christened about 1680 in Samsø, Denmark, died on 30 Jul 1760 in Alstrup, Besser Parish, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark about age 80, and was buried on 30 Jul 1760 in Besser Kgd, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark.
984. Michel
Michel married someone.
His child was:
492 i. Rasmus Michelsen (died in Jun 1759 in Langemark, Besser Parish, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark)
986. Peder
Peder married someone.
His child was:
493 i. Bodil Pedersdatter (born about 1706 in Onsbjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark - died in Dec 1776 in Langemark, Besser Parish, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark)
988. Tønnes Olesen, son of Oluf Tønnesen and Karen Lauritsdatter, was born about 1679, died in Jul 1726 in Besser Parish, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark about age 47, and was buried on 21 Jul 1726 in Besser Kgd, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark. Another name for Tønnes was Tønnes Ollufsen.
General Notes: He was married 3 times.
Tønnes married Karen Jensdatter about 1710 in Besser Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark. Karen died in Oct 1718 in Besser Parish, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark and was buried in Besser Kgd, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark.
Children from this marriage were:
494 i. Jens Tønnesen (born about 1712 in Besser Parish, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark - died in Jun 1797 in Besser Parish, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark)
ii. Charlotte Tønnesdatter (born about 1718 in Besser, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark - died on 29 May 1719 in Besser, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark)
Tønnes next married Charlotte Bertelsdatter on 22 Jun 1705 in Besser Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark. Charlotte died in Jul 1710 in Besser, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark.
The child from this marriage was:
i. Karen Tønnesdatter (born about 1707 in Besser, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark)
Tønnes next married Bodil Jørgensdatter on 30 Nov 1719 in Besser Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark. Bodil was born about 1682 in Besser, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark and died on 21 Jan 1749 in Besser, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark about age 67.
989. Karen Jensdatter, daughter of Jens and Unknown, died in Oct 1718 in Besser Parish, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark and was buried in Besser Kgd, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark.
Karen married Tønnes Olesen about 1710 in Besser Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark. Tønnes was born about 1679, died in Jul 1726 in Besser Parish, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark about age 47, and was buried on 21 Jul 1726 in Besser Kgd, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark. Another name for Tønnes was Tønnes Ollufsen.
990. Herman Hansen Muurmester, son of Hans and Unknown, was born about 1681 in Æro, died in Feb 1751 in Besser Parish, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark about age 70, and was buried on 11 Feb 1751 in Besser Kgd, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark.
Herman married Bodil Henriksdatter before 1720 in Antagelig Besser. Bodil was born about 1682 in Samsø, Denmark and died after 1751.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Henrik Hermansen (born about 1717 in Besser Parish, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark - died after 1787 in Onsbjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark)
ii. Karen Hermansdatter (born before 1719 in Besser Parish, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark - died after 1751)
iii. Jens Hermansen (born before 1719 in Besser Parish, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark - died after 1751 in Århus)
495 iv. Maren Hermansdatter (born about 1719 in Besser Parish, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark - died in Apr 1760 in Besser Parish, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark)
v. Birgitte Margrethe Hermansdatter (born in Mar 1722 in Besser Parish, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark - died in Jul 1730 in Besser Parish, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark)
vi. Dorethe Hermansdatter (born in Dec 1725 in Besser Parish, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark - buried on 14 Sep 1727 buried in Besser Kgd, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark)
991. Bodil Henriksdatter, daughter of Henrik Jacobsen Smed and Karen Pedersdatter, was born about 1682 in Samsø, Denmark and died after 1751.
Bodil married Herman Hansen Muurmester before 1720 in Antagelig Besser. Herman was born about 1681 in Æro, died in Feb 1751 in Besser Parish, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark about age 70, and was buried on 11 Feb 1751 in Besser Kgd, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark.
992. Christen
Christen married Maren.
The child from this marriage was:
496 i. Niels Christensen (born in 1684 in Egtved Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark - died in 1754 in Egtved Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark)
993. Maren
Maren married Christen.
994. Christen Rasmussen
Christen married Anna.
The child from this marriage was:
497 i. Anna Christensdatter (born in 1699 in Worck, Egtved Parish, vejle co, Denmark - died in 1754 in Worck, Egtved Parish, vejle co, Denmark)
995. Anna
Anna married Christen Rasmussen.
1008. Jørgen
Jørgen married someone.
His child was:
504 i. Anders Jørgensen (born about 1687 - died in Feb 1742 in Hyllerød, Nebsager Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark)
1010. Jens
Jens married someone.
His child was:
505 i. Ingeborg Jensdatter (born about 1702 - died on 1 Jan 1782 in Hyllerød, Nebsager Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark)
1012. Oluf Andersen, son of Anders and Unknown, was born in 1655 in Hornsyld, Nebsager Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark and died on 23 Dec 1705 in Horsens Parish, Skanderborg Co, Denmark at age 50.
Oluf married someone
His child was:
506 i. Laurids Olufsen (born on 16 Jun 1691 in Hornsyld, Nebsager Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark - died on 21 Mar 1745 in Hornsyld, Nebsager Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark)
1016. Jørgen Rasmusen, Møller, son of Rasmus Jørgensen, Møller and Unknown, was born about 1623 in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark and died on 24 Jan 1731 in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark about age 108.
General Notes: He was a Miller.
Jørgen married Kirsten Sørensdatter. Kirsten died in 1730 in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark.
The child from this marriage was:
508 i. Oluf Jørgensen (born on 4 Nov 1689 in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark - died on 20 Oct 1775 in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark)
1017. Kirsten Sørensdatter, daughter of Søren and Unknown, died in 1730 in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark.
Kirsten married Jørgen Rasmusen, Møller. Jørgen was born about 1623 in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark and died on 24 Jan 1731 in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark about age 108.
1018. Michel Pedersen was born about 1677 and died in Apr 1760 in Ravnholt, Rårup Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark about age 83.
General Notes: He was a Smith.
Michel married someone
His children were:
509 i. Maren Michelsdatter (born about 1704 in Nebsager Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark - died on 20 Dec 1786 in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark)
ii. Ingeborg Michelsdatter
iii. Peder Michelsen
1020. Jens Madsen Juel, son of Mads Sørensen Juel and Unknown, was born on 18 Mar 1703 in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark and died on 5 May 1779 in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark at age 76.
General Notes: Jens first took over his father's farm, but he was not satisfied with it and let his brother, Søren, have it. He took over the farm of Rasmus Sørensen when Rasmus died in 1731. Jens also married Rasmus' widow, else Andersdatter. He was a farmer.
Jens married Else Andersdatter in 1731 in Bjerre Church, Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark. Else was born on 25 Apr 1711 in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark and died on 6 Sep 1779 in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark at age 68.
The child from this marriage was:
510 i. Rasmus Jensen (born on 7 Feb 1734 in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark - died on 29 Aug 1802 in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark)
1021. Else Andersdatter, daughter of Anders Nielsen and Maren Pedersdatter, was born on 25 Apr 1711 in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark and died on 6 Sep 1779 in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark at age 68.
Else married Jens Madsen Juel in 1731 in Bjerre Church, Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark. Jens was born on 18 Mar 1703 in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark and died on 5 May 1779 in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark at age 76.
Else next married Rasmus Sørensen about 1729 in Bjerre Church, Bjerre Parish, Vejle County, Denmark. Rasmus died in 1731.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Peder Rasmusen
ii. Ane Kirstine Rasmusdatter (born on 15 May 1758 in Bjerre Parish, Vejle County, Denmark - died on 20 Feb 1803 in Braae Mølle, Stenderup Parish, Vejle County, Denmark)
1022. Hans Sørensen, son of Søren Sørensen and Maren Jacobsdatter (Borre), was born about 1703 in Bisholt, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark and died on 6 Jun 1792 in Bisholdt, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark about age 89.
General Notes: He was a farmer. The name of the farm was Teglsøgaard.
Hans married Ane Kirstine Jørgensdatter in Jun 1730 in Glud Church, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark. Ane was born on 25 Dec 1707 in Colsgaard, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark and died on 21 Apr 1777 in Teglsøgaard, Bisholt, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark at age 69.
The child from this marriage was:
511 i. Ane Hansdatter (born on 5 Jan 1734 in Bisholt, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark - died on 12 Apr 1806 in Sønder Bjerre, Bjerre Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark)
1023. Ane Kirstine Jørgensdatter, daughter of Jørgen Nielsen and Maren Nielsdatter, was born on 25 Dec 1707 in Colsgaard, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark and died on 21 Apr 1777 in Teglsøgaard, Bisholt, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark at age 69.
Ane married Hans Sørensen in Jun 1730 in Glud Church, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark. Hans was born about 1703 in Bisholt, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark and died on 6 Jun 1792 in Bisholdt, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark about age 89.
1280. Nicholas Haight, son of Simon Haight and Unknown, was christened on 7 May 1620 in West Hatch, Somersetshire, England and died on 7 Jul 1655 in Windsor, CT, USA at age 35.
Nicholas married Susannah on 12 Jun 1646 in Windsor, CT, USA. Susannah died on 4 Jul 1655 in Windsor, CT, USA.
The child from this marriage was:
640 i. Samuel Haight (born on 1 May 1647 in Windsor, CT, USA - died in Sep 1712 in Flushing, Long Island, NY, USA)
1281. Susannah died on 4 Jul 1655 in Windsor, CT, USA.
General Notes: Her maiden name is unknown. She was referred to as Mrs. Susanna Joyce, widow of William Joyce.
Susannah married Nicholas Haight on 12 Jun 1646 in Windsor, CT, USA. Nicholas was christened on 7 May 1620 in West Hatch, Somersetshire, England and died on 7 Jul 1655 in Windsor, CT, USA at age 35.
1284. Robert Titus, son of Silus Titus and Constancia, was born about 1600 in Stansted Abbots, Hertfordshire, England.
General Notes: Arrived in the new world in 1635 on the "Hopewell". He resided in Boston, Weymouth and Rehoboth MA, USA. He moved to Long Island, New York. He was a Quaker.
Robert married Hannah. Hannah was born about 1614.
The child from this marriage was:
642 i. Edmund Titus (born about 1630 in England - died on 7 Feb 1715 in Old Westbury, Long Island, NY, USA)
1285. Hannah was born about 1614.
Hannah married Robert Titus. Robert was born about 1600 in Stansted Abbots, Hertfordshire, England.
1286. William Washburne, son of John Washburne and Martha Stevens, was christened on 9 Nov 1601 in Bengeworth, Worcestershire, England and died on 30 Oct 1658 in Hempstead, Long Island, NY, USA at age 56.
William married Jane.
The child from this marriage was:
643 i. Martha Washburne (born about 1637 - died on 17 Feb 1727)
1287. Jane
Jane married William Washburne. William was christened on 9 Nov 1601 in Bengeworth, Worcestershire, England and died on 30 Oct 1658 in Hempstead, Long Island, NY, USA at age 56.
1288. John Hicks
John married Herddias Long. Herddias died before 1662.
The child from this marriage was:
644 i. Thomas Hicks (born about 1640 - died about 1672)
1289. Herddias Long died before 1662.
Herddias married John Hicks.
1290. Richard Butler
Richard married someone.
His child was:
645 i. Mary Butler
1312. Reverand Thomas Carter, son of James Carter and Unknown, was born about 1608 in England and died on 5 Sep 1684 in Watertown, MA, USA about age 76.
General Notes: He emigrated in 1636 on the ship "Planter". He was the first minister in Woburn.
Thomas married Mary Parkhurst. Mary was christened on 28 Aug 1614 in St. Lawrence, Ipswich, Suffolk, England and died on 28 Mar 1687 in Woburn, Middlesex, MA, USA at age 72.
The child from this marriage was:
656 i. Thomas Carter (born on 8 Jun 1655 in Woburn, MA, USA)
1313. Mary Parkhurst, daughter of George Parkhurst and Phebe, was christened on 28 Aug 1614 in St. Lawrence, Ipswich, Suffolk, England and died on 28 Mar 1687 in Woburn, Middlesex, MA, USA at age 72.
Mary married Reverand Thomas Carter. Thomas was born about 1608 in England and died on 5 Sep 1684 in Watertown, MA, USA about age 76.
1314. Francis Whitmore, son of John Whitmore and Unknown, was born about 1625 in England and died on 12 Oct 1685 in Cambridge, MA, USA about age 60.
Francis married Isabel Parke. Isabel died in Cambridge, MA, USA.
The child from this marriage was:
657 i. Margaret Whitmore (born on 9 Sep 1668 in Cambridge, MA, USA)
1315. Isabel Parke, daughter of Richard Parke and Margery Crane, died in Cambridge, MA, USA.
Isabel married Francis Whitmore. Francis was born about 1625 in England and died on 12 Oct 1685 in Cambridge, MA, USA about age 60.
1320. John Lovell, son of John Lovell and Jane Hatch, was born on 8 May 1658.
John married Susanna Lombard.
The child from this marriage was:
660 i. John Lovell
1321. Susanna Lombard
Susanna married John Lovell. John was born on 8 May 1658.
1344. Andrew Watkins died before 9 Mar 1711 in Roxbury, MA, USA.
Andrew married Elizabeth.
The child from this marriage was:
672 i. Andrew Watkins (born about 1675 - died in Roxbury, MA, USA)
1345. Elizabeth
Elizabeth married Andrew Watkins. Andrew died before 9 Mar 1711 in Roxbury, MA, USA.
1346. Samuel Streeter
Samuel married Deborah.
The child from this marriage was:
673 i. Mary Streeter (christened on 21 Feb 1697 - died in Cambridge, MA, USA)
1347. Deborah
Deborah married Samuel Streeter.
1352. John Whitney, son of Thomas Whitney and Mary Bray, was born about 1589 and died on 1 Jun 1673 in Watertown, MA, USA about age 84.
General Notes: He arrived in the new world in Apr 1635 on the ship "Elizabeth & Anne". He was a tailor. He was age 35 when he emigrated.
John married Elinor. Elinor died on 11 May 1659.
The child from this marriage was:
676 i. Benjamin Whitney (born on 6 Jun 1643 - died about 1723 in York, ME, USA)
1353. Elinor died on 11 May 1659.
General Notes: She was age 30 when she emigrated.
Elinor married John Whitney. John was born about 1589 and died on 1 Jun 1673 in Watertown, MA, USA about age 84.
1354. Daniel Poor was born about 1624.
General Notes: He resided in Boston and Andover, MA. It is not proven that he is Mary's father.
Daniel married Mary Farnum on 20 Oct 1650. Mary was born about 1631.
The child from this marriage was:
677 i. Mary Poor (born on 4 Nov 1654)
1355. Mary Farnum, daughter of Ralph Farnum and Alice, was born about 1631.
Mary married Daniel Poor on 20 Oct 1650. Daniel was born about 1624.
1356. Simon Mellon, son of Richard Mellon and Unknown, died on 9 Dec 1694 in MA, USA.
General Notes: He lived in Framingham and Sherborn, MA, USA.
Simon married Mary. Mary was born about 1639 and died on 1 Jun 1709 about age 70.
The child from this marriage was:
678 i. Thomas Mellon (born in Aug 1668 in Malden, MA, USA)
1357. Mary was born about 1639 and died on 1 Jun 1709 about age 70.
Mary married Simon Mellon. Simon died on 9 Dec 1694 in MA, USA.
1408. John Hathaway, son of Nicholas Hathaway and Unknown, was born about 1629 in England and died about 1705 in Taunton, MA, USA about age 76.
General Notes: He arrived in New England on 24 February 1638. He settled in Taunton, Massachusetts. It is now Berkley, Massachusetts.
John married Martha about 1649. Martha died before 1692.
The child from this marriage was:
704 i. Abraham Hathaway (born on 11 Sep 1652 in Taunton, MA, USA - died on 23 Aug 1725 in Dighton, MA, USA)
1409. Martha died before 1692.
Martha married John Hathaway about 1649. John was born about 1629 in England and died about 1705 in Taunton, MA, USA about age 76.
1410. Shadrach Wilbore, son of Samuel Wildbore and Ann Smith, was christened on 6 Sep 1631 in Sible Hedingham, Essex, England and died in Feb 1698 in Taunton, MA, USA at age 66.
General Notes: Shadrach inherited his father's house and lands in Taunton, Massachusetts.
Shadrach married Mary Deane before 1659. Mary died on 27 Mar 1691 in Taunton, MA, USA.
The child from this marriage was:
705 i. Rebecca Wilbore (born on 13 Jan 1665 - died on 30 Aug 1727)
1411. Mary Deane, daughter of Walter Deane and Unknown, died on 27 Mar 1691 in Taunton, MA, USA.
Mary married Shadrach Wilbore before 1659. Shadrach was christened on 6 Sep 1631 in Sible Hedingham, Essex, England and died in Feb 1698 in Taunton, MA, USA at age 66.
1412. Hugh Rowe was born about 1617 and died on 5 Aug 1689 about age 72.
General Notes: He attended a Congregational Church. He lived in Suffield and Springfield. This was a part of Massachusetts until 1749 when it became a part of Connecticut.
Hugh married Abigail on 14 Jan 1655 in Weymouth, MA, USA. Abigail was born about 1620 and died on 3 Sep 1689 about age 69.
The child from this marriage was:
706 i. Peter Rowe (born about 1662 - died on 4 Feb 1739)
1413. Abigail was born about 1620 and died on 3 Sep 1689 about age 69.
Abigail married Hugh Rowe on 14 Jan 1655 in Weymouth, MA, USA. Hugh was born about 1617 and died on 5 Aug 1689 about age 72.
1414. Thomas Remington, son of John Remington and Elizabeth, died on 23 Feb 1721 in Suffield, CT, USA.
General Notes: He was a tailor. He was in Windsor, Connecticutt in 1672. He moved to Suffield before 1677.
Thomas married Mehitabel Walker on 19 Jan 1658 in Rowley, MA, USA. Mehitabel died on 17 Dec 1718.
The child from this marriage was:
707 i. Sarah Remington (born on 8 Dec 1668 in Rowley, MA, USA)
1415. Mehitabel Walker died on 17 Dec 1718.
Mehitabel married Thomas Remington on 19 Jan 1658 in Rowley, MA, USA. Thomas died on 23 Feb 1721 in Suffield, CT, USA.
1416. James King, son of William Kinge and Agnes Elwill, was christened on 7 Nov 1647 and died on 13 May 1722 in Suffield, CT, USA at age 74.
General Notes: Springfield, Massachusetts was the parent town of Suffield, Connecticut. Suffield, Connecticut used to be in Hampshire County Massachusetts. He was a cooper.
James married Elizabeth Fuller on 23 Mar 1674 in Ipswhich, MA, USA. Elizabeth was born on 31 May 1652 in Ipswhich, MA, USA and died on 30 Jun 1715 in Suffield, CT, USA at age 63.
The child from this marriage was:
708 i. James King (born on 14 Mar 1675 in Ipswhich, MA, USA - died on 15 Jul 1757 in Suffield, CT, USA)
1417. Elizabeth Fuller, daughter of John Fuller and Elizabeth Emerson, was born on 31 May 1652 in Ipswhich, MA, USA and died on 30 Jun 1715 in Suffield, CT, USA at age 63.
Elizabeth married James King on 23 Mar 1674 in Ipswhich, MA, USA. James was christened on 7 Nov 1647 and died on 13 May 1722 in Suffield, CT, USA at age 74.
1418. Thomas Huxley died on 21 Jul 1721 in Hartford, CT, USA.
Thomas married Sarah Spencer before 1667. Sarah was born about 1646 and died on 24 Oct 1721 about age 75.
The child from this marriage was:
709 i. Elizabeth Huxley (died on 20 Aug 1745)
1419. Sarah Spencer, daughter of Thomas Spencer and Sarah Bearding, was born about 1646 and died on 24 Oct 1721 about age 75.
Sarah married Thomas Huxley before 1667. Thomas died on 21 Jul 1721 in Hartford, CT, USA.
1420. Sargeant Benajeh Holcomb, son of Thomas Holcomb and Elizabeth, was born on 23 Jun 1644 in Poquenock, ME, USA.
Benajeh married Sarah Eno. Sarah was born on 18 Jun 1649 and died in Apr 1732 at age 82.
The child from this marriage was:
710 i. Benajeh Holcomb (born on 16 Apr 1668 - died on 25 Jan 1736 in Windsor, CT, USA)
1421. Sarah Eno, daughter of James Eno and Anna Bidwell, was born on 18 Jun 1649 and died in Apr 1732 at age 82.
Sarah married Sargeant Benajeh Holcomb. Benajeh was born on 23 Jun 1644 in Poquenock, ME, USA.
1422. David Winchell, son of Robert Winchell and Unknown Unknown, was christened on 22 Oct 1643 in Windsor, CT, USA and died on 29 Dec 1723 in Windsor, CT, USA at age 80.
David married Mary Griffin on 1 May 1672 in Windsor, CT, USA. Mary was born about 1646 and died on 23 Jun 1728 in Windsor, CT, USA about age 82.
Marriage Notes: This was David's second marriage.
The child from this marriage was:
711 i. Martha Winchell (born about 1678 in Suffield, CT, USA - died on 8 Sep 1722 in Suffield, CT, USA)
1423. Mary Griffin, daughter of John Griffin and Unknown, was born about 1646 and died on 23 Jun 1728 in Windsor, CT, USA about age 82.
Mary married David Winchell on 1 May 1672 in Windsor, CT, USA. David was christened on 22 Oct 1643 in Windsor, CT, USA and died on 29 Dec 1723 in Windsor, CT, USA at age 80.
1424. Nathaniel Cowdrey, son of William Cowdrey and Joanna, was born about 1639 in Reading, Middlesex, MA, USA and died on 16 Jun 1690 in Reading, Middlesex, MA, USA about age 51.
Nathaniel married Elizabeth on 22 Nov 1654. Elizabeth died on 9 Oct 1659.
Children from this marriage were:
712 i. Samuel Cowdrey (born on 16 May 1657 in Reading, MA, USA)
ii. Elizabeth Cowdrey (born on 13 Aug 1659 - died on 28 Oct 1659)
Nathaniel next married Mary Bachelder on 22 Nov 1660. Mary was born in 1635 in Reading, Middlesex, MA, USA and died on 27 Feb 1729 in Reading, Middlesex, MA, USA at age 94.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Nathaniel Cowdrey (born on 18 Aug 1661 in Reading, Middlesex, MA, USA)
ii. Rebecca Cowdrey (born on 25 Oct 1663)
iii. William Cowdrey (born on 13 Mar 1666)
iv. Mary Cowdrey (born on 7 Aug 1668)
v. Joanna Cowdrey (born on 23 Apr 1673 - died in Jul 1736)
vi. Susanna Cowdrey (born on 1 May 1676)
vii. Mathias Cowdrey (born on 11 Apr 1678)
1425. Elizabeth died on 9 Oct 1659.
Elizabeth married Nathaniel Cowdrey on 22 Nov 1654. Nathaniel was born about 1639 in Reading, Middlesex, MA, USA and died on 16 Jun 1690 in Reading, Middlesex, MA, USA about age 51.
1428. Thomas Damon
Thomas married someone.
His child was:
714 i. Thomas Damon (born on 31 Jan 1659 in Reading, MA, USA - died on 20 Oct 1723 in Reading, MA, USA)
1430. Reverand Joseph Emerson, son of Thomas Emerson and Elizabeth Brewster, was christened on 25 Jun 1620 in Stortford, Hertford, England and died on 3 Jan 1680 in Concord, MA, USA at age 59.
Joseph married Elizabeth Bulkeley on 7 Dec 1665. Elizabeth was born about 1638 and died on 4 Sep 1693 in Reading, MA, USA about age 55.
The child from this marriage was:
715 i. Lucian Emerson (born on 2 Oct 1667 in Milton, MA, USA - died on 17 Jan 1740 in Reading, MA, USA)
1431. Elizabeth Bulkeley, daughter of Reverand Edward Bulkeley and Lucy Anna, was born about 1638 and died on 4 Sep 1693 in Reading, MA, USA about age 55.
Elizabeth married Reverand Joseph Emerson on 7 Dec 1665. Joseph was christened on 25 Jun 1620 in Stortford, Hertford, England and died on 3 Jan 1680 in Concord, MA, USA at age 59.
1432. William Bushnell, son of Deacon Francis Bushnell and Ferris Quinnell, was born on 3 Feb 1610 in Horsham, Sussex, England and died on 12 Nov 1683 at age 73.
General Notes: Emigrated from England in 1635 with 4 brothers. His death date is sometimes shown as 12 December 1683 in Saybrook, Connecticut.
William married Rebecca Chapman about 1643. Rebecca died on 14 May 1703.
The child from this marriage was:
716 i. Samuel Bushnell (born in Sep 1645 in Guilford, CT, USA - died in Nov 1727 in Saybrook, CT, USA)
1433. Rebecca Chapman, daughter of Robert Chapman and Elizabeth Williamson, died on 14 May 1703.
Rebecca married William Bushnell about 1643. William was born on 3 Feb 1610 in Horsham, Sussex, England and died on 12 Nov 1683 at age 73.
1434. John Pratt, son of John Pratt and Mary Whitman, was born about 1630 in Dorchester, MA, USA and died on 4 Aug 1707 in Medfield, MA, USA about age 77.
John married Rebeckah Colburn on 26 Jun 1661. Rebeckah was born on 17 Dec 1642 in Dedham, MA, USA and died on 4 Aug 1707 in Medfield, MA, USA at age 64.
The child from this marriage was:
717 i. Priscilla Pratt (born on 7 Feb 1675 in Medfield, MA, USA)
1435. Rebeckah Colburn, daughter of Nathaniel Colburn and Priscilla Clarke, was born on 17 Dec 1642 in Dedham, MA, USA and died on 4 Aug 1707 in Medfield, MA, USA at age 64.
Rebeckah married John Pratt on 26 Jun 1661. John was born about 1630 in Dorchester, MA, USA and died on 4 Aug 1707 in Medfield, MA, USA about age 77.
1436. Captain Samuel Jones, son of Thomas Jones and Mary, was born about 1640 and died in Nov 1704 about age 64.
General Notes: he lived in Saybrook, Ct and Guilford, CT.
Samuel married Mary Bushnell on 1 Jan 1666. Mary was born about 1642 and died about 1727 about age 85.
The child from this marriage was:
718 i. Thomas Jones (born about 1672 - died about 1753)
1437. Mary Bushnell, daughter of Deacon Francis Bushnell and Marie Grombridge, was born about 1642 and died about 1727 about age 85.
Mary married Captain Samuel Jones on 1 Jan 1666. Samuel was born about 1640 and died in Nov 1704 about age 64.
1438. Luitenant John Kirtland, son of Nathaniel Kirtland and Parnell Rand, was born about Aug 1659 and died on 20 Jan 1716 in Saybrook, CT, USA about age 56.
John married Lydia Pratt. Lydia was born on 1 Jan 1659 in Norwich, CT, USA and died after 15 Oct 1704.
The child from this marriage was:
719 i. Priscilla Kirtland (born on 9 Apr 1683 in Saybrook, CT, USA)
1439. Lydia Pratt, daughter of Reverand William Pratt and Elizabeth Clarke, was born on 1 Jan 1659 in Norwich, CT, USA and died after 15 Oct 1704.
Lydia married Luitenant John Kirtland. John was born about Aug 1659 and died on 20 Jan 1716 in Saybrook, CT, USA about age 56.
1504. William Mitchell
William married Catherine.
The child from this marriage was:
752 i. Michael Mitchell (born about 1670 - died in Wallingford, CT, USA)
1505. Catherine
Catherine married William Mitchell.
1506. John Catlin, son of John Catlin and Isabella Ward, was born about 1643 in Wethersfield, CT, USA and died on 9 Apr 1704 about age 61.
General Notes: He lived in Wethersfield, CT and he was in Newark, NJ in 1665. He died in a fire during the massacre at Deerfield during the French and Indian War.
John married Mary Baldwin on 23 Sep 1662. Mary was born on 23 Jun 1644 and died on 9 Apr 1704 at age 59.
The child from this marriage was:
753 i. Sarah Catlin (born about 1675 in Newark, NJ, USA - died on 30 Dec 1736)
1507. Mary Baldwin, daughter of Jospeh Baldwin and Hannah Whitlock, was born on 23 Jun 1644 and died on 9 Apr 1704 at age 59.
General Notes: She died in a fire during a war.
Mary married John Catlin on 23 Sep 1662. John was born about 1643 in Wethersfield, CT, USA and died on 9 Apr 1704 about age 61.
1508. Samuel Allis, son of Luitenant William Allis and Mary, was born on 24 Feb 1647 in Braintree, MA, USA and died on 9 Mar 1691 in Harfield, MA, USA at age 44.
General Notes: He was a carpenter.
Samuel married Alice. Alice died in 1704 in Deerfield, MA, USA.
The child from this marriage was:
754 i. William Allis (born on 19 Oct 1680 - died on 20 Feb 1763)
1509. Alice died in 1704 in Deerfield, MA, USA.
General Notes: She was killed during the French/Indian War of 1704. Also one of her sons was killed and two daughters were taken captive.
Alice married Samuel Allis. Samuel was born on 24 Feb 1647 in Braintree, MA, USA and died on 9 Mar 1691 in Harfield, MA, USA at age 44.
1510. Samuel Davis, son of William Davis and Elizabeth, was born on 21 Feb 1645 and died on 26 Jul 1690 in Roxbury, MA, USA at age 45.
Samuel married Hannah Edwards on 4 Mar 1669. Hannah was born on 18 Feb 1645 in Springfield, MA, USA.
The child from this marriage was:
755 i. Elizabeth Davis (born on 20 Jun 1675 - died on 1 May 1758 in Montague, MA, USA)
1511. Hannah Edwards, daughter of Alexander Edwards and Sarah Baldwin, was born on 18 Feb 1645 in Springfield, MA, USA.
Hannah married Samuel Davis on 4 Mar 1669. Samuel was born on 21 Feb 1645 and died on 26 Jul 1690 in Roxbury, MA, USA at age 45.
1512. Bartholomew Foster, son of John Foster and Unknown, was born about 1646 and died on 15 Dec 1689 in Gloucester, MA, USA about age 43.
Bartholomew married Hannah Very on 9 Nov 1669. Hannah was born on 31 Mar 1652 and died in Gloucester, MA, USA.
The child from this marriage was:
756 i. Bartholomew Foster (born on 22 Jun 1670)
1513. Hannah Very, daughter of Thomas Very and Hannah Giles, was born on 31 Mar 1652 and died in Gloucester, MA, USA.
Hannah married Bartholomew Foster on 9 Nov 1669. Bartholomew was born about 1646 and died on 15 Dec 1689 in Gloucester, MA, USA about age 43.
1516. Nicholas Ackley died on 29 Apr 1675 in Haddam, CT, USA.
Nicholas married Hannah.
The child from this marriage was:
758 i. Sargeant John Ackley (born about 1662 in Hartford, CT, USA - died on 25 Aug 1736 in E. Haddam, CT, USA)
1517. Hannah
Hannah married Nicholas Ackley. Nicholas died on 29 Apr 1675 in Haddam, CT, USA.
1518. John Spencer, son of Gerard Spencer and Hannah, was born about 1636 in Cambridge, MA, USA and died on 8 Aug 1682 in Haddam, CT, USA about age 46.
John married Rebecka Hayward circa 1665. Rebecka was born on 17 Aug 1648 in Windsor, CT, USA and died before 1682 in Windsor, CT, USA.
The child from this marriage was:
759 i. Rebecka Spencer (born in Mar 1666 in Haddam, CT, USA - died about 1727)
1519. Rebecka Hayward, daughter of Robert Hayward and Lydia Kilbourne, was born on 17 Aug 1648 in Windsor, CT, USA and died before 1682 in Windsor, CT, USA.
Rebecka married John Spencer circa 1665. John was born about 1636 in Cambridge, MA, USA and died on 8 Aug 1682 in Haddam, CT, USA about age 46.
1802. Anders
Anders married someone.
His child was:
901 i. Kerstin Andersdotter (born in 1700 - died on 4 Apr 1782)
1806. Pär
Pär married someone.
His child was:
903 i. Karin Pärsdotter
1840. Olof Larsson, son of Lars and Unknown, was born about 1660, died on 11 Oct 1717 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden about age 57, and was buried on 20 Oct 1717.
General Notes: He lived in Starby and Eneby in Hardemo Parish. He died in Eneby.
Olof married Ingeborg Olofsdotter in 1691 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden. Ingeborg was born about 1657, died on 19 Nov 1719 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden about age 62, and was buried on 26 Nov 1719.
Marriage Notes: In the marriage book Olof is listed as being from Eneby. The month and day are not given for the marriage only the year of 1691.
Children from this marriage were:
920 i. Halvard Olofsson (born in 1691 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden - died on 23 Dec 1744 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
ii. Marit Olofsdotter (christened on 9 Dec 1694, born in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
iii. Kerstin Olofsdotter (born on 8 Jul 1698 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
iv. Olof Olofsson (born on 4 Jan 1707 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
1841. Ingeborg Olofsdotter, daughter of Olof and Unknown, was born about 1657, died on 19 Nov 1719 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden about age 62, and was buried on 26 Nov 1719.
General Notes: She died in Lanna in Hardemo Parish.
Ingeborg married Olof Larsson in 1691 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden. Olof was born about 1660, died on 11 Oct 1717 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden about age 57, and was buried on 20 Oct 1717.
1842. Erik Pärsson, son of Pär and Unknown, was born before 1672, died on 1 Apr 1732 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden, and was buried on 12 Apr 1732. Another name for Erik was Erik Persson.
General Notes: He lived in Berga and Stora Åhlberg in Hardemo Parish. He died in Vreta in Hardemo Parish. He was a shoemaker.
Erik married Ingeborg Ersdotter. Ingeborg was born about 1677 and died on 23 Sep 1753 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden about age 76. Another name for Ingeborg was Ingeborg Eriksdotter.
Children from this marriage were:
921 i. Brita Eriksdotter (born on 4 Jan 1698 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden - died in Feb 1756 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
ii. Päder Eriksson (born on 8 Jan 1701 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
iii. Bengt Eriksson (born on 28 Oct 1702 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
1843. Ingeborg Ersdotter, daughter of Erik and Unknown, was born about 1677 and died on 23 Sep 1753 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden about age 76. Another name for Ingeborg was Ingeborg Eriksdotter.
General Notes: She died in Bråntorp in Hardemo Parish.
Ingeborg married Erik Pärsson. Erik was born before 1672, died on 1 Apr 1732 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden, and was buried on 12 Apr 1732. Another name for Erik was Erik Persson.
1928. Jørgen
Jørgen married someone.
His child was:
964 i. Peder Jørgensen (born before 1650 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark - died in Apr 1684 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark)
1930. Jens
Jens married someone.
His child was:
965 i. Anne Jensdatter (born about 1650 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark - died in Mar 1693 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark)
1932. Bendt
Bendt married Kirsten Pedersdatter. Kirsten was born in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark, was christened in Tranebjerg Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark, died after 1692 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark, and was buried after 1692 in Tranebjerg Kgd, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark.
Children from this marriage were:
966 i. Jørgen Bendtsen (born about 1648 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark - died on 23 Feb 1723 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark)
ii. Peder Bendtsen (born about 1650 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark - died in Jul 1692 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark)
iii. Troels Bendtsen (born about 1654 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark - died on 2 Jul 1717 in Kolby, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark)
iv. Bendtsdatter (born about 1650 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark - died before 1692 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark)
1933. Kirsten Pedersdatter, daughter of Peder and Unknown, was born in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark, was christened in Tranebjerg Church, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark, died after 1692 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark, and was buried after 1692 in Tranebjerg Kgd, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark.
Kirsten married Bendt.
1934. Søren was born before 1625, was christened before 1625, died before Feb 1694 in Tanderup, Onsbjerg, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark, and was buried before Feb 1694 in Onsbjerg Kgd., Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark.
Søren married Karen Sørensdatter before 1645. Karen was born about 1625, was christened about 1625, died in Feb 1694 in Tanderup, Onsbjerg, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark about age 69, and was buried in Feb 1694 in Onsbjerg Kgd., Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark.
Children from this marriage were:
967 i. Anne Sørensdatter (born about 1645 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark - died on 28 Aug 1728 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark)
ii. Søren Sørensen (born before 1645 - died after Sep 1719 in Tanderup, Onsbjerg, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark)
iii. Maren Sørensdatter (born about 1658 in Brundby, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark - died on 6 Aug 1719 in Brundby, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark)
1935. Karen Sørensdatter, daughter of Søren and Unknown, was born about 1625, was christened about 1625, died in Feb 1694 in Tanderup, Onsbjerg, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark about age 69, and was buried in Feb 1694 in Onsbjerg Kgd., Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark.
Karen married Søren before 1645. Søren was born before 1625, was christened before 1625, died before Feb 1694 in Tanderup, Onsbjerg, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark, and was buried before Feb 1694 in Onsbjerg Kgd., Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark.
1936. Morten
Morten married someone.
His child was:
968 i. Jørgen Mortensen (died in Mar 1688 in Brundby, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark)
1938. Oluf
Oluf married Karen Sørensdatter.
The child from this marriage was:
969 i. Kirsten Olufsdatter (died after 1688 in Brundby, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark)
1939. Karen Sørensdatter
Karen married Oluf.
1964. Knud
Knud married someone.
His child was:
982 i. Jacob Knudsen Skytte Hyrde (born about 1680 in Samsø, Denmark - died on 30 Jul 1760 in Alstrup, Besser Parish, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark)
1976. Oluf Tønnesen, son of Tønne and Unknown, died in 1718 in Besser, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark. Another name for Oluf was Olle Tønnesen.
General Notes: He was married 3 times.
Oluf married Karen Lauritsdatter. Karen died in Mar 1682 in Besser, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark.
The child from this marriage was:
988 i. Tønnes Olesen (born about 1679 - died in Jul 1726 in Besser Parish, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark)
Oluf next married Maren Pedersdatter.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Jens Olesen (born about 1663 - died on 25 Dec 1727 in Kolby Kgd., Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark)
ii. Birgithe Olesdatter (born about 1666 in Besser, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark)
Oluf next married Dorthe Jensdatter. Dorthe was born about 1646 and died on 29 Jan 1706 in Besser, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark about age 60.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Jens Olesen (born about 1682 - died on 20 Nov 1729 in Besser, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark)
ii. Niels Olesen
iii. Maren Olesdatter (born about 1687 in Besser, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark)
1977. Karen Lauritsdatter, daughter of Laurits and Unknown, died in Mar 1682 in Besser, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark.
Karen married Oluf Tønnesen. Oluf died in 1718 in Besser, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark. Another name for Oluf was Olle Tønnesen.
Karen next married Esben.
The child from this marriage was:
i. Laurits Esbensen (born about 1664 - died in Jun 1725 in Onsbjerg, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark)
1978. Jens
Jens married someone.
His child was:
989 i. Karen Jensdatter (died in Oct 1718 in Besser Parish, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark)
1980. Hans
Hans married someone.
His child was:
990 i. Herman Hansen Muurmester (born about 1681 in Æro - died in Feb 1751 in Besser Parish, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark)
1982. Henrik Jacobsen Smed, son of Jacob and Unknown, died in Aug 1708 in Besser Parish, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark.
General Notes: He was a blacksmith (smed).
Henrik married Karen Pedersdatter. Karen died before 1708 in Besser Parish, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark.
The child from this marriage was:
991 i. Bodil Henriksdatter (born about 1682 in Samsø, Denmark - died after 1751)
1983. Karen Pedersdatter, daughter of Peder and Unknown, died before 1708 in Besser Parish, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark.
Karen married Henrik Jacobsen Smed. Henrik died in Aug 1708 in Besser Parish, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark.
2024. Anders
Anders married someone.
His child was:
1012 i. Oluf Andersen (born in 1655 in Hornsyld, Nebsager Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark - died on 23 Dec 1705 in Horsens Parish, Skanderborg Co, Denmark)
2032. Rasmus Jørgensen, Møller, son of Jørgen and Unknown, died in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark.
General Notes: He was a Miller.
Rasmus married Unknown. Unknown died in 1693 in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark.
The child from this marriage was:
1016 i. Jørgen Rasmusen, Møller (born about 1623 in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark - died on 24 Jan 1731 in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark)
2033. Unknown died in 1693 in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark.
Unknown married Rasmus Jørgensen, Møller. Rasmus died in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark.
2034. Søren
Søren married someone.
His child was:
1017 i. Kirsten Sørensdatter (died in 1730 in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark)
2040. Mads Sørensen Juel, son of Søren Madsen Juel (Lille) and Margrethe Jensdatter, was born about 1671 in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark and died on 29 Jan 1739 in Neder Bjerre, Bjerre Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark about age 68.
Mads married Unknown about 1697 in Bierre Church, Bierre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark. Unknown died in 1730 in Neder Bjerre, Bierre Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark.
Children from this marriage were:
1020 i. Jens Madsen Juel (born on 18 Mar 1703 in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark - died on 5 May 1779 in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark)
ii. Søren Madsen Juel
2041. Unknown died in 1730 in Neder Bjerre, Bierre Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark.
Unknown married Mads Sørensen Juel about 1697 in Bierre Church, Bierre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark. Mads was born about 1671 in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark and died on 29 Jan 1739 in Neder Bjerre, Bjerre Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark about age 68.
2042. Anders Nielsen, son of Niels Andersen and Karen Jørgensdatter, was born about 1685 in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark, died in Feb 1753 in Neder Bjerre, Bjerre Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark about age 68, and was buried on 14 Feb 1753 in Bjerre Church, Bjerre Parish, Vejle County, Denmark.
General Notes: He was a farmer.
Anders married Maren Pedersdatter on 23 Oct 1710 in Bjerre Church, Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark. Maren died in 1732 in Neder Bjerre, Bjerre Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark.
The child from this marriage was:
1021 i. Else Andersdatter (born on 25 Apr 1711 in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark - died on 6 Sep 1779 in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark)
2043. Maren Pedersdatter, daughter of Peder and Unknown, died in 1732 in Neder Bjerre, Bjerre Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark.
Maren married Anders Nielsen on 23 Oct 1710 in Bjerre Church, Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark. Anders was born about 1685 in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark, died in Feb 1753 in Neder Bjerre, Bjerre Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark about age 68, and was buried on 14 Feb 1753 in Bjerre Church, Bjerre Parish, Vejle County, Denmark.
2044. Søren Sørensen
Søren married Maren Jacobsdatter (Borre).
The child from this marriage was:
1022 i. Hans Sørensen (born about 1703 in Bisholt, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark - died on 6 Jun 1792 in Bisholdt, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark)
2045. Maren Jacobsdatter (Borre)
Maren married Søren Sørensen.
2046. Jørgen Nielsen, son of Niels and Unknown, died on 5 Mar 1733 in Kolsgaard, Bisholt, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark.
General Notes: He was a farmer.
Jørgen married Maren Nielsdatter 16 p. festum 1700 in Glud Church, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark. Maren was born 3 sønd, efter Påske, 1670 in Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark, died in 1708 in Kolsgaard, Bisholt, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark at age 38, and was buried in Glud Church, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark.
The child from this marriage was:
1023 i. Ane Kirstine Jørgensdatter (born on 25 Dec 1707 in Colsgaard, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark - died on 21 Apr 1777 in Teglsøgaard, Bisholt, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark)
2047. Maren Nielsdatter, daughter of Niels Sørensen and Anna Rasmusdatter, was born 3 sønd, efter Påske, 1670 in Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark, died in 1708 in Kolsgaard, Bisholt, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark at age 38, and was buried in Glud Church, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark.
General Notes: The third Sunday after Easter in 1670 was 24 April 1670.
Maren married Jørgen Nielsen 16 p. festum 1700 in Glud Church, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark. Jørgen died on 5 Mar 1733 in Kolsgaard, Bisholt, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark.
2560. Simon Haight, son of Michael Hayte and Agnes, was born about 1593 and died on 1 Sep 1657 in Stamford, CT, USA about age 64. Other names for Simon were Symon Hoyte, Simon Hoite, Symeon Hayte, and Simon Hoyt.
General Notes: Simon arrived in the new world on the Ship "Abigail" in September 1628. It is thought, by some, that Simon married Jane Stoodlie by 1617 in Marshwood, Dorset, England and that she died in 1625 in England.
Simon appears to be from West Hatch, Somerset, England and he first appears in records as having settled in Charlestown, Massachusetts in 1629.
Simon was married twice. His first wife died in England. The children Walter, Nicholas, Alexander, John and Agnes were born from the first marriage.
The children Mary, Moses, Joshua, Miriam, Samuel, Benjamin and Sarah were from the second marriage to Susannah.
Simon on 2 Dec 1612 in England.
His children were:
i. Walter Haight (christened on 30 Nov 1618 christened in West Hatch, Somersetshire, England)
1280 ii. Nicholas Haight (christened on 7 May 1620 christened in West Hatch, Somersetshire, England - died on 7 Jul 1655 in Windsor, CT, USA)
iii. Alexander Haight (christened on 28 Dec 1623 christened in West Hatch, Somersetshire, England)
iv. John Haight (christened about 1625)
v. Agnes Haight (christened on 18 Oct 1626 christened in West Hatch, Somersetshire, England)
vi. Mary Haight (born about 1632)
vii. Moses Haight (born about 1634)
viii. Joshua Haight (born about 1639)
ix. Miriam Haight (born about 1641)
x. Samuel Haight (born about 1643)
xi. Benjamin Haight (born on 2 Feb 1644 in Windsor, CT, USA)
xii. Sarah Haight (born about 1647)
2568. Silus Titus died on 24 Nov 1637 in England.
Silus married Constancia. Constancia died on 22 Oct 1667 in England.
The child from this marriage was:
1284 i. Robert Titus (born about 1600 in Stansted Abbots, Hertfordshire, England)
2569. Constancia died on 22 Oct 1667 in England.
Constancia married Silus Titus. Silus died on 24 Nov 1637 in England.
2572. John Washburne
John married Martha Stevens.
The child from this marriage was:
1286 i. William Washburne (christened on 9 Nov 1601 christened in Bengeworth, Worcestershire, England - died on 30 Oct 1658 in Hempstead, Long Island, NY, USA)
2573. Martha Stevens
Martha married John Washburne.
2576. Robert Hicks, son of James Hicks and Unknown, died on 24 Mar 1647 in Plymouth, MA, USA.
General Notes: He arrived in the new world in 1621 on the ship "Fortune". He may have been from Southwark, London, England.
Robert married Margaret. Margaret died about 1665 in Duxbury, MA, USA.
The child from this marriage was:
1288 i. John Hicks
2577. Margaret died about 1665 in Duxbury, MA, USA.
General Notes: She may have arrived in the new world in 1623 on the ship "Anne".
Margaret married Robert Hicks. Robert died on 24 Mar 1647 in Plymouth, MA, USA.
2624. James Carter died in Hinderclay, Suffolk, England.
James married someone
His child was:
1312 i. Reverand Thomas Carter (born about 1608 in England - died on 5 Sep 1684 in Watertown, MA, USA)
2626. George Parkhurst was born in May 1589 in Key Parish, Ipswich, Suffolk, England and died on 18 Jun 1675 in Watertown, MA, USA at age 86.
General Notes: May have died and been buried in St. Lawrence, Ipswich, Suffolk, England.
George married Phebe.
The child from this marriage was:
1313 i. Mary Parkhurst (christened on 28 Aug 1614 christened in St. Lawrence, Ipswich, Suffolk, England - died on 28 Mar 1687 in Woburn, Middlesex, MA, USA)
2627. Phebe
Phebe married George Parkhurst. George was born in May 1589 in Key Parish, Ipswich, Suffolk, England and died on 18 Jun 1675 in Watertown, MA, USA at age 86.
2628. John Whitmore died about 1648 in Wethersfield, CT, USA.
General Notes: He was killed by Indians.
John married someone
His child was:
1314 i. Francis Whitmore (born about 1625 in England - died on 12 Oct 1685 in Cambridge, MA, USA)
2630. Richard Parke died in Cambridge, MA, USA.
Richard married Margery Crane.
The child from this marriage was:
1315 i. Isabel Parke (died in Cambridge, MA, USA)
2631. Margery Crane
Margery married Richard Parke. Richard died in Cambridge, MA, USA.
2640. John Lovell, son of Robert Lovell and Elizabeth, was born about 1627 in England and died in Barnstable, MA, USA.
John married Jane Hatch. Jane was christened on 19 Jun 1631 in Wye, Kent, England.
The child from this marriage was:
1320 i. John Lovell (born on 8 May 1658)
2641. Jane Hatch, daughter of Elder William Hatch and Jane Young, was christened on 19 Jun 1631 in Wye, Kent, England.
Jane married John Lovell. John was born about 1627 in England and died in Barnstable, MA, USA.
2642. Joshua Lumbert, son of Thomas Lumbert and Joyce, was born after 1608 in England and died in Barnstable, MA, USA.
Joshua married Abigail Linnel.
The child from this marriage was:
1321 i. Susanna Lombard
2643. Abigail Linnel
Abigail married Joshua Lumbert. Joshua was born after 1608 in England and died in Barnstable, MA, USA.
2704. Thomas Whitney, son of Sir Robert Whitney and Elizabeth Gwillims, was buried in Lambeth Marsh, England.
Thomas married Mary Bray on 12 May 1583. Mary died in Isleworth Parish, England.
The child from this marriage was:
1352 i. John Whitney (born about 1589 - died on 1 Jun 1673 in Watertown, MA, USA)
2705. Mary Bray, daughter of John Bray and Unknown, died in Isleworth Parish, England.
Mary married Thomas Whitney on 12 May 1583. Thomas was buried in Lambeth Marsh, England.
2710. Ralph Farnum was born about 1605.
General Notes: He arrived in the new world on the ship "James" in 1638. He was in Ipswhich, MA in 1639 and also lived in Barber and Andover.
Ralph married Alice. Alice was born about 1610.
The child from this marriage was:
1355 i. Mary Farnum (born about 1631)
2711. Alice was born about 1610.
Alice married Ralph Farnum. Ralph was born about 1605.
2712. Richard Mellon
Richard married someone.
His child was:
1356 i. Simon Mellon (died on 9 Dec 1694 in MA, USA)
2816. Nicholas Hathaway, son of Thomas Hathway and Margaret Payne, was born about 1595 in England and died in Taunton, MA, USA. Another name for Nicholas was Nicholas Hathway.
General Notes: He emigrated cir 1638.
Nicholas married someone
His child was:
1408 i. John Hathaway (born about 1629 in England - died about 1705 in Taunton, MA, USA)
2820. Samuel Wildbore, son of Nicholas Wildbore and Elizabeth, was born about 1595 in Sible Hedingham, Essex, England and died on 29 Sep 1656 in Boston, MA, USA about age 61. Other names for Samuel were Samuel Wilbore, and Samuell Wilboare.
General Notes: He emigrated circa 1632. In 1620 he was in Sible Hedingham, England. He first resided in Boston and later in Portsmouth and Taunton. He was a merchant.
See NEHGR 112:108-18, 184-90, 250-57, 113:55-58, 94-104 for the English origins of the Wilbore Family.
Samuel married Ann Smith on 13 Jan 1619 in Sible Hedingham, Essex, England. Ann died before 1645.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Samuel Wildbore (christened on 10 Apr 1622 christened in Sible Hedingham, Essex, England)
ii. Arthur Wildbore (christened on 28 Dec 1623 christened in Sible Hedingham, Essex, England)
iii. William Wildbore (christened on 27 Aug 1626 christened in Sible Hedingham, Essex, England - buried on 28 Jan 1626 buried in Sible Hedingham, Essex, England)
iv. Joseph Wildbore (christened on 28 Feb 1629 christened in Sible Hedingham, Essex, England)
1410 v. Shadrach Wilbore (christened on 6 Sep 1631 christened in Sible Hedingham, Essex, England - died in Feb 1698 in Taunton, MA, USA)
2821. Ann Smith died before 1645.
Ann married Samuel Wildbore on 13 Jan 1619 in Sible Hedingham, Essex, England. Samuel was born about 1595 in Sible Hedingham, Essex, England and died on 29 Sep 1656 in Boston, MA, USA about age 61. Other names for Samuel were Samuel Wilbore, and Samuell Wilboare.
2822. Walter Deane
Walter married someone.
His child was:
1411 i. Mary Deane (died on 27 Mar 1691 in Taunton, MA, USA)
2828. John Remington, son of Archdeacon Richard Remington and Elizabeth Hutton, was born in York, England and died on 8 Apr 1667 in Roxbury, MA, USA.
General Notes: He emigrated in 1637. He was a Lieutenant under the command of Captain Sabastion Brigham. He was in Roxbury in 1662, and in Qusnongatt, Rhode Island in 1670. Records of this family are at the 1st Congregational Church of Rowley Massachusetts.
John married Elizabeth. Elizabeth was buried on 24 Oct 1657.
The child from this marriage was:
1414 i. Thomas Remington (died on 23 Feb 1721 in Suffield, CT, USA)
2829. Elizabeth was buried on 24 Oct 1657.
Elizabeth married John Remington. John was born in York, England and died on 8 Apr 1667 in Roxbury, MA, USA.
2832. William Kinge, son of William Kinge and Christina Lapp, was born about 1622 in Ugborough, Devonshire, England and died on 28 May 1664 about age 42.
General Notes: He was a fisherman and drowned off the coast of Newfoundland while fishing.
William married Agnes Elwill.
The child from this marriage was:
1416 i. James King (christened on 7 Nov 1647 - died on 13 May 1722 in Suffield, CT, USA)
2833. Agnes Elwill
Agnes married William Kinge. William was born about 1622 in Ugborough, Devonshire, England and died on 28 May 1664 about age 42.
2834. John Fuller was born about 1620 in Redenhall, Norfolk, England and died on 4 Jun 1666 about age 46.
General Notes: He was age 15 when he emigrated to America on the ship "Abigail" in 4 May 1635. His brother, William, age 25 came with him. He lived in Ipswich and Salisbury, Massachusetts.
John married Elizabeth Emerson. Elizabeth was christened on 14 Jun 1623 in Bishop's Stortford, Hertshire, England.
The child from this marriage was:
1417 i. Elizabeth Fuller (born on 31 May 1652 in Ipswhich, MA, USA - died on 30 Jun 1715 in Suffield, CT, USA)
2835. Elizabeth Emerson, daughter of Thomas Emerson and Elizabeth Brewster, was christened on 14 Jun 1623 in Bishop's Stortford, Hertshire, England.
Elizabeth married John Fuller. John was born about 1620 in Redenhall, Norfolk, England and died on 4 Jun 1666 about age 46.
2838. Thomas Spencer, son of Gerard Spencer and Alice Whitbread, was christened on 29 Mar 1607 in Stotford, Bedfordshire, England and died on 11 Sep 1687 in Hartford, CT, USA at age 80.
General Notes: He emigrated about 1633 and his first residence was Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Thomas married Sarah Bearding.
The child from this marriage was:
1419 i. Sarah Spencer (born about 1646 - died on 24 Oct 1721)
2839. Sarah Bearding
Sarah married Thomas Spencer. Thomas was christened on 29 Mar 1607 in Stotford, Bedfordshire, England and died on 11 Sep 1687 in Hartford, CT, USA at age 80.
2840. Thomas Holcomb was born about 1595 in Hull, Devon, England and died in Windsor, CT, USA.
General Notes: He emigrated with a company of 140 Puritans and Dissenters from Plymouth, England with Bishop John Maverick and John Wareham in March 1630 on the ship "John & Mary". After a 70 day voyage they arrived at Nantasket, Massachusetts on 30 May 1630. He was a farmer and originally settled in Dorcester, Masachusetts.
Thomas married Elizabeth circa 1632. Elizabeth was born in Wales and died on 7 Oct 1679 in Windsor, CT, USA.
The child from this marriage was:
1420 i. Sargeant Benajeh Holcomb (born on 23 Jun 1644 in Poquenock, ME, USA)
2841. Elizabeth was born in Wales and died on 7 Oct 1679 in Windsor, CT, USA.
General Notes: She also emigrated on the ship "John & Mary".
Elizabeth married Thomas Holcomb circa 1632. Thomas was born about 1595 in Hull, Devon, England and died in Windsor, CT, USA.
2842. James Eno, son of Jean Henno and Catelaine Jone, was christened on 21 Aug 1625 and died on 11 Jul 1682 in Windsor, CT, USA at age 56. Other names for James were Jacques Henno, and James Hennot.
General Notes: He was descended from an ancient Hugonot family that settled in London, England. He left England in 1648 to settle in The Colonies. According to "History & Genealogy of Ancient Windsor CT. 1635-1891" Vol II pages 192-194 he had numerous fights with the church in an attempt to have his children baptised as he was a member of the Church of England and not a dissenter. He had a barber shop.
See records of Threadneedle Street Hugonot Church published by the Hugonot Society of London. Vol. II, 1576-1624. Inscribed in history record of the British Museum "James Hennot left London for N. America 1648.
James married Anna Bidwell on 18 Aug 1648 in Windsor, CT, USA. Anna was born on 22 Oct 1634 and died on 7 Oct 1657 at age 22. Other names for Anna were Ann Bedell, Hannah Bidwell, and Ann Bidewell.
The child from this marriage was:
1421 i. Sarah Eno (born on 18 Jun 1649 - died in Apr 1732)
2843. Anna Bidwell, daughter of Richard Bidwell and Unknown, was born on 22 Oct 1634 and died on 7 Oct 1657 at age 22. Other names for Anna were Ann Bedell, Hannah Bidwell, and Ann Bidewell.
Anna married James Eno on 18 Aug 1648 in Windsor, CT, USA. James was christened on 21 Aug 1625 and died on 11 Jul 1682 in Windsor, CT, USA at age 56. Other names for James were Jacques Henno, and James Hennot.
2844. Robert Winchell was born about 1610 in England and died on 21 Jan 1668 in Windsor, CT, USA about age 58.
General Notes: He lived in Dorchester in 1634.
Robert married Unknown Unknown. Unknown died on 10 Jul 1655.
The child from this marriage was:
1422 i. David Winchell (christened on 22 Oct 1643 christened in Windsor, CT, USA - died on 29 Dec 1723 in Windsor, CT, USA)
2845. Unknown Unknown died on 10 Jul 1655.
Unknown married Robert Winchell. Robert was born about 1610 in England and died on 21 Jan 1668 in Windsor, CT, USA about age 58.
2846. John Griffin died about 1681 in Windsor, CT, USA.
John married someone
His child was:
1423 i. Mary Griffin (born about 1646 - died on 23 Jun 1728 in Windsor, CT, USA)
2848. William Cowdrey was born in 1602 in Weymouth, England and died on 10 Nov 1687 in Reading, MA, USA at age 85.
General Notes: He was in Lynn, MA, USA in 1638. He sailed from Southampton, England in 1630.
William married Joanna circa 1638 in Lynn, MA, USA. Joanna died on 6 May 1666 in Reading, MA, USA.
Children from this marriage were:
1424 i. Nathaniel Cowdrey (born about 1639 in Reading, Middlesex, MA, USA - died on 16 Jun 1690 in Reading, Middlesex, MA, USA)
ii. Mathias Cowdrey (born on 30 Sep 1641 - died on 25 Mar 1663)
iii. Bethia Cowdrey (born on 17 Apr 1643)
iv. Hannah Cowdrey (born about 1645)
2849. Joanna died on 6 May 1666 in Reading, MA, USA.
Joanna married William Cowdrey circa 1638 in Lynn, MA, USA. William was born in 1602 in Weymouth, England and died on 10 Nov 1687 in Reading, MA, USA at age 85.
2860. Thomas Emerson, son of Robert Emerson and Susan Crabbe, was christened on 26 Jul 1584 in Toperton, Norfolk, England and died about 10 May 1666 in Ipswhich, MA, USA about age 81.
General Notes: He settled in Ipswich, Massachusetts in 1638.
Thomas married Elizabeth Brewster.
Children from this marriage were:
2835 i. Elizabeth Emerson (christened on 14 Jun 1623 christened in Bishop's Stortford, Hertshire, England)
1430 ii. Reverand Joseph Emerson (christened on 25 Jun 1620 christened in Stortford, Hertford, England - died on 3 Jan 1680 in Concord, MA, USA)
2861. Elizabeth Brewster
Elizabeth married Thomas Emerson. Thomas was christened on 26 Jul 1584 in Toperton, Norfolk, England and died about 10 May 1666 in Ipswhich, MA, USA about age 81.
2862. Reverand Edward Bulkeley, son of Reverand Peter Bulkeley and Jane Allen, was christened on 12 Jun 1614 in Odell, Bedfordshire Co, England and died on 2 Jan 1696 in Chelmsford, MA, USA at age 81.
General Notes: He studied at St. Catherine's College Cambridge in 1629.
Edward married Lucy Anna circa 1640. Lucy was born in England and died after 10 Apr 1679.
The child from this marriage was:
1431 i. Elizabeth Bulkeley (born about 1638 - died on 4 Sep 1693 in Reading, MA, USA)
2863. Lucy Anna was born in England and died after 10 Apr 1679.
Lucy married Reverand Edward Bulkeley circa 1640. Edward was christened on 12 Jun 1614 in Odell, Bedfordshire Co, England and died on 2 Jan 1696 in Chelmsford, MA, USA at age 81.
2864. Deacon Francis Bushnell, son of John Bushnell and Margery, was christened in 1580 in Thatcher, Berkshire Co, England and died about 1646 in Guildford, CT, USA about age 66.
General Notes: he emigrated to the new world in 1635 on the ship "Planter". He lived in Guilford and Lyme, CT.
Francis married Ferris Quinnell on 13 May 1605 in Horsham, Sussex, England. Ferris was born on 17 Apr 1587 and died on 10 Mar 1628 in Horsham, Sussex, England at age 40. Other names for Ferris were Francis Quenell, and Ferris Quynel.
The child from this marriage was:
1432 i. William Bushnell (born on 3 Feb 1610 in Horsham, Sussex, England - died on 12 Nov 1683)
Francis next married Marie Grombridge on 27 Jun 1631. Marie was christened on 7 Jan 1606 and died about 1648 about age 42.
The child from this marriage was:
1437 i. Mary Bushnell (born about 1642 - died about 1727)
2865. Ferris Quinnell, daughter of Henry Quinnell and Beatrix Carter, was born on 17 Apr 1587 and died on 10 Mar 1628 in Horsham, Sussex, England at age 40. Other names for Ferris were Francis Quenell, and Ferris Quynel.
Ferris married Deacon Francis Bushnell on 13 May 1605 in Horsham, Sussex, England. Francis was christened in 1580 in Thatcher, Berkshire Co, England and died about 1646 in Guildford, CT, USA about age 66.
2866. Robert Chapman
Robert married Elizabeth Williamson.
The child from this marriage was:
1433 i. Rebecca Chapman (died on 14 May 1703)
2867. Elizabeth Williamson
Elizabeth married Robert Chapman.
2868. John Pratt, son of Reverand William Pratt and Unknown, died in Dorchester, MA, USA.
John married Mary Whitman.
The child from this marriage was:
1434 i. John Pratt (born about 1630 in Dorchester, MA, USA - died on 4 Aug 1707 in Medfield, MA, USA)
2869. Mary Whitman
Mary married John Pratt. John died in Dorchester, MA, USA.
2870. Nathaniel Colburn was born about 1615 in England and died on 14 May 1691 in Dedham, MA, USA about age 76.
General Notes: He came with Governor Winthrop in 1630 to Boston, Massachusetts.
Nathaniel married Priscilla Clarke on 25 May 1639. Priscilla was born about 1613 in Westhorpe, Suffolk, England and died on 12 Aug 1692 in Dedham, MA, USA about age 79.
The child from this marriage was:
1435 i. Rebeckah Colburn (born on 17 Dec 1642 in Dedham, MA, USA - died on 4 Aug 1707 in Medfield, MA, USA)
2871. Priscilla Clarke, daughter of Rowland Clarke and Mary Hobart, was born about 1613 in Westhorpe, Suffolk, England and died on 12 Aug 1692 in Dedham, MA, USA about age 79.
Priscilla married Nathaniel Colburn on 25 May 1639. Nathaniel was born about 1615 in England and died on 14 May 1691 in Dedham, MA, USA about age 76.
2872. Thomas Jones died about 1654 in England.
General Notes: He was one of the men who signed the Plantation Covenant on 1 June 1639 on the ship from England to America. This was Rev. Whitfield's Company which founded Guilford, Connecticut. He went on a trip to England and died there of smallpox in 1654.
Thomas married Mary. Mary died on 5 Dec 1650.
The child from this marriage was:
1436 i. Captain Samuel Jones (born about 1640 - died in Nov 1704)
2873. Mary died on 5 Dec 1650.
Mary married Thomas Jones. Thomas died about 1654 in England.
2874. Deacon Francis Bushnell, son of John Bushnell and Margery, was christened in 1580 in Thatcher, Berkshire Co, England and died about 1646 in Guildford, CT, USA about age 66.
(Duplicate. See Below)
2875. Marie Grombridge, daughter of Thomas Grombridge and Anne Ive, was christened on 7 Jan 1606 and died about 1648 about age 42.
Marie married Deacon Francis Bushnell on 27 Jun 1631. Francis was christened in 1580 in Thatcher, Berkshire Co, England and died about 1646 in Guildford, CT, USA about age 66.
2876. Nathaniel Kirtland, son of Philip Kirtland and Unknown, was born about 1616 and was buried on 27 Dec 1686 in Lynn, CT, USA. Another name for Nathaniel was Nathaniel Kirkland.
General Notes: He emigrated to the new world 1 Apr 1635 on the "Hopewell" at the age of 19.
Nathaniel married Parnell Rand about 1651. Parnell died about 1694.
The child from this marriage was:
1438 i. Luitenant John Kirtland (born about Aug 1659 - died on 20 Jan 1716 in Saybrook, CT, USA)
2877. Parnell Rand died about 1694.
Parnell married Nathaniel Kirtland about 1651. Nathaniel was born about 1616 and was buried on 27 Dec 1686 in Lynn, CT, USA. Another name for Nathaniel was Nathaniel Kirkland.
2878. Reverand William Pratt was born in Hertfords., England and died in Stevenage, England.
General Notes: He was with Reverand Thomas Hooker in 1633.
William married someone
His child was:
2868 i. John Pratt (died in Dorchester, MA, USA)
William married Elizabeth Clarke. Elizabeth died in Saybrook, CT, USA.
The child from this marriage was:
1439 i. Lydia Pratt (born on 1 Jan 1659 in Norwich, CT, USA - died after 15 Oct 1704)
2879. Elizabeth Clarke, daughter of John Clarke and Elizabeth, died in Saybrook, CT, USA.
Elizabeth married Reverand William Pratt. William was born in Hertfords., England and died in Stevenage, England.
3012. John Catlin was born about 1617 and died in 1670 in Newark, NJ, USA about age 53.
General Notes: He lived in Wethersfield, CT.
John married Isabella Ward about 1641. Isabella was born about 1620 in Brafield, Northamptons, England and died on 8 Dec 1676 in New Haven, CT, USA about age 56.
The child from this marriage was:
1506 i. John Catlin (born about 1643 in Wethersfield, CT, USA - died on 9 Apr 1704)
3013. Isabella Ward, daughter of John Ward and Elizabeth Haselford, was born about 1620 in Brafield, Northamptons, England and died on 8 Dec 1676 in New Haven, CT, USA about age 56.
General Notes: She was the sister of Andrew Ward.
Isabella married John Catlin about 1641. John was born about 1617 and died in 1670 in Newark, NJ, USA about age 53.
3014. Jospeh Baldwin, son of Richard Baldwin and Isabell Harding, was born about 1612 in Cholesbury, Bucks, England and died on 2 Nov 1684 about age 72.
General Notes: He was one of the first settlers of Milford in 1639. He lived in Milford, Wethersfield, and Haddam, CT.
Jospeh married Hannah Whitlock.
The child from this marriage was:
1507 i. Mary Baldwin (born on 23 Jun 1644 - died on 9 Apr 1704)
3015. Hannah Whitlock
Hannah married Jospeh Baldwin. Jospeh was born about 1612 in Cholesbury, Bucks, England and died on 2 Nov 1684 about age 72.
3016. Luitenant William Allis was born about 1615 and died on 6 Sep 1678 about age 63.
General Notes: He was in Braintree, MA in 1640 and also lived in Hatfield, MA. He came over on Winthrop's Fleet of 1630 on the Mayflower's third voyage. He was a Puritan, a farmer and a surveyor.
William married Mary. Mary died on 10 Aug 1677.
The child from this marriage was:
1508 i. Samuel Allis (born on 24 Feb 1647 in Braintree, MA, USA - died on 9 Mar 1691 in Harfield, MA, USA)
3017. Mary died on 10 Aug 1677.
Mary married Luitenant William Allis. William was born about 1615 and died on 6 Sep 1678 about age 63.
3020. William Davis was born about 1617 in Wales and died on 9 Dec 1683 in Roxbury, MA, USA about age 66.
William married Elizabeth. Elizabeth died in May 1658 in Northampton, MA, USA.
The child from this marriage was:
1510 i. Samuel Davis (born on 21 Feb 1645 - died on 26 Jul 1690 in Roxbury, MA, USA)
3021. Elizabeth died in May 1658 in Northampton, MA, USA.
Elizabeth married William Davis. William was born about 1617 in Wales and died on 9 Dec 1683 in Roxbury, MA, USA about age 66.
3022. Alexander Edwards was born in Wales and died on 4 Sep 1690 in Springfield, MA, USA.
General Notes: He was in Springfield, MA in 1643. He is thought to have left Wales in 1640.
Alexander married Sarah Baldwin.
The child from this marriage was:
1511 i. Hannah Edwards (born on 18 Feb 1645 in Springfield, MA, USA)
3023. Sarah Baldwin
Sarah married Alexander Edwards. Alexander was born in Wales and died on 4 Sep 1690 in Springfield, MA, USA.
3024. John Foster was born about 1616 in Kingsware, Devon, England.
General Notes: The name Foster is a corruption of the word Forrester.
John married someone
His child was:
1512 i. Bartholomew Foster (born about 1646 - died on 15 Dec 1689 in Gloucester, MA, USA)
3026. Thomas Very, son of Thomas Very and Bridget, was christened about 1626 and died on 28 Mar 1694 in Gloucester, MA, USA about age 68.
Thomas married Hannah Giles on 6 May 1650. Hannah was born in 1628 in Salem, MA, USA and died on 25 Aug 1683 in Gloucester, MA, USA at age 55.
The child from this marriage was:
1513 i. Hannah Very (born on 31 Mar 1652 - died in Gloucester, MA, USA)
3027. Hannah Giles, daughter of Thomas Gyles and Unknown, was born in 1628 in Salem, MA, USA and died on 25 Aug 1683 in Gloucester, MA, USA at age 55.
Hannah married Thomas Very on 6 May 1650. Thomas was christened about 1626 and died on 28 Mar 1694 in Gloucester, MA, USA about age 68.
3036. Gerard Spencer, son of Gerard Spencer and Alice Whitbread, was born on 25 Apr 1614 in Stotford, Bedford, England and died about 1685 about age 71.
General Notes: He came to the Colonies in 1632 with his brothers William, Thomas and Micheal.
Gerard married Hannah. Hannah died on 23 Aug 1684 in Windsor, CT, USA.
The child from this marriage was:
1518 i. John Spencer (born about 1636 in Cambridge, MA, USA - died on 8 Aug 1682 in Haddam, CT, USA)
3037. Hannah died on 23 Aug 1684 in Windsor, CT, USA.
Hannah married Gerard Spencer. Gerard was born on 25 Apr 1614 in Stotford, Bedford, England and died about 1685 about age 71.
3038. Robert Hayward was born about 1613 and died on 23 Aug 1684 in Windsor, CT, USA about age 71. Other names for Robert were Robert Haward, and Robert Howard.
General Notes: He emigrated to the new world JUly 1635 on the ship "Assurance". He was age 22 and a miller by trade.
Robert married Lydia Kilbourne. Lydia was christened on 14 Jul 1616 in Wooditton, Cambridge, England and died after 4 Sep 1684 in Windsor, CT, USA.
The child from this marriage was:
1519 i. Rebecka Hayward (born on 17 Aug 1648 in Windsor, CT, USA - died before 1682 in Windsor, CT, USA)
3039. Lydia Kilbourne, daughter of Thomas Kilbourne and Frances Moody, was christened on 14 Jul 1616 in Wooditton, Cambridge, England and died after 4 Sep 1684 in Windsor, CT, USA.
General Notes: She emigrated to the new world on 15 April 1635 on the ship "Increase". She was age 22.
Lydia married Robert Hayward. Robert was born about 1613 and died on 23 Aug 1684 in Windsor, CT, USA about age 71. Other names for Robert were Robert Haward, and Robert Howard.
3680. Lars
Lars married someone.
His child was:
1840 i. Olof Larsson (born about 1660 - died on 11 Oct 1717 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
3682. Olof
Olof married someone.
His child was:
1841 i. Ingeborg Olofsdotter (born about 1657 - died on 19 Nov 1719 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
3684. Pär
Pär married someone.
His child was:
1842 i. Erik Pärsson (born before 1672 - died on 1 Apr 1732 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
3686. Erik
Erik married someone.
His child was:
1843 i. Ingeborg Ersdotter (born about 1677 - died on 23 Sep 1753 in Hardemo, Örebro Co, Närke, Sweden)
3866. Peder
Peder married someone.
His child was:
1933 i. Kirsten Pedersdatter (born in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark - died after 1692 in Ørby, Tranebjerg Parish, Holbæk Co, Denmark)
3870. Søren
Søren married someone.
His child was:
1935 i. Karen Sørensdatter (born about 1625 - died in Feb 1694 in Tanderup, Onsbjerg, Holbæk Co, Samsø, Denmark)
3878. Søren
Søren married someone.
His child was:
1939 i. Karen Sørensdatter
3952. Tønne
Tønne married someone.
His child was:
1976 i. Oluf Tønnesen (died in 1718 in Besser, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark)
3954. Laurits
Laurits married someone.
His child was:
1977 i. Karen Lauritsdatter (died in Mar 1682 in Besser, Holbæk, Samsø, Denmark)
3964. Jacob
Jacob married someone.
His child was:
1982 i. Henrik Jacobsen Smed (died in Aug 1708 in Besser Parish, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark)
3966. Peder
Peder married someone.
His child was:
1983 i. Karen Pedersdatter (died before 1708 in Besser Parish, Holbæk, Samsoe, Denmark)
4064. Jørgen
Jørgen married someone.
His child was:
2032 i. Rasmus Jørgensen, Møller (died in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark)
4080. Søren Madsen Juel (Lille), son of Mads Sørensen Juel and Unknown, was born about 1638 in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark, died in Sep 1721 in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark about age 83, and was buried on 24 Sep 1721 in Bjerre Church, Bjerre Parish, Vejle County, Denmark.
Søren married Margrethe Jensdatter. Margrethe was born about 1653 and died on 5 Jan 1718 in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark about age 65.
The child from this marriage was:
2040 i. Mads Sørensen Juel (born about 1671 in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark - died on 29 Jan 1739 in Neder Bjerre, Bjerre Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark)
4081. Margrethe Jensdatter, daughter of Jens and Unknown, was born about 1653 and died on 5 Jan 1718 in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark about age 65.
Margrethe married Søren Madsen Juel (Lille). Søren was born about 1638 in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark, died in Sep 1721 in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark about age 83, and was buried on 24 Sep 1721 in Bjerre Church, Bjerre Parish, Vejle County, Denmark.
4084. Niels Andersen, son of Anders and Unknown, was born about 1644 in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark and died on 20 Feb 1729 in Neder Bjerre, Bjerre Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark about age 85.
Niels married Karen Jørgensdatter. Karen was born about 1646 and died on 30 Jan 1729 in Neder Bjerre, Bjerre Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark about age 83.
The child from this marriage was:
2042 i. Anders Nielsen (born about 1685 in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark - died in Feb 1753 in Neder Bjerre, Bjerre Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark)
4085. Karen Jørgensdatter, daughter of Jørgen and Unknown, was born about 1646 and died on 30 Jan 1729 in Neder Bjerre, Bjerre Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark about age 83.
Karen married Niels Andersen. Niels was born about 1644 in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark and died on 20 Feb 1729 in Neder Bjerre, Bjerre Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark about age 85.
4086. Peder
Peder married someone.
His child was:
2043 i. Maren Pedersdatter (died in 1732 in Neder Bjerre, Bjerre Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark)
4088. Søren
Søren married someone.
His child was:
2044 i. Søren Sørensen
4090. Jacob
Jacob married someone.
His child was:
2045 i. Maren Jacobsdatter (Borre)
4092. Niels
Niels married someone.
His child was:
2046 i. Jørgen Nielsen (died on 5 Mar 1733 in Kolsgaard, Bisholt, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark)
4094. Niels Sørensen, son of Søren and Unknown, was born about 1626 and died in 1705 in Kolsgaard, Bisholt, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark about age 79.
General Notes: He was a farmer.
Niels married Anna Rasmusdatter. Anna was born about 1628 and died on 4 Jun 1704 in Kolsgaard, Bisholt, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark about age 76.
The child from this marriage was:
2047 i. Maren Nielsdatter (born 3 sønd, efter Påske, 1670 in Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark - died in 1708 in Kolsgaard, Bisholt, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark)
4095. Anna Rasmusdatter, daughter of Rasmus and Unknown, was born about 1628 and died on 4 Jun 1704 in Kolsgaard, Bisholt, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark about age 76.
Anna married Niels Sørensen. Niels was born about 1626 and died in 1705 in Kolsgaard, Bisholt, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark about age 79.
5120. Michael Hayte
Michael married Agnes.
The child from this marriage was:
2560 i. Simon Haight (born about 1593 - died on 1 Sep 1657 in Stamford, CT, USA)
5121. Agnes
Agnes married Michael Hayte.
5144. John Washburne
John married Joan Bushall.
The child from this marriage was:
2572 i. John Washburne
5145. Joan Bushall
Joan married John Washburne.
5152. James Hicks
James married someone.
His child was:
2576 i. Robert Hicks (died on 24 Mar 1647 in Plymouth, MA, USA)
5280. Robert Lovell was born about 1595 and died about 1672 about age 77.
Robert married Elizabeth. Elizabeth was born about 1600.
The child from this marriage was:
2640 i. John Lovell (born about 1627 in England - died in Barnstable, MA, USA)
5281. Elizabeth was born about 1600.
Elizabeth married Robert Lovell. Robert was born about 1595 and died about 1672 about age 77.
5282. Elder William Hatch was born about 1598 in Sandwhich, England and died on 6 Nov 1651 in Scituate, MA, USA about age 53.
William married Jane Young on 9 Jul 1624. Jane was born about 1596.
The child from this marriage was:
2641 i. Jane Hatch (christened on 19 Jun 1631 christened in Wye, Kent, England)
5283. Jane Young was born about 1596.
Jane married Elder William Hatch on 9 Jul 1624. William was born about 1598 in Sandwhich, England and died on 6 Nov 1651 in Scituate, MA, USA about age 53.
5284. Thomas Lumbert was born about 1610 in Tenderton, Kent, England and died in Barnstable, MA, USA.
General Notes: He was an Innkeeper.
Thomas married Joyce.
The child from this marriage was:
2642 i. Joshua Lumbert (born after 1608 in England - died in Barnstable, MA, USA)
5285. Joyce
Joyce married Thomas Lumbert. Thomas was born about 1610 in Tenderton, Kent, England and died in Barnstable, MA, USA.
5286. Robert Linnel died about 1662 in Barnstable, MA, USA.
General Notes: He resided in Scituate, MA in 1638.
Robert married Penninah.
The child from this marriage was:
2643 i. Abigail Linnel
5287. Penninah
Penninah married Robert Linnel. Robert died about 1662 in Barnstable, MA, USA.
5408. Sir Robert Whitney
Robert married Elizabeth Gwillims.
The child from this marriage was:
2704 i. Thomas Whitney (buried in Lambeth Marsh, England)
5409. Elizabeth Gwillims
Elizabeth married Sir Robert Whitney.
5410. John Bray
John married someone.
His child was:
2705 i. Mary Bray (died in Isleworth Parish, England)
5632. Thomas Hathway, son of Thomas Hathway and Unknown, was born about 1560 in Kingscote, Gloucester, England and died in 1610 in London, London, England about age 50.
Thomas married Margaret Payne. Margaret was born about 1573 in Kingscote, Gloucestershire, England and died about 1630 in Kingscote, Gloucestershire, England about age 57.
The child from this marriage was:
2816 i. Nicholas Hathaway (born about 1595 in England - died in Taunton, MA, USA)
5633. Margaret Payne was born about 1573 in Kingscote, Gloucestershire, England and died about 1630 in Kingscote, Gloucestershire, England about age 57.
General Notes: There is a lot of speculation about her maiden name.
Margaret married Thomas Hathway. Thomas was born about 1560 in Kingscote, Gloucester, England and died in 1610 in London, London, England about age 50.
5640. Nicholas Wildbore died in Siblehedingham, Essex Co, England.
Nicholas married Elizabeth.
The child from this marriage was:
2820 i. Samuel Wildbore (born about 1595 in Sible Hedingham, Essex, England - died on 29 Sep 1656 in Boston, MA, USA)
5641. Elizabeth
Elizabeth married Nicholas Wildbore. Nicholas died in Siblehedingham, Essex Co, England.
5656. Archdeacon Richard Remington, son of Richard Remington and Agnes Blake, died on 16 Nov 1615 in Yorkshire, England.
Richard married Elizabeth Hutton. Elizabeth was christened on 20 Mar 1568 in Lockington, Yorkshire, England and died on 26 Mar 1602 at age 34.
The child from this marriage was:
2828 i. John Remington (born in York, England - died on 8 Apr 1667 in Roxbury, MA, USA)
5657. Elizabeth Hutton, daughter of Matthew Hutton and Beatrix Fincham, was christened on 20 Mar 1568 in Lockington, Yorkshire, England and died on 26 Mar 1602 at age 34.
Elizabeth married Archdeacon Richard Remington. Richard died on 16 Nov 1615 in Yorkshire, England.
5664. William Kinge
William married Christina Lapp.
The child from this marriage was:
2832 i. William Kinge (born about 1622 in Ugborough, Devonshire, England - died on 28 May 1664)
5665. Christina Lapp
Christina married William Kinge.
5670. Thomas Emerson, son of Robert Emerson and Susan Crabbe, was christened on 26 Jul 1584 in Toperton, Norfolk, England and died about 10 May 1666 in Ipswhich, MA, USA about age 81.
(Duplicate. See Below)
5671. Elizabeth Brewster
(Duplicate. See Below)
5676. Gerard Spencer, son of Michael Spencer and Elizabeth, was christened on 26 May 1576 in Stotford, Bedfords, England and died before 1646. Another name for Gerard was Gerat Spencer.
Gerard married Alice Whitbread.
Children from this marriage were:
2838 i. Thomas Spencer (christened on 29 Mar 1607 christened in Stotford, Bedfordshire, England - died on 11 Sep 1687 in Hartford, CT, USA)
3036 ii. Gerard Spencer (born on 25 Apr 1614 in Stotford, Bedford, England - died about 1685)
5677. Alice Whitbread
Alice married Gerard Spencer. Gerard was christened on 26 May 1576 in Stotford, Bedfords, England and died before 1646. Another name for Gerard was Gerat Spencer.
5678. Nathaniel Bearding
Nathaniel married someone.
His child was:
2839 i. Sarah Bearding
5684. Jean Henno
Jean married Catelaine Jone.
The child from this marriage was:
2842 i. James Eno (christened on 21 Aug 1625 - died on 11 Jul 1682 in Windsor, CT, USA)
5685. Catelaine Jone
Catelaine married Jean Henno.
5686. Richard Bidwell, son of John Bidwell and Sarah Wilcocks, was buried on 25 Dec 1647 in Windsor, CT, USA.
General Notes: He left Plymouth, England on the ship "Mary & John". He arrived in The Colonies on 20 March 1630.
Richard married someone
His child was:
2843 i. Anna Bidwell (born on 22 Oct 1634 - died on 7 Oct 1657)
5720. Robert Emerson, son of Thomas Emerson and Unknown, was christened on 25 Oct 1561 and was buried on 6 Jan 1620.
General Notes: The Emerson name is of Danish/English origin.
Robert married Susan Crabbe on 24 Nov 1578. Susan was born about 1556 and was buried on 20 Nov 1626.
The child from this marriage was:
2860 i. Thomas Emerson (christened on 26 Jul 1584 christened in Toperton, Norfolk, England - died about 10 May 1666 in Ipswhich, MA, USA)
5721. Susan Crabbe was born about 1556 and was buried on 20 Nov 1626.
Susan married Robert Emerson on 24 Nov 1578. Robert was christened on 25 Oct 1561 and was buried on 6 Jan 1620.
5724. Reverand Peter Bulkeley, son of Reverand Edward De Bulkeley and Olive Irby, was born on 31 Jan 1583 in Odell, Bedfordshire Co, England and died on 9 Mar 1659 in Concord, MA, USA at age 76.
Peter married Jane Allen on 12 Apr 1613 in Goldington, Bedfordshire Co, England. Jane was christened on 13 Jan 1588 in Goldington, Bedfordshire Co, England and died on 8 Dec 1626 in Odell, Bedfordshire Co, England at age 38.
The child from this marriage was:
2862 i. Reverand Edward Bulkeley (christened on 12 Jun 1614 christened in Odell, Bedfordshire Co, England - died on 2 Jan 1696 in Chelmsford, MA, USA)
5725. Jane Allen, daughter of Thomas Allen and Mary Fairclough, was christened on 13 Jan 1588 in Goldington, Bedfordshire Co, England and died on 8 Dec 1626 in Odell, Bedfordshire Co, England at age 38.
Jane married Reverand Peter Bulkeley on 12 Apr 1613 in Goldington, Bedfordshire Co, England. Peter was born on 31 Jan 1583 in Odell, Bedfordshire Co, England and died on 9 Mar 1659 in Concord, MA, USA at age 76.
5728. John Bushnell, son of Richard Bushnell and Alice, was born in 1614 in Sulham, Berkshire Co, England and died before 7 Oct 1631.
John married Margery.
The child from this marriage was:
2864 i. Deacon Francis Bushnell (christened in 1580 christened in Thatcher, Berkshire Co, England - died about 1646 in Guildford, CT, USA)
5729. Margery
Margery married John Bushnell. John was born in 1614 in Sulham, Berkshire Co, England and died before 7 Oct 1631.
5730. Henry Quinnell
Henry married Beatrix Carter.
The child from this marriage was:
2865 i. Ferris Quinnell (born on 17 Apr 1587 - died on 10 Mar 1628 in Horsham, Sussex, England)
5731. Beatrix Carter
Beatrix married Henry Quinnell.
5736. Reverand William Pratt was born in Hertfords., England and died in Stevenage, England.
(Duplicate. See Below)
5742. Rowland Clarke was born about 1570 in Bedford, England and died on 2 Feb 1638 in Dedham, MA, USA about age 68.
Rowland married Mary Hobart. Mary was born about 1574 in Barnham, Norfolk, England and died on 22 May 1642 in Dedham, MA, USA about age 68.
The child from this marriage was:
2871 i. Priscilla Clarke (born about 1613 in Westhorpe, Suffolk, England - died on 12 Aug 1692 in Dedham, MA, USA)
5743. Mary Hobart was born about 1574 in Barnham, Norfolk, England and died on 22 May 1642 in Dedham, MA, USA about age 68.
Mary married Rowland Clarke. Rowland was born about 1570 in Bedford, England and died on 2 Feb 1638 in Dedham, MA, USA about age 68.
5750. Thomas Grombridge
Thomas married Anne Ive.
The child from this marriage was:
2875 i. Marie Grombridge (christened on 7 Jan 1606 - died about 1648)
5751. Anne Ive
Anne married Thomas Grombridge.
5752. Philip Kirtland was born in 1585 in Sherington, Buckshire, England.
General Notes: He was residing in Lynn, Massachusetts in 1635.
Philip married someone
His child was:
2876 i. Nathaniel Kirtland (born about 1616 - buried on 27 Dec 1686 buried in Lynn, CT, USA)
5758. John Clarke was born about 1600 in Great Munden, Hertfords., England and died on 5 Feb 1674 about age 74.
John married Elizabeth.
The child from this marriage was:
2879 i. Elizabeth Clarke (died in Saybrook, CT, USA)
5759. Elizabeth
Elizabeth married John Clarke. John was born about 1600 in Great Munden, Hertfords., England and died on 5 Feb 1674 about age 74.
6026. John Ward
John married Elizabeth Haselford.
The child from this marriage was:
3013 i. Isabella Ward (born about 1620 in Brafield, Northamptons, England - died on 8 Dec 1676 in New Haven, CT, USA)
6027. Elizabeth Haselford
Elizabeth married John Ward.
6028. Richard Baldwin, son of Richard Baldwin and Ellen, was born about 1578 in Cholesbury, Bucks, England and died on 2 Nov 1632 about age 54.
Richard married Isabell Harding.
The child from this marriage was:
3014 i. Jospeh Baldwin (born about 1612 in Cholesbury, Bucks, England - died on 2 Nov 1684)
6029. Isabell Harding
Isabell married Richard Baldwin. Richard was born about 1578 in Cholesbury, Bucks, England and died on 2 Nov 1632 about age 54.
6046. Richard Baldwin died about 1633 in Cholesbury, Bucks, England.
Richard married Isabell.
The child from this marriage was:
3023 i. Sarah Baldwin
6047. Isabell
Isabell married Richard Baldwin. Richard died about 1633 in Cholesbury, Bucks, England.
6052. Thomas Very
Thomas married Bridget. Bridget was born about 1600 and died about 1680 about age 80.
The child from this marriage was:
3026 i. Thomas Very (christened about 1626 - died on 28 Mar 1694 in Gloucester, MA, USA)
6053. Bridget was born about 1600 and died about 1680 about age 80.
Bridget married Thomas Very.
6054. Thomas Gyles died in Salem, MA, USA.
Thomas married someone
His child was:
3027 i. Hannah Giles (born in 1628 in Salem, MA, USA - died on 25 Aug 1683 in Gloucester, MA, USA)
6072. Gerard Spencer, son of Michael Spencer and Elizabeth, was christened on 26 May 1576 in Stotford, Bedfords, England and died before 1646. Another name for Gerard was Gerat Spencer.
(Duplicate. See Below)
6073. Alice Whitbread
(Duplicate. See Below)
6078. Thomas Kilbourne, son of John Kilbourne and Unknown, was christened on 8 May 1578 in Wood Ditton, Cambridge, England and died before 1639 in Wethersfield, CT, USA.
General Notes: Thomas, his wife Frances,and their children Margaret, Lydia, Marie, Francis, and Jo sailed on the ship "Increase" on 15 April 1635.
Thomas married Frances Moody on 5 Sep 1604 in Moulton, Suffolk, England. Frances was born on 11 Oct 1584 in Moulton, Suffolk, England and died about Dec 1650 in Wethersfield, CT, USA about age 66.
Children from this marriage were:
3039 i. Lydia Kilbourne (christened on 14 Jul 1616 christened in Wooditton, Cambridge, England - died after 4 Sep 1684 in Windsor, CT, USA)
ii. Margaret Kilbourne
iii. Marie Kilbourne
iv. Francis Kilbourne
v. Jo Kilbourne
6079. Frances Moody, daughter of George Moody and Margaret Newce, was born on 11 Oct 1584 in Moulton, Suffolk, England and died about Dec 1650 in Wethersfield, CT, USA about age 66.
Frances married Thomas Kilbourne on 5 Sep 1604 in Moulton, Suffolk, England. Thomas was christened on 8 May 1578 in Wood Ditton, Cambridge, England and died before 1639 in Wethersfield, CT, USA.
8160. Mads Sørensen Juel, son of Søren and Unknown, was born about 1600 in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark.
Mads married someone
His child was:
4080 i. Søren Madsen Juel (Lille) (born about 1638 in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark - died in Sep 1721 in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark)
8162. Jens
Jens married someone.
His child was:
4081 i. Margrethe Jensdatter (born about 1653 - died on 5 Jan 1718 in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark)
8168. Anders
Anders married someone.
His child was:
4084 i. Niels Andersen (born about 1644 in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark - died on 20 Feb 1729 in Neder Bjerre, Bjerre Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark)
8170. Jørgen
Jørgen married someone.
His child was:
4085 i. Karen Jørgensdatter (born about 1646 - died on 30 Jan 1729 in Neder Bjerre, Bjerre Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark)
8188. Søren
Søren married someone.
His child was:
4094 i. Niels Sørensen (born about 1626 - died in 1705 in Kolsgaard, Bisholt, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark)
8190. Rasmus
Rasmus married someone.
His child was:
4095 i. Anna Rasmusdatter (born about 1628 - died on 4 Jun 1704 in Kolsgaard, Bisholt, Glud Parish, Vejle Co, Denmark)
10240. Thomas Hayte, son of Walter Hayte and Unknown, died about 1576 in Seavington, St Mary, England.
General Notes: Will dated November 1576.
Thomas married Isabel. Isabel died about 1587.
The child from this marriage was:
5120 i. Michael Hayte
10241. Isabel died about 1587.
General Notes: Will dated April 1587.
Isabel married Thomas Hayte. Thomas died about 1576 in Seavington, St Mary, England.
11264. Thomas Hathway was born in 1534 in England.
General Notes: There is no proof that this is the correct parent of Thomas Hathway.
Thomas married someone
His child was:
5632 i. Thomas Hathway (born about 1560 in Kingscote, Gloucester, England - died in 1610 in London, London, England)
11312. Richard Remington, son of Richard Remington and Joan, died in Sep 1556 in Stamfordbridge, England.
General Notes: He was the Lord of Manor of Garraby.
Richard married Agnes Blake. Agnes died before 18 Dec 1556.
The child from this marriage was:
5656 i. Archdeacon Richard Remington (died on 16 Nov 1615 in Yorkshire, England)
11313. Agnes Blake, daughter of William Blake and Unknown, died before 18 Dec 1556.
Agnes married Richard Remington. Richard died in Sep 1556 in Stamfordbridge, England.
11314. Matthew Hutton, son of Matthew Hutton and Unknown, was born in 1529, died on 16 Jan 1605 at age 76, and was buried in York Cathedral, York, England.
General Notes: He was an Archbishop of York.
Matthew married Beatrix Fincham. Beatrix died on 5 May 1582 and was buried in York Cathedral, York, England.
The child from this marriage was:
5657 i. Elizabeth Hutton (christened on 20 Mar 1568 christened in Lockington, Yorkshire, England - died on 26 Mar 1602)
11315. Beatrix Fincham, daughter of Sir Thomas Fincham and Joan, died on 5 May 1582 and was buried in York Cathedral, York, England.
Beatrix married Matthew Hutton. Matthew was born in 1529, died on 16 Jan 1605 at age 76, and was buried in York Cathedral, York, England.
11328. Thomas Kynge was born before 1538.
Thomas married someone
His child was:
5664 i. William Kinge
11352. Michael Spencer, son of John Spencer and Anne Merryll, was born about 1530.
Michael married Elizabeth.
The child from this marriage was:
5676 i. Gerard Spencer (christened on 26 May 1576 christened in Stotford, Bedfords, England - died before 1646)
11353. Elizabeth
Elizabeth married Michael Spencer. Michael was born about 1530.
11354. John Whitbread
John married Eleanor.
The child from this marriage was:
5677 i. Alice Whitbread
11355. Eleanor
Eleanor married John Whitbread.
11368. Jacques De Henne
Jacques married Jeanne Doye.
The child from this marriage was:
5684 i. Jean Henno
11369. Jeanne Doye
Jeanne married Jacques De Henne.
11372. John Bidwell died about 1687 in Hartford, CT, USA.
General Notes: He was in Hartford, CT in 1640.
John married Sarah Wilcocks. Sarah died in Jun 1690.
The child from this marriage was:
5686 i. Richard Bidwell (buried on 25 Dec 1647 buried in Windsor, CT, USA)
11373. Sarah Wilcocks, daughter of John Wilcocks and Unknown, died in Jun 1690.
Sarah married John Bidwell. John died about 1687 in Hartford, CT, USA.
11440. Thomas Emerson was born about 1540 in Great Dunnow, Essex Co, England.
Thomas married someone
His child was:
5720 i. Robert Emerson (christened on 25 Oct 1561 - buried on 6 Jan 1620)
11448. Reverand Edward De Bulkeley, son of Thomas De Bulkeley and Elizabeth Grosvenor, was born about 1540 in Woore, Shropshire Co, England and died about 1621 in Odell, Bedfordshire Co, England about age 81.
General Notes: He was the Rector of Odell.
Edward married Olive Irby about 1566. Olive was born about 1547 in Lincolnshire, England and was buried on 10 Mar 1614 in Odell, Bedfordshire Co, England.
The child from this marriage was:
5724 i. Reverand Peter Bulkeley (born on 31 Jan 1583 in Odell, Bedfordshire Co, England - died on 9 Mar 1659 in Concord, MA, USA)
11449. Olive Irby, daughter of John Irby and Rose Overton, was born about 1547 in Lincolnshire, England and was buried on 10 Mar 1614 in Odell, Bedfordshire Co, England.
Olive married Reverand Edward De Bulkeley about 1566. Edward was born about 1540 in Woore, Shropshire Co, England and died about 1621 in Odell, Bedfordshire Co, England about age 81.
11450. Thomas Allen, son of John Allen and Elizabeth Alabaster, was born about 1557 and died in 1635 in Little Waltham, Essex Co, England about age 78.
Thomas married Mary Fairclough on 30 Jul 1582 in Goldington, Bedfordshire Co, England. Mary was born between 1550 and 1555 and was buried on 30 Apr 1631 in Goldington, Bedfordshire Co, England.
The child from this marriage was:
5725 i. Jane Allen (christened on 13 Jan 1588 christened in Goldington, Bedfordshire Co, England - died on 8 Dec 1626 in Odell, Bedfordshire Co, England)
11451. Mary Fairclough, daughter of Thomas Fairclough and Millicent Barr, was born between 1550 and 1555 and was buried on 30 Apr 1631 in Goldington, Bedfordshire Co, England.
General Notes: This was her second marriage.
Mary married Thomas Allen on 30 Jul 1582 in Goldington, Bedfordshire Co, England. Thomas was born about 1557 and died in 1635 in Little Waltham, Essex Co, England about age 78.
11456. Richard Bushnell, son of John Bushnell and Alice, was born in Sulham, Berkshire Co, England.
Richard married Alice. Alice died before 17 Jan 1615.
The child from this marriage was:
5728 i. John Bushnell (born in 1614 in Sulham, Berkshire Co, England - died before 7 Oct 1631)
11457. Alice died before 17 Jan 1615.
Alice married Richard Bushnell. Richard was born in Sulham, Berkshire Co, England.
11460. Henry Quinnell
Henry married Joan Kinward.
The child from this marriage was:
5730 i. Henry Quinnell
11461. Joan Kinward
Joan married Henry Quinnell.
12056. Richard Baldwin
Richard married Ellen.
The child from this marriage was:
6028 i. Richard Baldwin (born about 1578 in Cholesbury, Bucks, England - died on 2 Nov 1632)
12057. Ellen
Ellen married Richard Baldwin.
12156. John Kilbourne was buried on 30 Oct 1591 in Wood Ditton, Cambridge, England.
John married someone
His child was:
6078 i. Thomas Kilbourne (christened on 8 May 1578 christened in Wood Ditton, Cambridge, England - died before 1639 in Wethersfield, CT, USA)
12158. George Moody, son of Richard Moody and Unknown, was christened on 28 Sep 1560 and was buried on 23 Aug 1607.
George married Margaret Newce. Margaret was buried on 25 Jan 1602.
The child from this marriage was:
6079 i. Frances Moody (born on 11 Oct 1584 in Moulton, Suffolk, England - died about Dec 1650 in Wethersfield, CT, USA)
12159. Margaret Newce was buried on 25 Jan 1602.
Margaret married George Moody. George was christened on 28 Sep 1560 and was buried on 23 Aug 1607.
16320. Søren
Søren married someone.
His child was:
8160 i. Mads Sørensen Juel (born about 1600 in Bjerre Sogn, Vejle County, Denmark)
20480. Walter Hayte died about 1569 in Seavington, St Mary, England.
General Notes: I was told that the Hoyt name originally was Van or Von Hoyt and that they came form Germany and fled to England to escape from an "unjust" war. If this is true it appears that it may have been wars fought in the 1500's between protestant and catholics.
Walter married someone
His child was:
10240 i. Thomas Hayte (died about 1576 in Seavington, St Mary, England)
22624. Richard Remington died before 16 Mar 1525.
General Notes: He lived at Raskelfe Galtrees, Yorkshire, England.
Richard married Joan.
The child from this marriage was:
11312 i. Richard Remington (died in Sep 1556 in Stamfordbridge, England)
22625. Joan
Joan married Richard Remington. Richard died before 16 Mar 1525.
22626. William Blake
William married someone.
His child was:
11313 i. Agnes Blake (died before 18 Dec 1556)
22628. Matthew Hutton
Matthew married someone.
His child was:
11314 i. Matthew Hutton (born in 1529 - died on 16 Jan 1605, buried in York Cathedral, York, England)
22630. Sir Thomas Fincham
Thomas married Joan.
The child from this marriage was:
11315 i. Beatrix Fincham (died on 5 May 1582, buried in York Cathedral, York, England)
22631. Joan
Joan married Sir Thomas Fincham.
22704. John Spencer, son of John Spencer and Unknown, was born after 1500 and was buried on 9 Jun 1558 in Edworth, Bedfordshire, England.
John married Anne Merryll. Anne was buried on 16 Jun 1560 in Edworth, Bedfordshire, England.
The child from this marriage was:
11352 i. Michael Spencer (born about 1530)
22705. Anne Merryll was buried on 16 Jun 1560 in Edworth, Bedfordshire, England.
Anne married John Spencer. John was born after 1500 and was buried on 9 Jun 1558 in Edworth, Bedfordshire, England.
22736. Jean De Henne
Jean married Isabelle Jeanne Caille.
The child from this marriage was:
11368 i. Jacques De Henne
22737. Isabelle Jeanne Caille
Isabelle married Jean De Henne.
22738. Antoine Doye
Antoine married Rose Dugardin.
The child from this marriage was:
11369 i. Jeanne Doye
22739. Rose Dugardin
Rose married Antoine Doye.
22746. John Wilcocks died in Hartford, CT, USA.
John married someone
His child was:
11373 i. Sarah Wilcocks (died in Jun 1690)
22896. Thomas De Bulkeley, son of Baron William De Bulkeley and Beatrice Hill, was born about 1515 in Buntingsdale Parish, Market Drayton, Shropshire Co, England and died in 1591 in Market Drayton, Shropshire Co, England about age 76. Another name for Thomas was Thomas of Woore.
Thomas married Elizabeth Grosvenor. Elizabeth was born about 1515.
The child from this marriage was:
11448 i. Reverand Edward De Bulkeley (born about 1540 in Woore, Shropshire Co, England - died about 1621 in Odell, Bedfordshire Co, England)
22897. Elizabeth Grosvenor, daughter of Randelle Grosvenor and Anne Charlton, was born about 1515.
Elizabeth married Thomas De Bulkeley. Thomas was born about 1515 in Buntingsdale Parish, Market Drayton, Shropshire Co, England and died in 1591 in Market Drayton, Shropshire Co, England about age 76. Another name for Thomas was Thomas of Woore.
22898. John Irby, son of Anthony Irby and Alice Bountagne, was born before 1520 and died on 10 Apr 1553.
John married Rose Overton. Rose died in 1579.
The child from this marriage was:
11449 i. Olive Irby (born about 1547 in Lincolnshire, England - buried on 10 Mar 1614 buried in Odell, Bedfordshire Co, England)
22899. Rose Overton, daughter of Cutler Overton and Olive, died in 1579.
Rose married John Irby. John was born before 1520 and died on 10 Apr 1553.
22900. John Allen, son of John Allen and Margaret Leigh, was born about 1538 and died on 1 Dec 1572 about age 34.
General Notes: He was a supporter of Lady Jane Gray.
John married Elizabeth Alabaster.
The child from this marriage was:
11450 i. Thomas Allen (born about 1557 - died in 1635 in Little Waltham, Essex Co, England)
22901. Elizabeth Alabaster
Elizabeth married John Allen. John was born about 1538 and died on 1 Dec 1572 about age 34.
22902. Thomas Fairclough, son of Lawrence Fairclough and Elizabeth, was born about 1520 in Neston, Hertfordshire Co, England and was buried on 7 Apr 1559 in Goldington, Bedfordshire Co, England.
Thomas married Millicent Barr. Millicent was buried on 14 Jun 1585 in Goldington, Bedfordshire Co, England. Another name for Millicent was Millicent Burr.
The child from this marriage was:
11451 i. Mary Fairclough (born between 1550 and 1555 - buried on 30 Apr 1631 buried in Goldington, Bedfordshire Co, England)
22903. Millicent Barr was buried on 14 Jun 1585 in Goldington, Bedfordshire Co, England. Another name for Millicent was Millicent Burr.
Millicent married Thomas Fairclough. Thomas was born about 1520 in Neston, Hertfordshire Co, England and was buried on 7 Apr 1559 in Goldington, Bedfordshire Co, England.
22912. John Bushnell, son of William Bushnell and Unknown, was born in Tilehurst, Berkshire Co, England and died after 20 Oct 1585.
John married Alice.
The child from this marriage was:
11456 i. Richard Bushnell (born in Sulham, Berkshire Co, England)
22913. Alice
Alice married John Bushnell. John was born in Tilehurst, Berkshire Co, England and died after 20 Oct 1585.
24316. Richard Moody, son of Unknown and Unknown, was born in Moulton, Suffolk, England and was buried on 28 Apr 1574.
General Notes: He owned several landed estates in Suffolk, England.
Richard married someone
His child was:
12158 i. George Moody (christened on 28 Sep 1560 - buried on 23 Aug 1607)
45260. John Fincham, son of John Fincham and Beatrix Thoresby, died in 1528.
General Notes: He acquired the Manor of Outwell from his wife.
John married Elizabeth Derham. Elizabeth died about 1528 and was buried in St. Clement's Church, England.
The child from this marriage was:
22630 i. Sir Thomas Fincham
45261. Elizabeth Derham, daughter of Thomas Derham and Alice Haltoft, died about 1528 and was buried in St. Clement's Church, England.
Elizabeth married John Fincham. John died in 1528.
45408. John Spencer
John married someone.
His child was:
22704 i. John Spencer (born after 1500 - buried on 9 Jun 1558 buried in Edworth, Bedfordshire, England)
45472. Jacques Henne
Jacques married Unknown Pesquier.
The child from this marriage was:
22736 i. Jean De Henne
45473. Unknown Pesquier
Unknown married Jacques Henne.
45474. Toussaint Caille
Toussaint married Jossine Pellerin.
The child from this marriage was:
22737 i. Isabelle Jeanne Caille
45475. Jossine Pellerin
Jossine married Toussaint Caille.
45478. Alard Dugardin
Alard married Jeanne Roger.
The child from this marriage was:
22739 i. Rose Dugardin
45479. Jeanne Roger
Jeanne married Alard Dugardin.
45792. Baron William De Bulkeley, son of Baron Humphrey De Bulkeley and Grisel Molton, was born in Oakley, Shropshire Co, England and died on 4 Mar 1571.
William married Beatrice Hill.
The child from this marriage was:
22896 i. Thomas De Bulkeley (born about 1515 in Buntingsdale Parish, Market Drayton, Shropshire Co, England - died in 1591 in Market Drayton, Shropshire Co, England)
45793. Beatrice Hill
Beatrice married Baron William De Bulkeley. William was born in Oakley, Shropshire Co, England and died on 4 Mar 1571.
45794. Randelle Grosvenor, son of Randall Grosvenor and Margaret Mainwaring, was born about 1480 in Bellaport, Shropshire, England and died about 1559 about age 79.
Randelle married Anne Charlton in 1500. Anne was born about 1480 in Mackleston, Shropshire, England.
The child from this marriage was:
22897 i. Elizabeth Grosvenor (born about 1515)
45795. Anne Charlton, daughter of Richard Charlton and Anne Mainwaring, was born about 1480 in Mackleston, Shropshire, England.
Anne married Randelle Grosvenor in 1500. Randelle was born about 1480 in Bellaport, Shropshire, England and died about 1559 about age 79.
45796. Anthony Irby was born about 1490 in Gaskerton, Lincolnshire Co, England and died on 21 Jun 1552 about age 62.
Anthony married Alice Bountagne. Alice died in 1557.
The child from this marriage was:
22898 i. John Irby (born before 1520 - died on 10 Apr 1553)
45797. Alice Bountagne, daughter of John Bountayne and Unknown, died in 1557.
Alice married Anthony Irby. Anthony was born about 1490 in Gaskerton, Lincolnshire Co, England and died on 21 Jun 1552 about age 62.
45798. Cutler Overton
Cutler married Olive. Olive was born in Clerkenwell, Middlesex, England and died in 1546.
The child from this marriage was:
22899 i. Rose Overton (died in 1579)
45799. Olive was born in Clerkenwell, Middlesex, England and died in 1546.
Olive married Cutler Overton.
45800. John Allen, son of Richard Allen and Agnes, died on 22 Jun 1558.
John married Margaret Leigh. Margaret died on 7 Aug 1538.
The child from this marriage was:
22900 i. John Allen (born about 1538 - died on 1 Dec 1572)
45801. Margaret Leigh, daughter of Giles Leigh and Katherine Bold, died on 7 Aug 1538.
General Notes: She received her father's land of Hatfield Deverell.
Margaret married John Allen. John died on 22 Jun 1558.
45802. Thomas Arblastre, son of Thomas Arblastre and Joan Reynham, was born about 1491.
Thomas married Agnes Markaunt.
The child from this marriage was:
22901 i. Elizabeth Alabaster
45803. Agnes Markaunt
Agnes married Thomas Arblastre. Thomas was born about 1491.
45804. Lawrence Fairclough
Lawrence married Elizabeth.
The child from this marriage was:
22902 i. Thomas Fairclough (born about 1520 in Neston, Hertfordshire Co, England - buried on 7 Apr 1559 buried in Goldington, Bedfordshire Co, England)
45805. Elizabeth
Elizabeth married Lawrence Fairclough.
45824. William Bushnell, son of John Bushnell and Unknown, was born in Tilehurst, Berkshire Co, England and died about 1564.
William married someone
His child was:
22912 i. John Bushnell (born in Tilehurst, Berkshire Co, England - died after 20 Oct 1585)
90520. John Fincham died on 6 Sep 1496.
John married Beatrix Thoresby.
The child from this marriage was:
45260 i. John Fincham (died in 1528)
90521. Beatrix Thoresby
Beatrix married John Fincham. John died on 6 Sep 1496.
90522. Thomas Derham died about 1473.
Thomas married Alice Haltoft. Alice died about 10 Jan 1457.
The child from this marriage was:
45261 i. Elizabeth Derham (died about 1528, buried in St. Clement's Church, England)
90523. Alice Haltoft, daughter of Baron Gilbert Haltoft and Margaret, died about 10 Jan 1457.
Alice married Thomas Derham. Thomas died about 1473.
90944. Collard Henno
Collard married someone.
His child was:
45472 i. Jacques Henne
90946. Nicolas Pesquier
Nicolas married someone.
His child was:
45473 i. Unknown Pesquier
91584. Baron Humphrey De Bulkeley
Humphrey married Grisel Molton.
The child from this marriage was:
45792 i. Baron William De Bulkeley (born in Oakley, Shropshire Co, England - died on 4 Mar 1571)
91585. Grisel Molton
Grisel married Baron Humphrey De Bulkeley.
91586. William Hill
William married Alice De Bunbury.
The child from this marriage was:
45793 i. Beatrice Hill
91587. Alice De Bunbury
Alice married William Hill.
91588. Randall Grosvenor, son of Thomas Grosvenor and Isabella Peshall, was born about 1450 in Bellaport, Shropshire, England and died on 1 Mar 1521 about age 71.
Randall married Margaret Mainwaring. Margaret was born about 1455.
The child from this marriage was:
45794 i. Randelle Grosvenor (born about 1480 in Bellaport, Shropshire, England - died about 1559)
91589. Margaret Mainwaring, daughter of Randall Mainwaring and Unknown, was born about 1455.
Margaret married Randall Grosvenor. Randall was born about 1450 in Bellaport, Shropshire, England and died on 1 Mar 1521 about age 71.
91590. Richard Charlton, son of Robert Charlton and Mary Corbet, was born about 1450 in Apley, Shropshire Co, England and died in 1522 about age 72.
Richard married Anne Mainwaring.
The child from this marriage was:
45795 i. Anne Charlton (born about 1480 in Mackleston, Shropshire, England)
91591. Anne Mainwaring
Anne married Richard Charlton. Richard was born about 1450 in Apley, Shropshire Co, England and died in 1522 about age 72.
91594. John Bountayne
John married someone.
His child was:
45797 i. Alice Bountagne (died in 1557)
91600. Richard Allen was born in Thaxted, Essex Co, England and died on 23 Jun 1527. Another name for Richard was Richard Allyn.
Richard married Agnes.
The child from this marriage was:
45800 i. John Allen (died on 22 Jun 1558)
91601. Agnes
Agnes married Richard Allen. Richard was born in Thaxted, Essex Co, England and died on 23 Jun 1527. Another name for Richard was Richard Allyn.
91602. Giles Leigh, son of Henry Legh and Margaret, was born in Walton, Surrey, England and died on 7 Aug 1538.
Giles married Katherine Bold.
The child from this marriage was:
45801 i. Margaret Leigh (died on 7 Aug 1538)
91603. Katherine Bold
Katherine married Giles Leigh. Giles was born in Walton, Surrey, England and died on 7 Aug 1538.
91604. Thomas Arblastre, son of James Arblastre and Agnes Walton, was born about 1462 in Naylond, Suffolk, England.
Thomas married Joan Reynham.
The child from this marriage was:
45802 i. Thomas Arblastre (born about 1491)
91605. Joan Reynham
Joan married Thomas Arblastre. Thomas was born about 1462 in Naylond, Suffolk, England.
91606. William Markaunt
William married Agnes.
The child from this marriage was:
45803 i. Agnes Markaunt
91607. Agnes
Agnes married William Markaunt.
91608. Ralph Fairclough
Ralph married Grace Standish.
The child from this marriage was:
45804 i. Lawrence Fairclough
91609. Grace Standish
Grace married Ralph Fairclough.
91648. John Bushnell was buried in Tylehurst, Berkshire, England.
John married someone
His child was:
45824 i. William Bushnell (born in Tilehurst, Berkshire Co, England - died about 1564)
181042. Thomas Thoresby died in 1510.
General Notes: He was a merchant and Mayor of Lynn.
Thomas married someone
His child was:
90521 i. Beatrix Thoresby
181046. Baron Gilbert Haltoft
Gilbert married Margaret.
The child from this marriage was:
90523 i. Alice Haltoft (died about 10 Jan 1457)
181047. Margaret
Margaret married Baron Gilbert Haltoft.
183168. Baron Hugh De Bulkeley
Hugh married Helen Wilbraham.
The child from this marriage was:
91584 i. Baron Humphrey De Bulkeley
183169. Helen Wilbraham
Helen married Baron Hugh De Bulkeley.
183170. John Moulton
John married someone.
His child was:
91585 i. Grisel Molton
183176. Thomas Grosvenor, son of Sir Thomas Grosvenor and Joan Venables, was born about 1415 in Drayton, England.
Thomas married Isabella Peshall.
The child from this marriage was:
91588 i. Randall Grosvenor (born about 1450 in Bellaport, Shropshire, England - died on 1 Mar 1521)
183177. Isabella Peshall
Isabella married Thomas Grosvenor. Thomas was born about 1415 in Drayton, England.
183178. Randall Mainwaring
Randall married someone.
His child was:
91589 i. Margaret Mainwaring (born about 1455)
183180. Robert Charlton, son of Thomas Charlton and Elizabeth Francis, was born before 1430 and died in 1471.
Robert married Mary Corbet. Mary was born about 1430.
The child from this marriage was:
91590 i. Richard Charlton (born about 1450 in Apley, Shropshire Co, England - died in 1522)
183181. Mary Corbet, daughter of Robert Corbet and Margery Mallory, was born about 1430.
Mary married Robert Charlton. Robert was born before 1430 and died in 1471.
183182. William Mainwaring, son of Randle Mainwaring and Margaret Venables, was born in Ightfield, Shropshire Co, England and died in 1499.
William married Margery Warren.
The child from this marriage was:
91591 i. Anne Mainwaring
183183. Margery Warren
Margery married William Mainwaring. William was born in Ightfield, Shropshire Co, England and died in 1499.
183204. Henry Legh, son of Thomas Legh and Joan, died on 25 Nov 1495.
Henry married Margaret.
The child from this marriage was:
91602 i. Giles Leigh (born in Walton, Surrey, England - died on 7 Aug 1538)
183205. Margaret
Margaret married Henry Legh. Henry died on 25 Nov 1495.
183208. James Arblastre, son of Thomas Arblastre and Alice Botiler, was born in Tendring & Black Notley, Essex, England and died in 1493.
James married Agnes Walton.
The child from this marriage was:
91604 i. Thomas Arblastre (born about 1462 in Naylond, Suffolk, England)
183209. Agnes Walton
Agnes married James Arblastre. James was born in Tendring & Black Notley, Essex, England and died in 1493.
183210. Robert Reynham
Robert married Joan Bogeys.
The child from this marriage was:
91605 i. Joan Reynham
183211. Joan Bogeys
Joan married Robert Reynham.
183216. Ralph Fairclough
Ralph married someone.
His child was:
91608 i. Ralph Fairclough
183218. Oliver Standish
Oliver married someone.
His child was:
91609 i. Grace Standish
366336. Baron John De Bulkeley, son of Baron Peter De Bulkeley and Nichola Bird, was born in Houghton, Cheshire Co, England and died in 1450.
John married Arderne Titley.
The child from this marriage was:
183168 i. Baron Hugh De Bulkeley
366337. Arderne Titley
Arderne married Baron John De Bulkeley. John was born in Houghton, Cheshire Co, England and died in 1450.
366338. Thomas Wilbraham
Thomas married someone.
His child was:
183169 i. Helen Wilbraham
366352. Sir Thomas Grosvenor, son of Sir Robert Le Grosvenor and Joan De Pulford, was born in 1377 and died in 1429 at age 52.
General Notes: He inherited Pulford.
Thomas married Joan Venables.
The child from this marriage was:
183176 i. Thomas Grosvenor (born about 1415 in Drayton, England)
366353. Joan Venables
Joan married Sir Thomas Grosvenor. Thomas was born in 1377 and died in 1429 at age 52.
366354. Richard Peshall
Richard married someone.
His child was:
183177 i. Isabella Peshall
366360. Thomas Charlton, son of William De Knightly and Anne De Charlton, was born on 30 Mar 1394 and died on 4 Jan 1460 at age 65.
General Notes: He was the heir of Apley and adopted his Mother's last name.
Thomas married Elizabeth Francis.
The child from this marriage was:
183180 i. Robert Charlton (born before 1430 - died in 1471)
366361. Elizabeth Francis
Elizabeth married Thomas Charlton. Thomas was born on 30 Mar 1394 and died on 4 Jan 1460 at age 65.
366362. Robert Corbet, son of Roger Corbet and Margaret Erdington, was born in Morton, Shropshire Co, England and died in 1440.
Robert married Margery Mallory. Margery was born about 1397.
The child from this marriage was:
183181 i. Mary Corbet (born about 1430)
366363. Margery Mallory, daughter of Sir William Mallory and Unknown, was born about 1397.
Margery married Robert Corbet. Robert was born in Morton, Shropshire Co, England and died in 1440.
366364. Randle Mainwaring, son of William Mainwaring and Elizabeth Leycester, died in 1456 in Stone Chaple, Over Peover.
Randle married Margaret Venables.
The child from this marriage was:
183182 i. William Mainwaring (born in Ightfield, Shropshire Co, England - died in 1499)
366365. Margaret Venables
Margaret married Randle Mainwaring. Randle died in 1456 in Stone Chaple, Over Peover.
366408. Thomas Legh, son of Thomas Legh and Alice Botiler, was born in Dec 1438 and died on 23 Apr 1509 at age 70.
Thomas married Joan. Joan died on 24 Aug 1509.
The child from this marriage was:
183204 i. Henry Legh (died on 25 Nov 1495)
366409. Joan died on 24 Aug 1509.
Joan married Thomas Legh. Thomas was born in Dec 1438 and died on 23 Apr 1509 at age 70.
366416. Thomas Arblastre
Thomas married Alice Botiler. Alice died on 27 Feb 1441.
The child from this marriage was:
183208 i. James Arblastre (born in Tendring & Black Notley, Essex, England - died in 1493)
366417. Alice Botiler died on 27 Feb 1441.
Alice married Thomas Arblastre.
366418. Robert Walton
Robert married someone.
His child was:
183209 i. Agnes Walton
366432. Richard Fairclough
Richard married someone.
His child was:
183216 i. Ralph Fairclough
366436. Sir Alexander Standish, son of Lawrence Standish and Lora Pilkington, died in 1445.
Alexander married Constance Gerard in 1421. Constance was born in 1402.
The child from this marriage was:
183218 i. Oliver Standish
366437. Constance Gerard, daughter of John Gerard and Alice Botiler, was born in 1402.
Constance married Sir Alexander Standish in 1421. Alexander died in 1445.
732672. Baron Peter De Bulkeley
Peter married Nichola Bird.
The child from this marriage was:
366336 i. Baron John De Bulkeley (born in Houghton, Cheshire Co, England - died in 1450)
732673. Nichola Bird
Nichola married Baron Peter De Bulkeley.
732674. John Titley
John married someone.
His child was:
366337 i. Arderne Titley
732704. Sir Robert Le Grosvenor, son of Ralph Le Grosvenor and Joan, was born about 1342 and died on 22 Apr 1396 about age 54.
General Notes: He did homage in 1373. Joan de Pulford was his second wife. He was a knight and a sheriff.
Robert married Joan De Pulford.
The child from this marriage was:
366352 i. Sir Thomas Grosvenor (born in 1377 - died in 1429)
732705. Joan De Pulford
Joan married Sir Robert Le Grosvenor. Robert was born about 1342 and died on 22 Apr 1396 about age 54.
732706. Sir Richard Venables
Richard married someone.
His child was:
366353 i. Joan Venables
732720. William De Knightly
William married Anne De Charlton. Anne was born before 1380 and died before 1399.
The child from this marriage was:
366360 i. Thomas Charlton (born on 30 Mar 1394 - died on 4 Jan 1460)
732721. Anne De Charlton, daughter of Thomas De Charlton and Unknown, was born before 1380 and died before 1399.
Anne married William De Knightly.
732722. Sir Adam Frauncys
Adam married someone.
His child was:
366361 i. Elizabeth Francis
732724. Roger Corbet, son of Robert Corbet and Elizabeth Le Strange, died in 1394.
Roger married Margaret Erdington. Margaret died in 1395.
The child from this marriage was:
366362 i. Robert Corbet (born in Morton, Shropshire Co, England - died in 1440)
732725. Margaret Erdington, daughter of Sir Giles De Erdington and Unknown, died in 1395.
Margaret married Roger Corbet. Roger died in 1394.
732726. Sir William Mallory, son of Sir Anketil Mallory and Alice De Dryby, was born about 1380.
William married someone
His child was:
366363 i. Margery Mallory (born about 1397)
732728. William Mainwaring, son of William Mainwaring and Mary Davenport, died in 1364.
William married Elizabeth Leycester.
The child from this marriage was:
366364 i. Randle Mainwaring (died in 1456 in Stone Chaple, Over Peover)
732729. Elizabeth Leycester
Elizabeth married William Mainwaring. William died in 1364.
732816. Thomas Legh, son of John De Legh and Unknown, was born about 1403 and died in 1439 about age 36.
Thomas married Alice Botiler.
The child from this marriage was:
366408 i. Thomas Legh (born in Dec 1438 - died on 23 Apr 1509)
732817. Alice Botiler
Alice married Thomas Legh. Thomas was born about 1403 and died in 1439 about age 36.
732864. Lawrence Fairclough, son of Ralph Fairclough and Margaret Banastre, was born about 1425.
General Notes: He was a knight.
Lawrence married someone
His child was:
366432 i. Richard Fairclough
732872. Lawrence Standish
Lawrence married Lora Pilkington.
The child from this marriage was:
366436 i. Sir Alexander Standish (died in 1445)
732873. Lora Pilkington
Lora married Lawrence Standish.
732874. John Gerard, son of Sir Thomas Gerard and Isabel, was born in Kingsley & Bryn and died on 6 Nov 1431.
John married Alice Botiler. Alice died on 27 Feb 1441.
The child from this marriage was:
366437 i. Constance Gerard (born in 1402)
732875. Alice Botiler, daughter of Sir John Boteler and Alice De Plumpton, died on 27 Feb 1441.
Alice married John Gerard. John was born in Kingsley & Bryn and died on 6 Nov 1431.
1465344. Baron Robert De Bulkeley
Robert married Agnes.
The child from this marriage was:
732672 i. Baron Peter De Bulkeley
1465345. Agnes
Agnes married Baron Robert De Bulkeley.
1465346. Thomas Le Brid
Thomas married someone.
His child was:
732673 i. Nichola Bird
1465408. Ralph Le Grosvenor, son of Robert Le Grosvenor and Emma De Modburlegh, died before 1356 and was buried in Nether Peover.
Ralph married Joan.
The child from this marriage was:
732704 i. Sir Robert Le Grosvenor (born about 1342 - died on 22 Apr 1396)
1465409. Joan
Joan married Ralph Le Grosvenor. Ralph died before 1356 and was buried in Nether Peover.
1465410. Robert De Pulford
Robert married someone.
His child was:
732705 i. Joan De Pulford
1465442. Thomas De Charlton, son of Alan De Charlton and Margery Fitz Aer, was born about 1345 and died on 6 Oct 1387 about age 42.
Thomas married someone
His child was:
732721 i. Anne De Charlton (born before 1380 - died before 1399)
1465448. Robert Corbet was born in 1304 and died in 1375 at age 71.
Robert married Elizabeth Le Strange.
The child from this marriage was:
732724 i. Roger Corbet (died in 1394)
1465449. Elizabeth Le Strange
Elizabeth married Robert Corbet. Robert was born in 1304 and died in 1375 at age 71.
1465450. Sir Giles De Erdington
Giles married someone.
His child was:
732725 i. Margaret Erdington (died in 1395)
1465452. Sir Anketil Mallory
Anketil married Alice De Dryby. Alice was born about 1340 and died in 1412 about age 72.
The child from this marriage was:
732726 i. Sir William Mallory (born about 1380)
1465453. Alice De Dryby, daughter of John De Dryby and Anne De Gavaston, was born about 1340 and died in 1412 about age 72.
Alice married Sir Anketil Mallory.
1465456. William Mainwaring, son of Roger Mainwaring and Christian De Virtles, died about 1338.
William married Mary Davenport.
The child from this marriage was:
732728 i. William Mainwaring (died in 1364)
1465457. Mary Davenport
Mary married William Mainwaring. William died about 1338.
1465632. John De Legh, son of John De Legh and Katherine, was born about 1303 and died in 1349 about age 46.
John married someone
His child was:
732816 i. Thomas Legh (born about 1403 - died in 1439)
1465634. Thomas Botiler
Thomas married someone.
His child was:
732817 i. Alice Botiler
1465728. Ralph Fairclough
Ralph married Margaret Banastre.
The child from this marriage was:
732864 i. Lawrence Fairclough (born about 1425)
1465729. Margaret Banastre
Margaret married Ralph Fairclough.
1465748. Sir Thomas Gerard
Thomas married Isabel.
The child from this marriage was:
732874 i. John Gerard (born in Kingsley & Bryn - died on 6 Nov 1431)
1465749. Isabel
Isabel married Sir Thomas Gerard.
1465750. Sir John Boteler, son of William Boteler and Elizabeth De Havering, was born in Beusey, Lancastershire, England and died in 1400.
John married Alice De Plumpton.
The child from this marriage was:
732875 i. Alice Botiler (died on 27 Feb 1441)
1465751. Alice De Plumpton
Alice married Sir John Boteler. John was born in Beusey, Lancastershire, England and died in 1400.
2930688. Baron William De Bulkeley
William married Maud Davenport.
The child from this marriage was:
1465344 i. Baron Robert De Bulkeley
2930689. Maud Davenport
Maud married Baron William De Bulkeley.
2930816. Robert Le Grosvenor, son of Robert Le Grosvenor and Margery, was born in Rudheath, died before 1341, and was buried in Great Budworth.
General Notes: He did homage in 1328.
Robert married Emma De Modburlegh.
The child from this marriage was:
1465408 i. Ralph Le Grosvenor (died before 1356, buried in Nether Peover)
2930817. Emma De Modburlegh
Emma married Robert Le Grosvenor. Robert was born in Rudheath, died before 1341, and was buried in Great Budworth.
2930884. Alan De Charlton, son of Alan De Charlton and Elena La Zouche, was born about 1318 and died on 3 May 1349 about age 31.
Alan married Margery Fitz Aer. Margery was born on 4 Apr 1314 and died before 1349.
The child from this marriage was:
1465442 i. Thomas De Charlton (born about 1345 - died on 6 Oct 1387)
2930885. Margery Fitz Aer was born on 4 Apr 1314 and died before 1349.
Margery married Alan De Charlton. Alan was born about 1318 and died on 3 May 1349 about age 31.
Margery next married Alan De Charlton, son of Alan De Charlton and Elena La Zouche. Alan was born about 1318 and died on 3 May 1349 about age 31.
2930898. Fulk Le Strange was born about 1267.
Fulk married Aelinor.
The child from this marriage was:
1465449 i. Elizabeth Le Strange
2930899. Aelinor
Aelinor married Fulk Le Strange. Fulk was born about 1267.
2930906. John De Dryby, son of Thomas De Dryby and Unknown, was born about 1312 in Bredon, Leicestershire, England.
John married Anne De Gavaston. Anne was born in 1312.
The child from this marriage was:
1465453 i. Alice De Dryby (born about 1340 - died in 1412)
2930907. Anne De Gavaston, daughter of Piers De Gavaston and Margaret De Clare, was born in 1312.
Anne married John De Dryby. John was born about 1312 in Bredon, Leicestershire, England.
2930912. Roger Mainwaring
Roger married Christian De Virtles.
The child from this marriage was:
1465456 i. William Mainwaring (died about 1338)
2930913. Christian De Virtles
Christian married Roger Mainwaring.
2931264. John De Legh, son of Roger De Lees and Avelinda De Cruce, was born about 1269 and died in 1325 about age 56.
John married Katherine.
The child from this marriage was:
1465632 i. John De Legh (born about 1303 - died in 1349)
2931265. Katherine
Katherine married John De Legh. John was born about 1269 and died in 1325 about age 56.
2931456. Henry Fairclough
Henry married someone.
His child was:
1465728 i. Ralph Fairclough
2931500. William Boteler
William married Elizabeth De Havering.
The child from this marriage was:
1465750 i. Sir John Boteler (born in Beusey, Lancastershire, England - died in 1400)
2931501. Elizabeth De Havering
Elizabeth married William Boteler.
2931502. Sir William De Plumpton, son of Sir Robert De Plumpton and Lucia De Ros, died in 1362.
William married Christianna.
The child from this marriage was:
1465751 i. Alice De Plumpton
2931503. Christianna
Christianna married Sir William De Plumpton. William died in 1362.
5861376. Baron Robert De Bulkileh, son of Baron William De Bulkeley and Unknown Butler, died before 1233.
General Notes: Lord of the Manors at Bulkeley and other manors in Chester and Salop Counties in England at the time of King John (1199-1216). See N.E.H.G.R Vols. XVI and XXIV.
Robert married Jane Butler.
The child from this marriage was:
2930688 i. Baron William De Bulkeley
5861377. Jane Butler
Jane married Baron Robert De Bulkileh. Robert died before 1233.
5861632. Robert Le Grosvenor, son of Robert Le Grosvenor and Margery, was born in Hulme and died before 1328.
General Notes: He was a minor in 1293. He was a sheriff of Chesire and did homage in 1305.
Robert married Margery.
The child from this marriage was:
2930816 i. Robert Le Grosvenor (born in Rudheath - died before 1341, buried in Great Budworth)
5861633. Margery
Margery married Robert Le Grosvenor. Robert was born in Hulme and died before 1328.
5861634. William De Modburlegh
William married Maud Downes.
The child from this marriage was:
2930817 i. Emma De Modburlegh
5861635. Maud Downes
Maud married William De Modburlegh.
5861768. Alan De Charlton, son of John De Charlton and Unknown, was born in Apley, Shropshire Co, England and died on 3 Dec 1360.
Alan married Elena La Zouche about 1317, daughter of Alan La Zouche and Eleanor De Seagrave. Elena was born in 1288.
The child from this marriage was:
i. Alan De Charlton (born about 1318 - died on 3 May 1349)
Alan next married Elena La Zouche about 1317. Elena was born in 1288.
The child from this marriage was:
2930884 i. Alan De Charlton (born about 1318 - died on 3 May 1349)
5861769. Elena La Zouche, daughter of Baron Alan La Zouche and Eleanor De Seagrave, was born in 1288.
Elena married Alan De Charlton about 1317. Alan was born in Apley, Shropshire Co, England and died on 3 Dec 1360.
5861798. Lord John Gifford was born about 1232 in Brimsfield and died on 29 May 1299 about age 67.
General Notes: He was the 1st Lord Gifford.
John married Maud Clifford.
The child from this marriage was:
2930899 i. Aelinor
5861799. Maud Clifford
Maud married Lord John Gifford. John was born about 1232 in Brimsfield and died on 29 May 1299 about age 67.
5861812. Thomas De Dryby, son of John De Dryby and Unknown, was born about 1290.
General Notes: He may have been illigitemate.
Thomas married someone
His child was:
2930906 i. John De Dryby (born about 1312 in Bredon, Leicestershire, England)
5861814. Piers De Gavaston
Piers married Margaret De Clare.
The child from this marriage was:
2930907 i. Anne De Gavaston (born in 1312)
5861815. Margaret De Clare
Margaret married Piers De Gavaston.
5861824. William Mainwaring
William married someone.
His child was:
2930912 i. Roger Mainwaring
5862528. Roger De Lees
Roger married Avelinda De Cruce. Avelinda died in 1299.
The child from this marriage was:
2931264 i. John De Legh (born about 1269 - died in 1325)
5862529. Avelinda De Cruce, daughter of Geoffrey De Cruce and Unknown, died in 1299.
Avelinda married Roger De Lees.
5863002. Nicholas De Havering
Nicholas married someone.
His child was:
2931501 i. Elizabeth De Havering
5863004. Sir Robert De Plumpton died in 1325.
General Notes: He was a Knight in Yorkshire.
Robert married Lucia De Ros.
The child from this marriage was:
2931502 i. Sir William De Plumpton (died in 1362)
5863005. Lucia De Ros
Lucia married Sir Robert De Plumpton. Robert died in 1325.
11722752. Baron William De Bulkeley
William married Unknown Butler.
The child from this marriage was:
5861376 i. Baron Robert De Bulkileh (died before 1233)
11722753. Unknown Butler
Unknown married Baron William De Bulkeley.
11722754. Sir William Butler
William married someone.
His child was:
5861377 i. Jane Butler
11723264. Robert Le Grosvenor, son of Richard Le Grosvenor and Unknown, was born in Hulme, died before 1293, and was buried in Friar Minors.
Robert married Margery.
The child from this marriage was:
5861632 i. Robert Le Grosvenor (born in Hulme - died before 1328)
11723265. Margery
Margery married Robert Le Grosvenor. Robert was born in Hulme, died before 1293, and was buried in Friar Minors.
11723270. Robert Downes
Robert married someone.
His child was:
5861635 i. Maud Downes
11723536. John De Charlton
John married someone.
His child was:
5861768 i. Alan De Charlton (born in Apley, Shropshire Co, England - died on 3 Dec 1360)
11723538. Baron Alan La Zouche, son of Sir Roger La Zouche and Ela Longspée, was born in 1267 in Asby, Ash, Leiscestershire, England and died in 1314 at age 47.
Alan married Eleanor De Seagrave.
The child from this marriage was:
5861769 i. Elena La Zouche (born in 1288)
11723539. Eleanor De Seagrave
Eleanor married Baron Alan La Zouche. Alan was born in 1267 in Asby, Ash, Leiscestershire, England and died in 1314 at age 47.
11723598. Walter Clifford, son of Walter Clifford and Margaret De Toni, was born in Clifford Castle, Herefordshire, England and died in 1263.
Walter married Margaret Of Wales.
The child from this marriage was:
5861799 i. Maud Clifford
11723599. Margaret Of Wales
Margaret married Walter Clifford. Walter was born in Clifford Castle, Herefordshire, England and died in 1263.
11723624. John De Dryby, son of Robert De Dryby and Joan De Tateshalle, was born about 1268.
John married someone
His child was:
5861812 i. Thomas De Dryby (born about 1290)
11723628. Sir Edmund De Gavaston
Edmund married Lady Clarmunda De Marsanet & Louvigny.
The child from this marriage was:
5861814 i. Piers De Gavaston
11723629. Lady Clarmunda De Marsanet & Louvigny
Clarmunda married Sir Edmund De Gavaston.
11723630. Gilbert De Clare, son of Richard De Clare and Maud De Lacy, was born in 1243 and died in 1295 at age 52.
General Notes: He was the Earl of Hertford.
Gilbert married Joanne Of Acre in 1289. Joanne was born in 1272 and died in 1307 at age 35.
The child from this marriage was:
5861815 i. Margaret De Clare
11723631. Joanne Of Acre, daughter of King Edward I Of England and Eleanor Of Castille, was born in 1272 and died in 1307 at age 35.
Joanne married Gilbert De Clare in 1289. Gilbert was born in 1243 and died in 1295 at age 52.
11723648. William Mainwaring
William married someone.
His child was:
5861824 i. William Mainwaring
11725058. Geoffrey De Cruce
Geoffrey married someone.
His child was:
5862529 i. Avelinda De Cruce (died in 1299)
11726010. Sir William De Ros
William married Eustache Fitzhugh.
The child from this marriage was:
5863005 i. Lucia De Ros
11726011. Eustache Fitzhugh
Eustache married Sir William De Ros.
23445504. Baron Robert De Bulkeley
Robert married someone.
His child was:
11722752 i. Baron William De Bulkeley
23445506. Thomas Butler
Thomas married someone.
His child was:
11722753 i. Unknown Butler
23446528. Richard Le Grosvenor
Richard married someone.
His child was:
11723264 i. Robert Le Grosvenor (born in Hulme - died before 1293, buried in Friar Minors)
23447076. Sir Roger La Zouche died in 1285.
Roger married Ela Longspée.
The child from this marriage was:
11723538 i. Baron Alan La Zouche (born in 1267 in Asby, Ash, Leiscestershire, England - died in 1314)
23447077. Ela Longspée
Ela married Sir Roger La Zouche. Roger died in 1285.
23447078. Nicholas De Seagrave died in 1295.
Nicholas married Maud De Lucy. Maud died in 1337.
The child from this marriage was:
11723539 i. Eleanor De Seagrave
23447079. Maud De Lucy died in 1337.
Maud married Nicholas De Seagrave. Nicholas died in 1295.
23447196. Walter Clifford died in 1190.
Walter married Margaret De Toni.
The child from this marriage was:
11723598 i. Walter Clifford (born in Clifford Castle, Herefordshire, England - died in 1263)
23447197. Margaret De Toni
Margaret married Walter Clifford. Walter died in 1190.
23447198. PrinceLlewellyn Apiowerth Of Wales was born in 1173 and died in 1240 at age 67.
Llewellyn married Joan. Joan was born before 1200 and died on 30 May 1236.
The child from this marriage was:
11723599 i. Margaret Of Wales
23447199. Joan, daughter of King John Of England and Unknown, was born before 1200 and died on 30 May 1236.
General Notes: In April 1226 Pope Honorious III made her legitimate.
Joan married Prince Llewellyn Apiowerth Of Wales. Llewellyn was born in 1173 and died in 1240 at age 67.
23447248. Robert De Dryby was born in Tumby and died before 1279.
Robert married Joan De Tateshalle. Joan was born about 1250 and died on 8 Oct 1329 about age 79.
The child from this marriage was:
11723624 i. John De Dryby (born about 1268)
23447249. Joan De Tateshalle, daughter of Robert De Tateshalle and Unknown, was born about 1250 and died on 8 Oct 1329 about age 79.
Joan married Robert De Dryby. Robert was born in Tumby and died before 1279.
23447256. Ervald De Gavaston
Ervald married Margaret De Clare.
The child from this marriage was:
11723628 i. Sir Edmund De Gavaston
23447257. Margaret De Clare
Margaret married Ervald De Gavaston.
23447260. Richard De Clare was born in 1222 and died in 1262 at age 40.
General Notes: He was the Earl of Hertford.
Richard married Maud De Lacy.
The child from this marriage was:
11723630 i. Gilbert De Clare (born in 1243 - died in 1295)
23447261. Maud De Lacy
Maud married Richard De Clare. Richard was born in 1222 and died in 1262 at age 40.
23447262. KingEdward I Of England
Edward married Eleanor Of Castille.
The child from this marriage was:
11723631 i. Joanne Of Acre (born in 1272 - died in 1307)
23447263. Eleanor Of Castille
Eleanor married King Edward I Of England.
23447296. Sir Roger Mainwaring
Roger married someone.
His child was:
11723648 i. William Mainwaring
23450116. Sir Reginald De Cruce
Reginald married Mirabel Fitzoger.
The child from this marriage was:
11725058 i. Geoffrey De Cruce
23450117. Mirabel Fitzoger
Mirabel married Sir Reginald De Cruce.
23452020. Sir William De Ros was born in Helmsley and died about 1264.
William married Lucy Fitzpiers.
The child from this marriage was:
11726010 i. Sir William De Ros
23452021. Lucy Fitzpiers
Lucy married Sir William De Ros. William was born in Helmsley and died about 1264.
23452022. Ralph Fitzhugh
Ralph married Agnes De Greasley.
The child from this marriage was:
11726011 i. Eustache Fitzhugh
23452023. Agnes De Greasley
Agnes married Ralph Fitzhugh.
46893056. Randle Le Grosvenor, son of Robert Le Grosvenor and Alice, was born in Budworth and died before 1232.
Randle married someone
His child was:
23446528 i. Richard Le Grosvenor
46894398. KingJohn Of England, son of King Henry II and Eleanor D'aquitaine, was born in 1166 and died in 1216 at age 50.
John married someone
His child was:
23447199 i. Joan (born before 1200 - died on 30 May 1236)
46894498. Robert De Tateshalle, son of Robert De Tateshalle and Mabel D'aubigny, was born in Buckenham, Norfolk, England and died in 1273.
Robert married someone
His child was:
23447249 i. Joan De Tateshalle (born about 1250 - died on 8 Oct 1329)
46900234. Oger
Oger married Amy De Selfege.
The child from this marriage was:
23450117 i. Mirabel Fitzoger
46900235. Amy De Selfege
Amy married Oger.
93786112. Robert Le Grosvenor
Robert married Alice.
The child from this marriage was:
46893056 i. Randle Le Grosvenor (born in Budworth - died before 1232)
93786113. Alice
Alice married Robert Le Grosvenor.
93788796. KingHenry II, son of Count Geoffrey V Plantagenet and Matilda Of England, was born in 1133 and died in 1189 at age 56.
Henry married Eleanor D'aquitaine in 1152. Eleanor was born in 1128 and died in 1204 at age 76.
The child from this marriage was:
46894398 i. King John Of England (born in 1166 - died in 1216)
93788797. Eleanor D'aquitaine, daughter of Duke Guillaume X D'aquitaine and Eleanore De Chastelleraut, was born in 1128 and died in 1204 at age 76.
Eleanor married King Henry II in 1152. Henry was born in 1133 and died in 1189 at age 56.
93788996. Robert De Tateshalle
Robert married Mabel D'aubigny. Mabel died before 1243.
The child from this marriage was:
46894498 i. Robert De Tateshalle (born in Buckenham, Norfolk, England - died in 1273)
93788997. Mabel D'aubigny, daughter of Earl William D'aubigny and Mabel Chester, died before 1243.
Mabel married Robert De Tateshalle.
93800468. Senachel Oger Dapifer
Oger married someone.
His child was:
46900234 i. Oger
187577592. Count Geoffrey V Plantagenet, son of Fulk V Plantagenet and Ermengarde Du Maine, was born in 1113 and died in 1151 at age 38.
General Notes: He was the Count of Anjou.
Geoffrey married Matilda Of England in 1129. Matilda was born in 1103 and died in 1167 at age 64.
The child from this marriage was:
93788796 i. King Henry II (born in 1133 - died in 1189)
187577593. Matilda Of England, daughter of Henry I Of England and Matilda Of Scotland, was born in 1103 and died in 1167 at age 64.
Matilda married Count Geoffrey V Plantagenet in 1129. Geoffrey was born in 1113 and died in 1151 at age 38.
187577594. Duke Guillaume X D'aquitaine, son of Duke Guillaume IX D'aquitaine and Maud De Toulouse, was born in 1099 and died in 1137 at age 38.
Guillaume married Eleanore De Chastelleraut.
The child from this marriage was:
93788797 i. Eleanor D'aquitaine (born in 1128 - died in 1204)
187577595. Eleanore De Chastelleraut
Eleanore married Duke Guillaume X D'aquitaine. Guillaume was born in 1099 and died in 1137 at age 38.
187577994. Earl William D'aubigny, son of Earl William D'albini and Maud De Hilary, died in 1220.
General Notes: He was the Earl of Arundel, a Magna Charta Baron.
William married Mabel Chester.
The child from this marriage was:
93788997 i. Mabel D'aubigny (died before 1243)
187577995. Mabel Chester
Mabel married Earl William D'aubigny. William died in 1220.
375155184. Fulk V Plantagenet, son of Unknown and Unknown, was born in 1092 and died in 1144 at age 52.
Fulk married Ermengarde Du Maine. Ermengarde died in 1126.
The child from this marriage was:
187577592 i. Count Geoffrey V Plantagenet (born in 1113 - died in 1151)
375155185. Ermengarde Du Maine died in 1126.
Ermengarde married Fulk V Plantagenet. Fulk was born in 1092 and died in 1144 at age 52.
375155186. Henry I Of England, son of William "The Conqueror" and Maud Of Flanders, was born in 1070 and died in 1135 at age 65.
Henry married Matilda Of Scotland.
The child from this marriage was:
187577593 i. Matilda Of England (born in 1103 - died in 1167)
375155187. Matilda Of Scotland
Matilda married Henry I Of England. Henry was born in 1070 and died in 1135 at age 65.
375155188. Duke Guillaume IX D'aquitaine was born in 1061 and died in 1127 at age 66.
Guillaume married Maud De Toulouse.
The child from this marriage was:
187577594 i. Duke Guillaume X D'aquitaine (born in 1099 - died in 1137)
375155189. Maud De Toulouse
Maud married Duke Guillaume IX D'aquitaine. Guillaume was born in 1061 and died in 1127 at age 66.
375155190. Aimery I De Chastelieraut died about 1136.
Aimery married Dangerose.
The child from this marriage was:
187577595 i. Eleanore De Chastelleraut
375155191. Dangerose
Dangerose married Aimery I De Chastelieraut. Aimery died about 1136.
375155988. Earl William D'albini died in 1193.
General Notes: He was the Earl of Arundel.
William married Maud De Hilary.
The child from this marriage was:
187577994 i. Earl William D'aubigny (died in 1220)
375155989. Maud De Hilary
Maud married Earl William D'albini. William died in 1193.
375155990. Earl Hugh De Meschines was born in 1147 and died in 1181 at age 34.
General Notes: He was the Earl of Chester.
Hugh married Bertred De Montford in 1169. Bertred was born in 1155 and died in 1227 at age 72.
The child from this marriage was:
187577995 i. Mabel Chester
375155991. Bertred De Montford was born in 1155 and died in 1227 at age 72.
Bertred married Earl Hugh De Meschines in 1169. Hugh was born in 1147 and died in 1181 at age 34.
750310372. William "The Conqueror" " son of Duke Robert Of Normandy and Herleve De Falaise, was born in 1027 and died in 1087 at age 60.
William married Maud Of Flanders in 1053. Maud died in 1083.
The child from this marriage was:
375155186 i. Henry I Of England (born in 1070 - died in 1135)
750310373. Maud Of Flanders, daughter of Count Baldwin V Of Flanders and Adele Of France, died in 1083.
Maud married William "The Conqueror" in 1053. William was born in 1027 and died in 1087 at age 60.
750310374. KingMalcolm III Of Scotland, son of Duncan I Of Scotland and Sibyl Of Northumberland, was born in 1031 and died in 1093 at age 62.
Malcolm married Margaret Of England in 1068. Margaret was born in 1045 and died in 1093 at age 48.
The child from this marriage was:
375155187 i. Matilda Of Scotland
750310375. Margaret Of England, daughter of Edward Of England and Agatha Of Germany, was born in 1045 and died in 1093 at age 48.
Margaret married King Malcolm III Of Scotland in 1068. Malcolm was born in 1031 and died in 1093 at age 62.
1500620744. DukeRobert Of Normandy, son of Duke Richard II Of Normandy and Judith De Bretagne, died in 1035.
Robert married Herleve De Falaise.
The child from this marriage was:
750310372 i. William "The Conqueror" (born in 1027 - died in 1087)
1500620745. Herleve De Falaise
Herleve married Duke Robert Of Normandy. Robert died in 1035.
1500620746. CountBaldwin V Of Flanders
Baldwin married Adele Of France.
The child from this marriage was:
750310373 i. Maud Of Flanders (died in 1083)
1500620747. Adele Of France
Adele married Count Baldwin V Of Flanders.
1500620748. Duncan I Of Scotland was born in 1001 and died in 1040 at age 39.
Duncan married Sibyl Of Northumberland about 1030. Sibyl died in 1040.
The child from this marriage was:
750310374 i. King Malcolm III Of Scotland (born in 1031 - died in 1093)
1500620749. Sibyl Of Northumberland died in 1040.
Sibyl married Duncan I Of Scotland about 1030. Duncan was born in 1001 and died in 1040 at age 39.
1500620750. Edward Of England was born about 1016 and died about 1057 about age 41.
Edward married Agatha Of Germany.
The child from this marriage was:
750310375 i. Margaret Of England (born in 1045 - died in 1093)
1500620751. Agatha Of Germany
Agatha married Edward Of England. Edward was born about 1016 and died about 1057 about age 41.
3001241488. DukeRichard II Of Normandy died in 1026.
Richard married Judith De Bretagne.
The child from this marriage was:
1500620744 i. Duke Robert Of Normandy (died in 1035)
3001241489. Judith De Bretagne
Judith married Duke Richard II Of Normandy. Richard died in 1026.
3001241490. Fulbert De Falaise
Fulbert married Doda.
The child from this marriage was:
1500620745 i. Herleve De Falaise
3001241491. Doda
Doda married Fulbert De Falaise.
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